31 July 2010

Did You Find God?


Everybody at some point or another in their lives looks to find God.  It may come at almost any age, but there is always a moment in curiosity or despair when each and every soul cries out to God.


Is there anybody on this earth plane who really knows God?  Do you find him in the church, in the mosque or in the synagogue?  Is he in the fields, on the beach or in the street outside your home?  Is he in the mountains or in the valleys or in the gardens amongst the flowers, the trees and the rock pools of life?


The Infinite Universal Force, which many called God, is everywhere and in everything including within you and me and your neighbour.  What people call God is the Life Force and the Law which holds everything together.


God is good and holds everything in balance.  God does not judge because the results of what you do and think cause the effect to be what it must be and that must be faced in this life or the next beyond the body.


When you send out your thoughts into the Universe for help and guidance with the right intentions and your prayers are answered and you thank God for it, you are being looked after by those who serve through the Laws of Love and Understanding.


All is masterminded through the creation of all that is and we were given life in spirit and in love and we are to learn the truth and the reality of universal existence through our experiences in all areas of existence.


I have said many times that in our Father's kingdom there are many mansions.  These mansions I spoke of have been misunderstood because they are not houses in which to live for the rest of eternity within a heavenly Kingdom.


In the days that I spoke to those who had ears to hear, they would understand that a mansion was a resting place for the soldiers as they marched along the roads to their ultimate destinations.


And so I hope it becomes clear to you that when I say, "In our Father's kingdom there many mansions," I am saying to you that our life is a continuous progression and there are many resting places as we move on the journey of our spiritual enlightenment and understanding towards the ultimate wisdom, which is the complete and total understanding of the Godhead.


I must make it clear to you that if you do not find God, the true meaning of life and universal existence within yourself, you will remain in that particular mansion until you do.  You cannot move on.


I have to urge you to change your thinking and to put your material needs aside and search for your spirit that lies within.  Only you can do this.  Only you can find the truth and the reality of your own existence.  Nobody can do it for you.


Within you is your reason for existence and by shining out your light to those around you to give the unconditional love and service to those in need, you will find your purpose and its fulfilment will bring you the peace of mind and comfort to know that you have found God.


I send out my unconditional love and enlightenment that you may follow my words and by understanding them and fulfilling them you will find your own salvation and progress through many mansions toward your understanding of universal truth and wisdom.  Amen.


30 July 2010

Happiness is a State of Mind that is Attainable for all who Seek it


The way to find happiness is to put aside the material negativity that compresses the mind.  Happiness is a state of mind which is free from the constraints of the material world.


If you think about it in the quietness away from the bombardment of earthly thoughts and responsibilities, so easily crammed into the daily consciousness of life, you will be able to understand that once the negative fears are removed and the energy of spiritual love, which is unconditional, can move in and occupy your state of mind.


It is of course in this state when responsibilities and the daily constraints of life are removed, if only for a short time, that you are able to relax and feel free in the lighter energies that control your state of mind.


It is the unrelenting build up of heavy vibrations that push aside the abilities of the mind to find moments of peace in which to recharge the spiritual batteries that drive the thoughts of love and harmony within you.


Unconditional love, which is given by our Father, is a precious gift to have and to hold us together in times of stress and hardship.  Without the lightening of our energies we pursue a course of doom, which can only shorten our lifespan on this plane of existence.


We come with things do and opportunities to achieve and if we do not allow our minds to hold the freedom of restoring the status quo within ourselves there is a strain put on our physical existence, which will slowly grinding our activities into a state of ill health.


We all need to find at regular intervals room in our daily existence to sit in the quiet with ourselves, so that we may look into our earthly existence and find that spiritual guidance and love that can be given to us.


I came so that man could be free to expand his mind to the higher things that are obtainable during our lifetime.  It is not simply a question of furnishing our lives with sufficient material comforts to ease our burdens of daily existence.


We all need as well a sufficiency of spiritual enlightenment to balance our ability to make the right choices and to see the direction of our lives within the constraints that we have put upon ourselves or those which have been placed upon our pathway.


We all have crosses to bear of a greater or lesser burden.  It is the size of the question that we ask that determines the weight of the burden that we have to shoulder in our lives.  So often we enter a situation of thinking it will be good for us, but we are blind to the snares that are attached to our future happiness.


