07 July 2010

Listen to your own Consciousness and Consider your Future

Do not allow your spirits to drop when you are faced with greater challenges than you think you can bear.  You are always guided and helped and nothing that you face is beyond your capabilities.

Our Father does not cease to love you, even when you turn away like spoilt children from his great love and protection, which he affords us all.  He wants you to succeed and to be successful as you progress along your pathway of understanding.

Your life on this globe of enlightenment is not meant to be a holiday to ignore your responsibilities.  Everything you do and think is known to the great Universal Force and nothing is beyond your capabilities.

Each and every one of us faces opportunities to succeed and nothing is left to chance.  We all have in place spiritual advisers and helpers, who if we listen, will guide our thoughts and actions.

We are never alone and each and every one of us has within a consciousness, which tells us the difference between right behaviour and error.  It has always been so within the human mindset and it is for us to listen and learn how to follow the right path.

Nobody can walk our path for us and it is important to understand that we are solely responsible for our behaviour and our progression.  Many hide under the umbrella of religion and believe that they will be saved because they have followed the rules.

But I tell you that whoever instructs you cannot change the fact that there is nothing that can take away your responsibility for your own thoughts and your actions.  As you proceed in time to the world beyond this physical sphere, losing the physical body on the way, you will be confronted by the results of your thoughts and actions.

Nothing can change thisThe only penance that you can achieve is to change your errors into positive actions and in love and harmony join with others of like mind to do good by pushing away your personal self.

At all times you are responsible for yourself towards the greater good.  Whatever you are told by man, you must examine and make your decision as to whether it sits right with you.  It is simply a question of whether you believe your own conscience or do accept what another tells you is true.

When you face your continued journey without your physical body, you will do so without the physical presence of the material world, which includes those men and women who try and implant their belief systems into your mind.

You will face this reality alone and be responsible for your actionsNo one can walk your path for you and take away the responsibilities of your actions, whether they are in thought or in reality.  They are judged to be the same.

Why do you not to consider your future seriously enough to adjust your wants and desires to what is necessary for your preferred advancement into a long-term state of happiness and peace?

Your future is in your own hands and minds, because nobody else can do it for you, so I strongly advise you to take personal responsibility for all that you do and for you to think with the right intentions.

What a man is in his heart is what he really is and as your thoughts make up the heart or centre of your being, so you are.  Let this be clearly understood.  It is never too late to change and change for the better will always bring its own rewards.

Put a spring in your step as you go forward and face the opportunities that are there for you to conquer.  You will find that once you make those early steps you will be rewarded and helped and your salvation will become clear before you.  Amen.

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