To put life into perspective, it is far better to travel light than to be held down by what is of little use to you. So many people on this earth plane of existence are mainly motivated by the showiness of possessions.
What good are things in a time of hardship that you cannot eat, drink or shelter underneath in the stormy conditions that toss this world in never ending cycles of discontent?
Too many people feel that they are safe when they have accumulated riches, which they think will ensure that they will never be without, but I ask you, "Without what?"
If you examine the lives of the rich, those who think that they can buy anything, they are so often very unhappy. Happiness cannot be bought. It is a state of mind and for it to be nurtured into a true reality it needs unconditional love and spiritual health in order to survive.
The rich often try to buy their way into the
I would ask you, "How can this be? When was it ever so that a man could forgive the sins of another unless they have been perpetrated upon that person themselves?"
Apart from being forgiven by the one who was been sinned against, the errors of life can only be eradicated through the understanding of the faults to allow, through service to one's fellow beings, the errors to be erased.
No man has any right to expect an easy passage from this earth plane to the higher Realms of Light unless he have led a life of servitude and unconditional love to his fellow man.
As I have said before, "It easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the
It is not impossible, because it depends upon what the rich man does with his wealth and how he serves the greater good with what he has acquired. It is for most men a great burden and occupies the mind with how he can preserve what he has and how he can acquire more.
Sadly so many people who acquire wealth are unable to believe that it is not going to help them in some way when they pass out of body and into the spiritual vibrations beyond.
What use can it possibly be when they are without all their earthly acquisitions and their soul is bared to show their experiences of their lifetime and their fulfilment or otherwise of the opportunities that they were given to help their fellow man.
According to your fruits, so are you known and in the next dimension nothing can be hid. All is seen and so all can see who and what you are and those achievements are laid bare to open scrutiny.
No one will judge you but you yourself and so the mitigating circumstances of the rich man, who through greed and avarice failed to address the needs of those round him, will be as dust.
Allow yourselves the opportunity to lay up your rewards in the higher kingdom when nothing can corrupt it, so that when you arrive with nothing of your own you are able to dress your soul in the raiment of your achievements.
You are so loved, but nothing can turn a life that was so misguided into a fruitful existence except by your own thoughts and deeds and all these are seen and rewarded by our Father, who is in Heaven. Amen.
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