There are always lights that shine in the darkness, which will show us the way that we need to go.  We must find them within ourselves and listen to our own consciousness, that if we are true to it, we will never go astray.


Always we have to be brave to confront the situation which we do not fully understand, but we know we are there to surmount it and bring about the greater good for all concerned.  Never is it worthwhile to take what we want without considering the effects on those around us.


So I say to you again my friends, "Seek and you will find the solution to your difficulties.  Knock and it will be open to you, so that the light of reason and understanding can flood into your very soul and make preparation for what you know really must be done."


Never let fear rule your actions.  Always allow love in your heart so that in this way the Spirit may come within and once you have taken that first firm step with the right intentions, then the guidance and enlightenment from the world beyond who loves you well can oil the wheels of progress to allow the greater good to be served.


No one lives in isolation without help unless they turn on their back on the Father and live only for themselves in the darkness of their own ignorance.  Find that peace within which we all need and see the light direct your mind on that road to peace and happiness.  Amen.


29 July 2010

Expand your Mind and Float Free in Spirit


To know yourself within is to know 'God', because within yourself is your link to your Father, which was placed there when you were given life in the Spirit all the time ago.


When you were born to the material world, you already had life and experience within the Spirit.  You came so that you could develop an understanding of the negative issues which hold the positive in balance.


Without this grounding, your lighter vibrations would float free but inexperienced in the realms at large.  You are confined in your material state to the thoughts within this limited sphere, which hold you back.


In order to fully develop and understand the many realms that exist beyond your present comprehension, it is necessary for you to look within yourself, so that through linking with the Divine you can free all restraints to the expansion of your mind.


Your mind is not your brain.  Your brain is the servant to your mind, which commands it to carry out your wishes through your individual thoughts and intentions.  When you pass beyond this present plane of existence you leave your brain behind.


Your mind, which is the accumulation of your experience, is detached from your body in order to allow you the freedom to go and reside in the place that you have chosen for yourself by your deeds and actions in this little world.


If you have done all that you could to allow for the happiness and understanding of those around you and have not taken for yourself what you have not earned, then without leaving any task unfinished you will be freed to move on into the exact spot that you have chosen through your thoughts and good intentions.


You will be free to go joyously to the Realms of Spirit and dwell in the light of our Father's love and wisdom, but if you have left tasks undone and lived selfishly for yourself and your own personal comforts at the expense of others, you will need to put right these deficits in service to those who you have abused.


There is no way of dodging the draft.  All have to abide by the truth and reality that will show you the clear understanding of how you have lived and thought and acted during this short lifetime.


Then it will be asked of you to give through service to those with less understanding than yourself the realities and truth of spiritual advancement.  You will be asked to undo the errors that you have made.


By our Father's will, you have the choice of serving in the light of his understanding and enlightenment or remaining in the darkness of ignorance that will hold you until you wish of your own free will to move forward into the light of reality.


I came down to this plane of existence to show you the way and in all truth to make it easier for you if you truly followed the light which I tried to ignite within your mind.


The way to our Father's kingdom is much easier if you understand the way to think and act by casting away your own self interest in the material that is without and being guided by the wisdom that has already been planted within.


I need you to consider whether you wish your mind to be narrowed by the beliefs of those who create power over others and dwell in the darkness of ignorance after passing out of body or if you wish to be met by those who love you, who can take you directly to the light and understanding of the Spirit World.


Accept that we are all spirit who come for this little time into the physical world of matter to learn the other side of life, which our Father made in order for us to love and appreciate the enlightenment of the soul which he freely gave us.


Go into the quiet and calm your thoughts so that the enlightenment from our Father's spirit may be awakened in you before it is too late and you have to endure the darkness of ignorance because you were not prepared to exist in service of others, but for your own personal gratification.


Look long and hard and the door of understanding will be open to you.  I have always told you, "Knock and it shall be opened unto you.  Seek and you will find."  Amen.


27 July 2010

Look Deep within and Know Yourself

  To be given the gifts of the Father and to bury them in the field rather than use them so they may multiply and help not only you but all those around you, is something that you will have to face sooner or later.

