When we start to look around us and to realise the juxtaposition of all that is, we can begin to understand the difficulties which surround us all upon this earth plane when Mankind, individually or in groups, sets standards of behaviour which are copied and released against their fellows.
So much of people's behaviour is carried out in the name of self without considering the effects that it has on others. They are usually the first to complain when other people's behaviour has an effect on them.
We all wish to live life on a level playing field, so that the ups and downs of existence are evened out for us, but this is not possible when we are not even-handed with those around us.
We are all responsible for our actions and in time we will realise that what we have done, or left undone, has a direct effect on the way our life twists and turns along a pathway of existence.
I came to teach that with faith and knowledge your mind can be free, because the knowledge of the Laws of our Father frees us from the errors and mistakes, which we are bound to make if we do not follow his direction.
Too many people on this earth plane of existence live only for the pleasures and gains of today without any thoughts of what this will mean, when they are made to stand up to their responsibilities and face the actions that they have taken in their lives.
Nobody is excused seeing their life as they lived it and from reaping the inevitable consequences of what they have done and what they have left undone. It is not a question of being 'judged', but it is a question of the inevitable.
There are no mitigating circumstances and therefore the Laws of Cause and Effect on each and every soul that passes out-of-body, the so-called 'death', where all automatically go to the plane of existence that they have set for themselves by their actions.
There they will have to serve others after demonstrating that they now understand the errors and mistakes that they made when they walked the earth. Many realise that they were misguided and try to blame their teachers for their predicament.
No excuses are accepted, because it is every persons individual right and necessity to question what they were taught and believed. No one can walk another's path or carry the responsibilities of another's actions.
Each and every one of us is responsible for what we do and what we think. Therefore I say to you, "Put right your mistakes while you can and carry no unnecessary baggage into the next dimension."
Man reaps his own rewards and so if he lives a life of love and harmony with his neighbours, then so will he be greeted in the next world. If he is aggressive and selfish, then he must learn his folly when he steps from his body into the darkness.
There are many who still walk this earth plane who are afraid to die, because they start to realise that they have not always been a source of kindness and charity of spirit to those around them.
Too many leave it too late and do not think about the nature of passing from this world into the next and so they will not know what to expect. One thing is certain and that is that the future path from here of the good soul into the Light of Understanding will be met by those who love you and you will have nothing to fear.
Fear is simply a state of mind to which you do not know the answers and you fear the worst. I say to you, "Ask and it still be given unto you. Seek and you will find. Knock and that door of understanding will be opened unto you."
Look for all your needs within yourself, for there you will find 'heaven' or 'hell' according to your belief and understanding of the Laws that our Father gave to you and allowed you the choice as to how your future would be according to your actions. Choose wisely. Amen.
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