06 June 2010

Freedom of the Soul

To say that all humans believe in freedom is sadly untrue.  Almost all people profess to believe in the freedom of the individual.  However in most cases this is sadly only a delusion.

Even within the family, many members of that family exert control, knowingly or unknowingly, upon the weaker members of the same family.  The effects of this may well last for rest of that person's life.

Even in adulthood it is hard to breakaway; to snap the bonds that have been put in place by stronger minds exerting the influence for their own personal gain over a weaker soul.

The weapons which are used contain fear and mental and moral blackmail.  Blood may be thicker than water, but I say to you that it is not an expression that should never hold water.

You may remember that I said that I came to split families, divide brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers from their children and few understand, even today, the meaning of what I said.

The meaning of these words is strong and important for all those who wish to lead a free life, making their own decisions and standing by their own responsibilities.  No one can walk another person's path.

Many people try, but because there are too many who wish to take the energies of another and to live off them for their own aggrandisement and pleasure.

Fathers often do it to their children.  Mothers may do it to their children, brothers can do it to their sisters and a husband often does it to his wife and it is never, ever, done in love.

I ask you all to look into your hearts and to see your own behaviour in the light and through the eyes of those who live and work around you.

Look into their eyes and judge the effect of your words and actions.  See if your energies are returned to you with love or in fear.

In all honesty, do you expect to be obeyed or to create a situation where the best result is created for all to gain?

Power over an individual does not lead to strength.  In the end the cracks in the relationship will grow and lead to an eruption on one side or the other.  The Law of Cause and Effect is absolute and will always take effect.

Each and every soul was created by our Father, which he instilled with life, which is consciousness and thought for the freedom of expression, so that all may gain and not for the individual alone to dominate.

Sadly in this modern world, the lessons of the past have not been learnedIt is therefore necessary for the individual who is oppressed to take personal responsibility and to shake off the shackles that are imposed upon them.

Only in this way can a soul be free and if this means that families are broken in the pursuit of individual freedom – then so be it.  It is better to live away from family ties than under the yoke of tyranny and oppression that many individuals place over weaker souls.

This price, my friends, is far too high.  I urge you to live in unconditional love and light.  Put aside any negativity that may surround you and try and influence your own personal destiny. Amen."

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