01 July 2011

Your Happiness is in Your Own Hands

Today is a day of joy and laughter and if you start with this notion within, as you awake to another morning of life, you are about to fulfil your dream.

Those who cannot or will not do this will carry the waking thoughts through the next period of wakefulness and will have to abide by the standards which they themselves have set.

Each and every one of us is completely responsible for the life which they lead.  We all are brought challenges and opportunities and it is our choice and our choice alone how we deal with them.

There is simply nobody else to blame for the way we go and the way we act through our period on this earth plane of existence.  To blame others for our errors and mistakes is to hide ourselves from the truth, which is a big mistake.

Unless we understand ourselves and who and what we are, how can we adjust and improve our own position and accomplishments in life?

No one deserves a free meal ticket through life, although many ask for it and suffer the consequences of being kept in their place by the one who they allow to provide for them.  Each and every person must contribute to the whole and the greater good if they are to progress, otherwise they are wasting their time here.

Many find excuses as to how useful they really are and how others are dependant on them, but if the truth be known, when a soul is called home to higher states of grace, the others have to manage and so often they really do.

If ones ego is the guiding light of a life in a sheltered view of the whole, then outside this nothing is given to the greater cause, which is everybody else.  Self is the big mistake that so many people don’t understand.

Either people fall for the preservation of number one or else they tend to succumb to being always the one who has to work for the others and not for themselves.  The truth, as so often is the case, lies somewhere in between and so, by evaluating ones position and knowing oneself, one is in a position to make the best choice possible.

Neither a dictator nor a servant be.  Happiness and joy do not lie in either direction, because neither is free and both will live in a state of fear for themselves.

To be a giver and a receiver of unconditional love to those around you, will bring a freedom that is rewarding in itself.  To give without reward and to feel the gratitude and joy of the receiver makes its own reward and when it is our turn to receive we are aglow with an inner warmth.

Give yourself the chance every morning by putting thoughts out into the universe that make you stronger and mentally in charge of your very being.  If you sow good thoughts you will reap a good harvest, but should you be negative you will be fighting an uphill battle all day long.

Get yourself in change of your existence and be strong by taking personal responsibility for all that you do and by sending out waves of happiness, so that people feel that you are a good person to meet and share their vibrations with.

Start a ripple effect and be sad for those who cannot rise to your level of self accomplishment, but not for too long or you will drain your own resources.  Send them a positive thought and ask for them to receive enlightenment as you have.

Your happiness is in your own hands if you have the courage to direct it, so act honestly and ask positively and you will make a difference to your life and all those around you.  Amen to that.

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