15 June 2010

Change for the Better and find Love in your Heart


To be in a regular state of grace, it is necessary to understand the wishes of our Father, who only wants for us the very best of progression towards the higher states of consciousness.


It is necessary to understand that our existence here on this earth plane is only a temporary occurrence and that, when we leave the physical body, we return to the Spirit and there we shall live in a solid state of reality.


For many, who walk this planet, feel that the next dimension is one of shadowy and mystical existence.  I can assure you that the Spirit Realms are real and solid, as you will one day find when you return there.


You will then look down upon this plane of existence and will see it very much as a dream, although you will remember how hard it can be for those of us who have battled against the negativity and materialism that exists here.


Times are coming when changes have to be made, because Mankind has drifted off on its own, ignoring its responsibilities and the plight of others.  No longer can the Father afford to send innocent souls into this harsh environment that has been created by those who came before.


For those who come to walk this earth, come not only to learn from the negativity, which contains all the emotions that are devoid of love, but also to give of themselves healing and love to those others who are struggling to come to terms with the harsher realities of life on this planet.


It is a sadness within the Spirit that so many souls return from this life in a state of ignorance and with souls damaged by distress and failure.  On arrival many are 'hospitalised' to receive healing to their own souls, whose essence has been weighed down by dis-ease.


The weight of responsibility is upon our own shoulders.  Either we look within ourselves and make the changes necessary to a fairer and more equal existence with the others around us or we continue to greedily go on with our own selfishness of what we want, which we cannot take with us and on arrival we are damaged and unfit for a purpose.


The choice is very simple and is within the remit of each and every one of us.  If we harden our hearts and drive out pity and compassion, then love can no longer exist within us.  The 'sin' of sloth is within each of us who cannot be bothered to help our fellows.


Giving to many is a natural way of life, but sadly there are more takers than givers and those who give are being sucked dry by the greed of those who want more and more and more.  This is not equality.  It is not a level playing field.


So now the Universal Force, which controls all energies, is making changes that those who live for themselves will find that their ill gotten gains are steadily, but surely taken away.


This is no idle threat by those who have little.  Those who have too much must obey the Laws of the Universe and cause and effect will be not only apply but will be seen to apply.


Those who fall will continue to fall until they emerge from the darkness of ignorance within their own minds about the matters that our Father has given and expects to be obeyed.


Many times have the prophets of doom walked the earth and suffering always follows the ill discipline of 'God's' children.


Never has there been a greater need for Mankind to change his mindset.  It will be no use to turn away from the tidal wave of spiritual influence that sweep across this plane and bring about a levelling of the playing field for all those who prefer to live in spiritual love and not choose the existence of material greed.


I leave you with that to think about.  I didn't walk the earth plane to be popular.  I walked it to bring the truth as many others do today, so institute change and then you will find peace and love in your hearts.  Amen.



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