31 July 2010

Did You Find God?


Everybody at some point or another in their lives looks to find God.  It may come at almost any age, but there is always a moment in curiosity or despair when each and every soul cries out to God.


Is there anybody on this earth plane who really knows God?  Do you find him in the church, in the mosque or in the synagogue?  Is he in the fields, on the beach or in the street outside your home?  Is he in the mountains or in the valleys or in the gardens amongst the flowers, the trees and the rock pools of life?


The Infinite Universal Force, which many called God, is everywhere and in everything including within you and me and your neighbour.  What people call God is the Life Force and the Law which holds everything together.


God is good and holds everything in balance.  God does not judge because the results of what you do and think cause the effect to be what it must be and that must be faced in this life or the next beyond the body.


When you send out your thoughts into the Universe for help and guidance with the right intentions and your prayers are answered and you thank God for it, you are being looked after by those who serve through the Laws of Love and Understanding.


All is masterminded through the creation of all that is and we were given life in spirit and in love and we are to learn the truth and the reality of universal existence through our experiences in all areas of existence.


I have said many times that in our Father's kingdom there are many mansions.  These mansions I spoke of have been misunderstood because they are not houses in which to live for the rest of eternity within a heavenly Kingdom.


In the days that I spoke to those who had ears to hear, they would understand that a mansion was a resting place for the soldiers as they marched along the roads to their ultimate destinations.


And so I hope it becomes clear to you that when I say, "In our Father's kingdom there many mansions," I am saying to you that our life is a continuous progression and there are many resting places as we move on the journey of our spiritual enlightenment and understanding towards the ultimate wisdom, which is the complete and total understanding of the Godhead.


I must make it clear to you that if you do not find God, the true meaning of life and universal existence within yourself, you will remain in that particular mansion until you do.  You cannot move on.


I have to urge you to change your thinking and to put your material needs aside and search for your spirit that lies within.  Only you can do this.  Only you can find the truth and the reality of your own existence.  Nobody can do it for you.


Within you is your reason for existence and by shining out your light to those around you to give the unconditional love and service to those in need, you will find your purpose and its fulfilment will bring you the peace of mind and comfort to know that you have found God.


I send out my unconditional love and enlightenment that you may follow my words and by understanding them and fulfilling them you will find your own salvation and progress through many mansions toward your understanding of universal truth and wisdom.  Amen.


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