29 July 2010

Expand your Mind and Float Free in Spirit


To know yourself within is to know 'God', because within yourself is your link to your Father, which was placed there when you were given life in the Spirit all the time ago.


When you were born to the material world, you already had life and experience within the Spirit.  You came so that you could develop an understanding of the negative issues which hold the positive in balance.


Without this grounding, your lighter vibrations would float free but inexperienced in the realms at large.  You are confined in your material state to the thoughts within this limited sphere, which hold you back.


In order to fully develop and understand the many realms that exist beyond your present comprehension, it is necessary for you to look within yourself, so that through linking with the Divine you can free all restraints to the expansion of your mind.


Your mind is not your brain.  Your brain is the servant to your mind, which commands it to carry out your wishes through your individual thoughts and intentions.  When you pass beyond this present plane of existence you leave your brain behind.


Your mind, which is the accumulation of your experience, is detached from your body in order to allow you the freedom to go and reside in the place that you have chosen for yourself by your deeds and actions in this little world.


If you have done all that you could to allow for the happiness and understanding of those around you and have not taken for yourself what you have not earned, then without leaving any task unfinished you will be freed to move on into the exact spot that you have chosen through your thoughts and good intentions.


You will be free to go joyously to the Realms of Spirit and dwell in the light of our Father's love and wisdom, but if you have left tasks undone and lived selfishly for yourself and your own personal comforts at the expense of others, you will need to put right these deficits in service to those who you have abused.


There is no way of dodging the draft.  All have to abide by the truth and reality that will show you the clear understanding of how you have lived and thought and acted during this short lifetime.


Then it will be asked of you to give through service to those with less understanding than yourself the realities and truth of spiritual advancement.  You will be asked to undo the errors that you have made.


By our Father's will, you have the choice of serving in the light of his understanding and enlightenment or remaining in the darkness of ignorance that will hold you until you wish of your own free will to move forward into the light of reality.


I came down to this plane of existence to show you the way and in all truth to make it easier for you if you truly followed the light which I tried to ignite within your mind.


The way to our Father's kingdom is much easier if you understand the way to think and act by casting away your own self interest in the material that is without and being guided by the wisdom that has already been planted within.


I need you to consider whether you wish your mind to be narrowed by the beliefs of those who create power over others and dwell in the darkness of ignorance after passing out of body or if you wish to be met by those who love you, who can take you directly to the light and understanding of the Spirit World.


Accept that we are all spirit who come for this little time into the physical world of matter to learn the other side of life, which our Father made in order for us to love and appreciate the enlightenment of the soul which he freely gave us.


Go into the quiet and calm your thoughts so that the enlightenment from our Father's spirit may be awakened in you before it is too late and you have to endure the darkness of ignorance because you were not prepared to exist in service of others, but for your own personal gratification.


Look long and hard and the door of understanding will be open to you.  I have always told you, "Knock and it shall be opened unto you.  Seek and you will find."  Amen.


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