It is of no use putting off the decisions of today hoping that when you are forced to make them on another day it will be easier.  I can assure you my friends it will not be easier.  It will be harder.

This simply has to be, for the longer you go on condoning a decision that is incorrect the greater the burden is that you have to carry.  There is only one remedy and that is to bring it out into the light so that you can see what it is for what it is.

If you hide things away in the darkness they still remain and the longer you keep yourself from making that decision the greater the burden that you carryWhy is it so different to do the bidding of the Father who gives us the means to carry out his will?

There can be only one answer to this question and that is that you consider through your ego that you are greater than he is and have more wisdom in making the decisions that are necessary in your life.

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

So why are you ashamed to display the gifts that your Father has given you?  Everything that he has bedecked you with sits so well upon you, for those who have eyes to see can see the fruits of your good deeds and will honour you for them.

It is those who are blinded to the love of our Father, who are the ones who are in the most need of his love.  Those who have turned their backs on the light of his illumination have minds that are shrouded in the darkness of ignorance.

So I say to you, "Look within yourselves and find the gifts that have been lavished upon you by our Father when he gave you life and all that you needed to live it."

The times are coming when changes that are now imminent will change your life according to your desserts.  You have not much time to make up your mind whether you wish to live in the light and love of our Father's inspiration or to dwell in the darkness without his enlightenment.

There are no excuses or mitigation as all that you do is known and your thoughts and deeds will be weighed in the light of truth.  All that you have done will be assessed and all that you have left undone will be clearly shown.

Take the road into the light and then all your gifts will shine out for all to see and what you do with them will lighten the paths of others as well as your own.

If you hide them away and take the easy downhill road into the darkness of ignorance, then you go towards the time when you must face the truth alone to make that u-turn possible, so that you can haul your way back into the service of those who you know you neglected and cast aside.

Life of the Spirit is very simple as it consists of what is right and good or what is darkly done in error.  Man makes it complicated by his own rules of thumb and in his attempts to gain for himself treasures upon the earth he leads many into the misery of misunderstanding.

So I say to you now, "Look well within yourself and be prepared to answer honestly for all you do, so that then you can apply yourself in the way that you came to do before the glitter of the material tempted you from that path."

You are all loved by the Spirit, but that does not mean you can do no wrong, so until you have learned the paths of righteousness you cannot return to the purity and unconditional love from which you came.

Look deep and see your true self, so that the Spirit may rejoice in all you do.  Amen.

25 July 2010

Give what you Can but Know when to Stop


Give what you can, but never allow your cupboard to be bare.  If you are depleted you do not have the strength or the resources to help those in need around you.  Never give until you have nothing left.


We all must take personal responsibility for the life which our Father has given us and that includes looking after our mind and spirit as well as our physical bodies.  Our body is our personal temple, which houses the essence of our existence.


Remember I said, "If you pull down the temple I will rebuild it in three days."  This was my mission to show all people the truth that our Father had given us, within our physical bodies, everlasting life.


We are spirit.  We come to this matter world to learn the reality of physical existence and the understandings of the difficulties that souls in a physical world have to bear and understand.


We come not alone but with others to help us.  Our Father loves us and would not cast us into a situation where we would struggle on our own, so with us comes the Power of the Spirit to strengthen our resolve and teach us the right way to behave.


We also come together to help each other, for no man is an island and we are all linked through the Spirit on our pathway towards our Father's Kingdom.  We can isolate ourselves and choose to travel alone, but then we cannot expect others to go out of their way to give to us.


"As we sow so shall we reap."  I have often said these words because they are true and if people would only understand that by casting out their bread upon the waters they can bring in a mighty catch to furnish their soul in raiment in the world to come.


Once you have sown your seed, so you must wait for your harvest.  If all your seed is sown at one time then there is no more opportunity to spread the likelihood of further advantages for those who come and for you to help them.  They will be sent empty away.


These then are lost opportunities and so I say to you, "Do not put all your eggs in one basket lest, when you are called to assist, your cupboard is bare."


It is a two way process that as you give, so you also receive.  Your thoughts and deeds are heard by the Father, who through his Laws gives credit to those who give of themselves to others who are in need.


