To stretch yourself too far is to put yourself in the position of losing cohesion, not only on your physical attributes, but also your spiritual safeguards.
By spreading yourself too thinly, so you are liable to become unstuck. It is because of this that spiritual happenings are never rushed, no stone is ever left unturned so that the guidance that you are given becomes assured.
Often you wonder, "When is it going to happen? Is it too late? Was it really true what I believed was going to happen?"
Well, I can assure you that from the Realms of Spirit runs the accuracy of ages. We seldom make mistakes, but it is possible to misread the intentions of the thoughts that occupy the earthly minds.
We study your thought processes and believe that we can predict your behaviour, but occasionally you react in an unexpected manner and your intentions are different. You can be very irrational without very much effort.
It is not surprising that when an earthly soul comes up against an unexpected situation it will react. Sometimes this is very predictable and at other times it can surprise even us who know and love you well.
But if you behave in a solid dependable way without taking risks or gambling with your future, we are able to help you by bringing opportunities that we know you will surmount and from which you will prosper.
Alas, some of you prefer to spread your resources too thinly and are in danger of jeopardising the smooth running of your earthly lives, when guided through love, to give you progression and enlightenment along the highway.
Most of you belong to an instant society. You are not prepared to wait for the best opportunity to come your way, but prefer to demand your results in an instant, which however may not be in your best interests.
Weighing up the best way to go, when it affects you and your families and friends, should not be accomplished in the twinkling of an eye. Surely you would agree that to put your livelihood on the line resulting from the turnover of a card is a very dangerous philosophy.
Many of you know where your future lies and what is to be done. The rescue package has been predicted and you know in your heart of hearts that it will come. Where it not to, what would be the point of your further existence?
To trust and have faith are noble sentiments and are essential to the wellbeing and smooth running order of a spiritual life, be it in western civilisations or more towards the eastern theologies with strong patterns of other extremes that lie between the two.
No man or woman should be without their higher illuminary, because the human soul requires something higher to emulate and place hope and trust in rather than exist in the mundane thoughts of earthly negativity.
Do not hide your lights away, but let them shine out as a positive sign that you believe in the higher orders of decency, fairness and justice. Live your life to the highest ideals that you know and pursue the best intentions in all that you do.
In this, be dependable and solid, so that your reactions are always predictable. Do not spread yourself too thinly and try and please everybody all of the time, because this is impossible and will lead in time to your downfall.
Allow all who know you to love you for your dependability and strength, so that they may walk with you and give you support and then the opportunities that are brought to you will be more easily surmountable.
Your gifts from our Father will be there when you are best able to cope with them and make the best contribution for yourselves and the greater good.
Worry not if you have to wait a little longer. Do not stretch what you have too far, but only allow your trust in your spiritual future to colour your outlook so that everybody gains. Amen.
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