The negativity that surrounds you is as a result of what you attract to you. Your mind is a constant source of light and, as a homing beacon for the unseen; you are constantly bombarded by enquiring spirits who are looking for answers to the questions which they had left undone.
To be a good person with a stronger light than the average soul living on this earth plane of existence, is to be noticed by the earthly and seen members of society as well as the departed, who have still to find their way to the next dimension of existence.
Not every soul takes an immediate transition into the areas that have been set aside for the pure in heart and love has still to be demonstrated by many. There are souls whose experience of love is to claim what they want for themselves and not to care about the affect that they may have had on the people around them.
We all have experiences of the takers in our society at whatever level of life we attain in the earthly sense. When they pass out of body they are not fit to join the givers who have profited from their generosity and gone on to the higher consciences of existence.
They, the takers, have to first put right the imbalance in their lives and learn the hard lessons of what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. This is not as easy as you might believe as redress and genuine remorse must be felt.
Until there is a will within to move on towards the light of God's justice in love and humility, nothing can be achieved and there are many 'lost' souls looking for a way to find that justification within themselves to flatter their own egos.
They are sad and remorseful, because they can no longer have it all their own way and they are searching for a way out of their difficulties. Until they learn that they cannot cope alone and that they need to address their own difficulties they wander about poking their noses into everything that they come across.
Many souls from the higher consciences take time out to come down and search for souls who are ready to understand their follies in their life on earth and with compassion and humility examine themselves and turn towards their Creator asking for help and forgiveness.
As time goes on they pay their debts and balance their own books and are able to move upwards and onwards into the brighter light of understanding and advancement. It is not until then that they are fit to join the others who gave in their lives and took personal responsibility for their actions.
I spent three days after my crucifixion with those who were lost and I preached to them and showed them the way out of the darkness of ignorance. There are many others who give of their time to help these souls to move on, but they must be willing and able to feel the necessity of changing their outlooks and, in all truth, move towards God and his kingdom of light and love.
These souls, who are searching for the way, are able to see your light shine out like a beacon and are attracted to it to see and learn from you about how you live your life in the pursuit of helping those around you, which these souls did not do.
So I ask you to let your light shine out to them as a signal to the truth and the real way of living so that they can learn and move on. They cannot harm you as you are so well protected by the loving energy that you emit in living in the true way that you do.
Ask in your quiet moments for illumination to go to them and for you to be protected from your own fears, as there are so many guides and helpers who are attuned to your vibrations and who love you well and these negative vibrations, who are drawn to your light, will learn and move on.
I have to tell you that the more good you do for your fellow man the greater your light shows itself, so let your light shine out and bring comfort to all who see it, that they may watch and learn and move on. Amen.
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