Take a fresh look at yourself and your life and see where it is taking you. The old materialistic approach to life is so dated, as we all have far more than we need and so many have too little.
It is the spiritual existence that matters most, as you cannot take any of the earthly comforts with you when you pass on and yes, life is eternal and so it is no use ignoring that fact until you are at death's door, because my friend you never know when the Almighty Creator is going to call you up to account.
He will not judge you. That is a rumour put around by those who try to profit most from this remarkable state of passing out of body, but with continued and existing life to carry on. Do not be simplistic and go forwards into the beyond with excess baggage and unfinished business.
All you take with you is your soul or divine essence. If you will understand that life was given to you by God and your body only by your parents, so that when you leave your worn out body behind, you take with you your consciousness and all that you have achieved for the betterment of your fellow travellers.
Your eternal journey carries with it all that you have made. These are the fruits of existence like the apples or figs upon a tree. They come from almost nowhere, but they blossom into fruits with seeds for the future and they carry on the line of progression.
Each and every soul has a destiny and a future. We are all on a journey towards where we came from and that is the Creator, who gave us life and an opportunity to explore his created world so that we could learn and prove ourselves to be like him in loving all creations and giving of ourselves for others to exist.
So we cannot progress further if we are carrying the baggage of unfinished business, which are the opportunities to aid and help others around us with love and humility and asking for ourselves no reward, save that we are following our predestined path back the way we came but on another and undisclosed route.
We cannot complete our tasks when we are basking in our own light of achievements and carrying material comforts all around us, when so many are without what we have too much of. We can still be comfortable with less and share in the pleasure of seeing others benefit from our actions, instead of trampling them under foot so we can have more of the same.
Nobody is a saint. That is a label pasted on to other people, who chose to do good deeds and work in the light and illumination of our Father. They pass with substance of achievements into the Light of Understanding and leave behind the petty squabbles of this earth plane, but at some time will usual opt to help Mankind free itself from the yoke of tyranny that it has placed upon its own shoulders.
This is a beautiful world, full of wonder and excitement to those who stop and watch and sense the miracles of creation, which still happen all around us. New live is born in due season and the cycles of the seasons allow for this by resting and hibernating until beckoned out into the warming earth of productivity.
Allow yourselves to understand the greatness of creation and do not rape the countryside for self glories and aggrandisement. There is enough to go round, because you cannot take it when you pass, but you can leave behind good things that you accomplished, which will bear fruits for generations to come.
Take not unfinished business back with you on your journey, but address matters each and every day and do not depart until you have resolved and understood what you came to do and why it is important, not only to you to achieve, but for others to benefit from your actions and learn to pass them on to others and so the creative message flows around in harmony instead of being lost in the avarice of material gain, but short lived and fickle as these things always are.
Take not for yourself, but give everything you can spare to the one who deserves your charity and your love, and remember my friend, that charity begins at home. Amen.
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