Everybody needs that helping hand at some time or another.  No one is independent of needing charity and good will, so allow yourself to be a giver and a receiver and by listening to that inner voice which serves you well, you will know when to give and when to hold back.


It is not a question of always giving to every cause which comes your way.  If you did this you would have nothing in times of greatest need when you are urged from within to give assistance, but have nothing left.


Remember the woman who gave her last penny to charity.  It was a worthy and noble sacrifice that she made, but what happened to her in the days to come when she was called on to help again?


Was such a good soul looked after by the Spirit?  Did she give all that she had because within she knew what was being asked of her?  How could she furnish her cupboard again and take her responsibility to keep her temple safe and secure to house her greatest possession – the gift of life which our Father gave her?  Amen.


23 July 2010

Take what you Will while you Can but Leave it All behind when you Go


  To put life into perspective, it is far better to travel light than to be held down by what is of little use to you.  So many people on this earth plane of existence are mainly motivated by the showiness of possessions.


What good are things in a time of hardship that you cannot eat, drink or shelter underneath in the stormy conditions that toss this world in never ending cycles of discontent?


Too many people feel that they are safe when they have accumulated riches, which they think will ensure that they will never be without, but I ask you, "Without what?"


If you examine the lives of the rich, those who think that they can buy anything, they are so often very unhappy.  Happiness cannot be bought.  It is a state of mind and for it to be nurtured into a true reality it needs unconditional love and spiritual health in order to survive.


The rich often try to buy their way into the Kingdom of Heaven by giving money to religious organisations, who tell them that they will be saved by these donations and their sins will be forgiven.


I would ask you, "How can this be?  When was it ever so that a man could forgive the sins of another unless they have been perpetrated upon that person themselves?"


Apart from being forgiven by the one who was been sinned against, the errors of life can only be eradicated through the understanding of the faults to allow, through service to one's fellow beings, the errors to be erased.


No man has any right to expect an easy passage from this earth plane to the higher Realms of Light unless he have led a life of servitude and unconditional love to his fellow man.


As I have said before, "It easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." 


It is not impossible, because it depends upon what the rich man does with his wealth and how he serves the greater good with what he has acquired.  It is for most men a great burden and occupies the mind with how he can preserve what he has and how he can acquire more.


Sadly so many people who acquire wealth are unable to believe that it is not going to help them in some way when they pass out of body and into the spiritual vibrations beyond.


What use can it possibly be when they are without all their earthly acquisitions and their soul is bared to show their experiences of their lifetime and their fulfilment or otherwise of the opportunities that they were given to help their fellow man.


According to your fruits, so are you known and in the next dimension nothing can be hid.  All is seen and so all can see who and what you are and those achievements are laid bare to open scrutiny.


No one will judge you but you yourself and so the mitigating circumstances of the rich man, who through greed and avarice failed to address the needs of those round him, will be as dust.


Allow yourselves the opportunity to lay up your rewards in the higher kingdom when nothing can corrupt it, so that when you arrive with nothing of your own you are able to dress your soul in the raiment of your achievements.


You are so loved, but nothing can turn a life that was so misguided into a fruitful existence except by your own thoughts and deeds and all these are seen and rewarded by our Father, who is in Heaven.  Amen.



21 July 2010

Seek within and Lift your Vibrations to a New Understanding

To be in a state of depression when we feel that the world is not treating us kindly is a very natural state of mind, which comes to us all at times.

The answer to our fears and trepidations are always in our own hands, because the vibratory levels, which surround our thinking, are governed by the quality of the thoughts which we put out to the Universe.

If we allow ourselves to be crushed under the weight of negativity so that our burdens becomes negative and hard to bear, then the vibrations which we send out to all around us and far beyond are those of despair and helplessness.

Whatever boulders are placed in our path we are able to cope with them.  It is the manner in which we cope that strengthens us and makes us more able to progress towards our goals and accomplishments in this life.

We never came in order to have it easy, because then we would achieve but little.  We all come in the hope of achieving progression of the soul, which is the very being given to us by our Father and is life itself.

Many who struggle give up on life and live solely in the present without any thoughts for what their actions will bring in the times to come.  Every action has a reaction and we all must reap what we sow.

