To be given the gifts of the Father and to bury them in the field rather than use them so they may multiply and help not only you but all those around you, is something that you will have to face sooner or later.
It is of no use putting off the decisions of today hoping that when you are forced to make them on another day it will be easier. I can assure you my friends it will not be easier. It will be harder.
This simply has to be, for the longer you go on condoning a decision that is incorrect the greater the burden is that you have to carry. There is only one remedy and that is to bring it out into the light so that you can see what it is for what it is.
If you hide things away in the darkness they still remain and the longer you keep yourself from making that decision the greater the burden that you carry. Why is it so different to do the bidding of the Father who gives us the means to carry out his will?
There can be only one answer to this question and that is that you consider through your ego that you are greater than he is and have more wisdom in making the decisions that are necessary in your life.
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
So why are you ashamed to display the gifts that your Father has given you? Everything that he has bedecked you with sits so well upon you, for those who have eyes to see can see the fruits of your good deeds and will honour you for them.
It is those who are blinded to the love of our Father, who are the ones who are in the most need of his love. Those who have turned their backs on the light of his illumination have minds that are shrouded in the darkness of ignorance.
So I say to you, "Look within yourselves and find the gifts that have been lavished upon you by our Father when he gave you life and all that you needed to live it."
The times are coming when changes that are now imminent will change your life according to your desserts. You have not much time to make up your mind whether you wish to live in the light and love of our Father's inspiration or to dwell in the darkness without his enlightenment.
There are no excuses or mitigation as all that you do is known and your thoughts and deeds will be weighed in the light of truth. All that you have done will be assessed and all that you have left undone will be clearly shown.
Take the road into the light and then all your gifts will shine out for all to see and what you do with them will lighten the paths of others as well as your own.
If you hide them away and take the easy downhill road into the darkness of ignorance, then you go towards the time when you must face the truth alone to make that u-turn possible, so that you can haul your way back into the service of those who you know you neglected and cast aside.
Life of the Spirit is very simple as it consists of what is right and good or what is darkly done in error. Man makes it complicated by his own rules of thumb and in his attempts to gain for himself treasures upon the earth he leads many into the misery of misunderstanding.
So I say to you now, "Look well within yourself and be prepared to answer honestly for all you do, so that then you can apply yourself in the way that you came to do before the glitter of the material tempted you from that path."
You are all loved by the Spirit, but that does not mean you can do no wrong, so until you have learned the paths of righteousness you cannot return to the purity and unconditional love from which you came.
Look deep and see your true self, so that the Spirit may rejoice in all you do. Amen.
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