07 September 2010

Take Only What You Need

When you travel it is better not to be weighed down by possessions and articles that will only give you heartaches and worries as you journey.  There are enough problems with travelling without having to worry about whether you are going to lose your possessions.

I was once asked by a rich man what he should do to find the Kingdom of Heaven and I told him to sell all that he had and to follow me, but he didn't do it and so he remained a rich man outside the Kingdom of God's Heaven.

It is hard for a rich man to enter into the state of mind that is our Father's heavenly state of being.  If you have earthly riches, you are forever worried about having them stolen from you and that is not a state of mind that is conducive to heavenly thoughts.

It is far better to have a mind full of good and generous thoughts than to allow the negativity of anxiousness and fear to breed within you.  To travel light means that you can travel quickly and make progress.

With your mind cleared from losing what you have stored away, you can concentrate on the issues that are presented to you now and it is so much easier to go over and help another who is in need without having to keep your eye on your luggage at the airport.

Allow your wealth to build up into a heavenly state of mind where you are relaxed and at ease knowing that you are safe and looked after by our Father and that you lack for nothing.  Have you noticed how the caring people always seem to manage to have enough for their needs?

They may not live in a castle or a big house, but they are happy and carefree because they are free and able to do what they like doing most and that is helping others and thanking their Father for all that they have.

The material things of this Earth do not add up to very much, because what is important is, "Do I have enough to eat and drink and am I sheltered against that rainy day?"  Most people have far more than they need and are they happy?

When we are called to move on and we leave this body behind for good, we can take nothing with us apart from our mindful of thoughts as we progress onwards towards our destination in the great way of how things are beyond our present horizons.

Why do not people fill their minds with positive thinking about good things and help each other, so that in their turn they are helped?  Then when they move on and they travel light, but with all the good things that they need.

If we learn to leave behind what we truly do not want and need, then the first things that we should dispense with are the negative thoughts and worries, which are holding us back.  To be able to meet every issue with a clear mind and positive thinking must be better than having to worry about all the side effects that it might have and, especially "Will I be better or worse off?"

The time that we spend here on this earth plane of existence is but they twinkling of an eye in the existence of eternity for which we have been given life by our Father Creator.

If we set out on this journey, ladened down with excess baggage, our progress is going to be very slow and ponderous, so I am saying to you, "Wake up to your needs and take with you only what you really need to carry and allow our heavenly Father and all his Angels to give to you."

Earn what you need as you progress in the Way of the Lord and all your wants will be supplied, but demand what you want before you have earned it and your greedy intentions will cause for you to have to wait until it is the right time for you to travel truly and correctly.

Let us together recognise the truth of all the teachings that I gave before and clear your mind of all that is negative and we can then journey together, for I know the Way and we will be looked after at every stage.  Amen.

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