21 September 2010

Like Attracts Like or Does it?


Take a good look at yourself and your life and see where all that hard work and labour has got you.  Do you feel closer to the Spirit of Love and Guidance for your life to be on track or is it wallowing around and getting you nowhere?


Do you sometimes feel vulnerable and almost under attack by those random forces that take your breath away and undo what you had put up as being a good thing?  Why should they pick on you?


Like attracts like, my friend – think on that for a moment.  Certainly if you have negative thoughts and your desires are not in the interests of the greater good of those around you, you will be attracting negativity, because it is your 'self interest' which is calling the tune.


You may say that you are not like your wife or your secretary, because they hardly ever think for themselves and usually get it wrong until you have to put them right!  How do you do that my friend – in kindness and consideration or by putting them down as useless?


Here like is not attracted to like, but it once was and now it hasn't enough strength left to get away.  If you dominate another soul instead of helping them to become stronger in their own interests, then you are courting negative thoughts and the reactions to your own actions become definitely down to you.


In order to take away those negative thoughts and actions, it is necessary that you bring about a change of heart and mind and allow the goodness of life to creep in and establish itself.  As goodness grows, so you will become stronger and will not be upset when your plans go wrong, because they are showing another side of the coin which you hadn't realised was possible.


Being too dogmatic and narrow with a mind that cannot expand for fear that it may discover more than you can cope with, is another way of hiding from the truth.  It is not weakness to love and experience a 'feel good factor' when you have helped another instead of crushing him down so that your ego can be flattered.


What is necessary here is an honest approach to what truly makes you tick.  If you feel under siege and battered by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, then perhaps it is time that you took stock of your position and faced the future squarely in the light that nobody is getting any younger and time and opportunities appear to be running out.


To make a good life is not all about making money and collecting material baubles to show off to others how clever and successful you are.  Is your family happy or are you always pushing them to achieve more and not have time out with their friends now and again?


It is a question of a happy and peaceful heart and the knowledge that you do the best for others who know where their inspiration comes from and where spiritual grace is a great achievement, which has to be earned over time and not just by giving a quick fix to another in an unguarded moment.


Take your time, because my friend you have an eternity to live through yet, but if you leave this world worn out by making wealth in your bank balance at the expense of bankrupting your soul, then you have so much further to travel in order to reap what you have sown and, in order to even balance your books, you will have some mighty adjustments to make.


Start to save up your wealth in the next world where neither moths nor rust can corrupt so that you have some bargaining power again for the rainy days of your mistakes and errors, because nobody on this earth plane of existence is perfect.


There is nobody who can save you from your reckoning at the last, because nobody can take another's errors for themselves.  Our Creator gave each and every soul that he made a path of their own to develop and achieve good things and so to be found wanting when you pass from here I can assure you is a very uncomfortable way to be.


I pray that all Mankind as individuals will heed the warnings and the teachings of those who speak aloud about the firmament of our Father's creation and the joy of life which awaits each and every one, who earns and deserves a place in the love and companionship of all creatures.  Amen.



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