09 September 2010

Are You Getting the Right Advice?

To give advice to others can be a noble thing, but how do you know that you are right?

There are many professionals and amateurs throughout the world, who are telling people what to do and very often they don't explain why.  The way of counselling others is important, as the vulnerable and the naive are the ones who so often cannot cope on their own and need to be advised correctly.

The true advisor is one who cares and has an inner sense that serves them well.  This is often called intuition, but comes from a higher source and that person has earned the gift of doing charitable work and being proved right time and time again.

This person is one who has a good heart and uses their mind to guide and help others who are in need by listening to their own guide or conscious, which serves them well.  There is a higher motivation and inner strength that can be relied upon and doesn't admit to not knowing when an answer is needed.

If you receive correct information for yourself or others, you are experiencing contact from loving and helping minds which have gone before and can and do give their time to help others who are experiencing difficulties on their way through life.

I walked my pathway and performed my acts through the help and generosity of others who guided me well and gave through me the powers of healing and enlightenment.  This work cannot be done alone and the results depend on the right gifts from above to the right people below.

We all have failures by those who have not got the faith to do what that heavenly advice is saying, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so to speak.  You cannot experience the flavour without tasting the product.

Surely you can understand my metaphor when I tell you that you must first take a taste of the advice given and test it in your mind and, if it seems reasonable, try it out.  Take a little taste of it and if it is good, then try a little more.

When you find a source of reasonable advice, which is rational and sensible and is proven by others as well as yourself, you know that you have found a spiritual person who has earned for themselves a higher consciousness.

When you have tried and tested the advice given and come out on top each and every time, because you have followed that correctly with the right faith and intentions, then you arrived at a point in time when you must consider where that comes from and can you link into the same stream of spiritual knowledge?

Each and every one of us has gifts from our Father.  We  must learn to use them in the manner that they were given to us and for the right reasons.  We must consciously put aside the easy way and look within ourselves to find the quietness and the truth.

We all have the abilities, but do we have the patience?  The times that are coming and coming fast now, are the times when we will need good advice in order to lead our lives in the right and godly way, so that we are confident to not only walk our right path, but to help others who we meet along the way.

It will be no use at all guessing at the answers as we go through life.  The days of errors are past and it is time to look for the right direction before it is too late.  Know that you are not alone and that help is close at hand.

Find a comfort zone and allow your mind to expand to the possibilities and the probabilities will follow until you develop that knowing and can be at peace in the knowledge that you are doing the right thing and going positively forwards.

I am not far away if you ask for my help and guidance, but if you can't hear me find someone who can help you to hear my words and together we will go through the positive door and leave the negative behind.  Amen to that.

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