So I say to you, "Think carefully and positively before you act and then you can reap the sunshine and not the dark clouds of doom."

All of us have to carry burdens in our lifetime and some of these are brought about by the way we have acted in the past and Laws of Cause and Effect are calling us to account.  The books have to be balanced before we can move on any further.

Any Other Business has always to be dealt with before that chapter of life can be closed and nothing can be deferred until the next meeting.  This is contrary to what many people believe as they leave so much undone when they are called to account.

You are as you are when you pass out-of-body and you have to be fit to join others who already exist in the higher planes of the Spirit World.  They have balanced their books by dealing with unfinished business and are now free and enlightened and so move on.

You wouldn't expect people with big issues unresolved to bring them and their vibrations and park them next to you.  Like attracts like and as such every soul needs to be in a comfortable environment with similar vibrations to their own.

This is why you must understand that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us all.  It is a state of being and must be found so that we can move on into our allotted space within the Spirit Realms.

There it is not possible to exist in a higher or a lower level than you have attained for yourself, so now you must understand that in order to progress in the spiritual grace you must address all issues within your mindset before you can move on.

Take time out of this earthly existence so that you can address the truth which is within you.  You need to find that in the quiet, where you can understand who and what you are and how far you have travelled, so that you may see how far you still have to go to be worthy of our Father's Kingdom.

One thing I can promise you and that is that if you ask with the right intentions, I am always there to give you comfort and guidance along this difficult and earthly path.  Amen.

16 July 2010

We are All Responsible for our Actions

When we start to look around us and to realise the juxtaposition of all that is, we can begin to understand the difficulties which surround us all upon this earth plane when Mankind, individually or in groups, sets standards of behaviour which are copied and released against their fellows.

So much of people's behaviour is carried out in the name of self without considering the effects that it has on others.  They are usually the first to complain when other people's behaviour has an effect on them.

We all wish to live life on a level playing field, so that the ups and downs of existence are evened out for us, but this is not possible when we are not even-handed with those around us.

We are all responsible for our actions and in time we will realise that what we have done, or left undone, has a direct effect on the way our life twists and turns along a pathway of existence.

I came to teach that with faith and knowledge your mind can be free, because the knowledge of the Laws of our Father frees us from the errors and mistakes, which we are bound to make if we do not follow his direction.

Too many people on this earth plane of existence live only for the pleasures and gains of today without any thoughts of what this will mean, when they are made to stand up to their responsibilities and face the actions that they have taken in their lives.

Nobody is excused seeing their life as they lived it and from reaping the inevitable consequences of what they have done and what they have left undone.  It is not a question of being 'judged', but it is a question of the inevitable.

There are no mitigating circumstances and therefore the Laws of Cause and Effect on each and every soul that passes out-of-body, the so-called 'death', where all automatically go to the plane of existence that they have set for themselves by their actions.

There they will have to serve others after demonstrating that they now understand the errors and mistakes that they made when they walked the earthMany realise that they were misguided and try to blame their teachers for their predicament.

No excuses are accepted, because it is every persons individual right and necessity to question what they were taught and believed.  No one can walk another's path or carry the responsibilities of another's actions.

Each and every one of us is responsible for what we do and what we think.  Therefore I say to you, "Put right your mistakes while you can and carry no unnecessary baggage into the next dimension."

Man reaps his own rewards and so if he lives a life of love and harmony with his neighbours, then so will he be greeted in the next world.  If he is aggressive and selfish, then he must learn his folly when he steps from his body into the darkness.

There are many who still walk this earth plane who are afraid to die, because they start to realise that they have not always been a source of kindness and charity of spirit to those around them.

Too many leave it too late and do not think about the nature of passing from this world into the next and so they will not know what to expect.  One thing is certain and that is that the future path from here of the good soul into the Light of Understanding will be met by those who love you and you will have nothing to fear.

Fear is simply a state of mind to which you do not know the answers and you fear the worstI say to you, "Ask and it still be given unto youSeek and you will findKnock and that door of understanding will be opened unto you."

Look for all your needs within yourself, for there you will find 'heaven' or 'hell' according to your belief and understanding of the Laws that our Father gave to you and allowed you the choice as to how your future would be according to your actions.  Choose wisely.  Amen.