18 June 2010

Go Forth and Take Courage


To be caught between a rock and a hard place is not only distressing, but requires a cool mind and a great deal of faith that the way will be shown to lead you back into a more comfortable zone.


This is what a lifetime of experience is all about.  It is no use living in a comfort zone and never being stretched, because that way is not the way of forward progression.


In order to go forward one has to pull oneself away from the ease and comfort of what one has become used to.  Ahead is always the unknown and that for most people presents an emotion called fear.


That is simply caused by trying to look into the darkness ahead and fearing the worst.  With confidence and faith one is able to trust sufficiently to know that as one goes forward, so the light comes too.


Our Father never leaves us alone.  We are always shepherded and guided so that if we are prepared to listen to our instincts, our gut feelings, then our consciousness will present the answers to how we should proceed.


There is no such thing as being lost.  You can lose your way and mistake where you are, but always your presence is known to those who care for you.  If you stop and think and listen to your instincts you will always be given direction.


Now is a particular time when for so many people changes are forced upon them.  The most sensible will look to each and every change and establish the advantages of this course of action.


Changes are never totally for the worst, because out of the mayhem, which appears to accompany them, there will always be a lighter and brighter future, if only we make the right choices and go forward with the right intentions.


Always weigh up your options and see that you make the best use of your gifts and attributes.  Nothing is ever lost, because there are more ways to reach one's destiny than can be understood by the small mindset of Man.


Our Father in Heaven always sees that the Universal Forces are available to work in the best possible way to secure the progressive course of those who wish to live by the laws, which are for the greater good and are responsible for the best possible outcome.


To be afraid and to hide away from your responsibilities does you no credit nor does it advanced you in the aims of progression for which you came to learn new strengths and to help others who you meet on the way.


It is always true that if you help others with the right intentions, you too will be helped along your way so, as you prepare yourself to take that extra step into the unknown, be ready to assist those around you, who may be loath to step forward alone.


It is always easier to go together, whether that is with a friend or a stranger, if you trust in each other knowing that neither of you walk these paths alone.  You will find that the opportunities which come to you will reward you and strengthen your character.


As Saint Paul said, "Go forth and take courage".  If you have courage you are able to succeed in all that you desire.  You simply need to believe it enough and, with the right intentions, you will be given the success for which you crave and the Universe will smile down upon you.


So work for what is best and share the load and responsibilities as well as the good results that you will achieve.  Amen.



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