25 July 2010

Give what you Can but Know when to Stop


Give what you can, but never allow your cupboard to be bare.  If you are depleted you do not have the strength or the resources to help those in need around you.  Never give until you have nothing left.


We all must take personal responsibility for the life which our Father has given us and that includes looking after our mind and spirit as well as our physical bodies.  Our body is our personal temple, which houses the essence of our existence.


Remember I said, "If you pull down the temple I will rebuild it in three days."  This was my mission to show all people the truth that our Father had given us, within our physical bodies, everlasting life.


We are spirit.  We come to this matter world to learn the reality of physical existence and the understandings of the difficulties that souls in a physical world have to bear and understand.


We come not alone but with others to help us.  Our Father loves us and would not cast us into a situation where we would struggle on our own, so with us comes the Power of the Spirit to strengthen our resolve and teach us the right way to behave.


We also come together to help each other, for no man is an island and we are all linked through the Spirit on our pathway towards our Father's Kingdom.  We can isolate ourselves and choose to travel alone, but then we cannot expect others to go out of their way to give to us.


"As we sow so shall we reap."  I have often said these words because they are true and if people would only understand that by casting out their bread upon the waters they can bring in a mighty catch to furnish their soul in raiment in the world to come.


Once you have sown your seed, so you must wait for your harvest.  If all your seed is sown at one time then there is no more opportunity to spread the likelihood of further advantages for those who come and for you to help them.  They will be sent empty away.


These then are lost opportunities and so I say to you, "Do not put all your eggs in one basket lest, when you are called to assist, your cupboard is bare."


It is a two way process that as you give, so you also receive.  Your thoughts and deeds are heard by the Father, who through his Laws gives credit to those who give of themselves to others who are in need.


Everybody needs that helping hand at some time or another.  No one is independent of needing charity and good will, so allow yourself to be a giver and a receiver and by listening to that inner voice which serves you well, you will know when to give and when to hold back.


It is not a question of always giving to every cause which comes your way.  If you did this you would have nothing in times of greatest need when you are urged from within to give assistance, but have nothing left.


Remember the woman who gave her last penny to charity.  It was a worthy and noble sacrifice that she made, but what happened to her in the days to come when she was called on to help again?


Was such a good soul looked after by the Spirit?  Did she give all that she had because within she knew what was being asked of her?  How could she furnish her cupboard again and take her responsibility to keep her temple safe and secure to house her greatest possession – the gift of life which our Father gave her?  Amen.


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