28 June 2010

Be Chosen and Commanded

To give up one's life for one's friends is to make the ultimate sacrifice upon this earth plane.  This occurs perhaps more often than one would think.

Soldiers represent their country in times of war and need to go out and face death on a regular basis.  While war is not an option in a civilised society, it is for the individuals who go, a personal experience and a sacrifice.

Violence in any form has to be a last resort, whether this be on the battlefields of the World or in defence of ones home and family.  To be noble and act in the face of great danger is an emotion not felt by all who come down to this plane of existence.

However there are occasions when it is necessary to risk all that we have in the face of circumstances that confront us and we must be prepared to lose all.  This is the situation that many face when troubled times come to the doorstep.

It is not a time to stand back and say, "No, not me."  These are the moments of courage and confrontation with ourselves, when we either stand up for what we believe is right or we turn a blind eye and expect somebody else to do the dirty work.

Society today has been so mollycoddled that individuals expect other people to bail them out and they ignore their own personal responsibility.  Times are now changing and change must be faced squarely in the face by all who wish to survive.

It is time when neighbour must help neighbour and differences and prejudices must be put aside, because they only cause problems and fail to address the needs of the community.

It is time to be prepared to be chosen to serve and be commanded by the greater good of your family, your friends and your neighbours.   Remember the Good Samaritan and know who your neighbour is.

For all to act together some must lead and all must serve in whatever capacity their strengths lie towards the job in hand.  No one, however, must serve blindly and all need to contribute towards the right decisions being taken, so that all may gain.

We need to go forward together and confront the changes that are required, so that our community can prosper by the solidarity and love, which will breed determination to see that the achievements that are required are accomplished.

Those who turn away and decline to give their help and love in making their little world a better place for all to live in do not deserve to enjoy the difference, which will be harvested by those who go out to work and achieve for the greater good.

So it is a time to understand quite clearly what it is to sow and what it is to reap.  The Spiritual Law from the Godhead is quite clear on this matter, whatever you perpetrate so you will receive, either in this world or in the next.  That can never be changed.

I must urge you now to put aside the childish and unenlightened emotions of selfishness and greed and invite you to see the greater good that you can bestow on the community in which you live, wherever that is, in a small village or a nation that is struggling to be great again.

The whole world has to change its attitudes of the individuals who make it what it is.  This can only be done by rethinking the goals of the individual, so that their actions ceased to divide those who have enough and more from those who are struggling to survive.

All must band together for the greater good, but if you wish to be a part of the successful future, then you cannot afford to stand alone and close your door in the face of progress, which will happen whether you are a part of it or not.

Be brave and courageous and face your fears, because when you do they are never as great as you thought they might be, especially when they are shared and the will to conquer them is chosen to be the answer and then our Father can command their salvation.  Amen.

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