To take the world by storm is not to be taken lightly. Many aspire to be role models, but have yet to find the means to shape themselves into a worthwhile package.
Celebrities have a great responsibility as they are holding themselves up to the masses knowing that what they do will be copied and not everything is for the greater good or the betterment of Mankind.
Before you look to a status of being in front of all the eyes of the media, remember that the media isn’t always friendly and often looks to sell its product rather than impart information, which is the main job of communication.
We all have to look at ourselves as others see us. It is not always as pleasant as we might think. Perhaps we are too busy pushing ourselves forward to realise just what a picture we paint for others to observe.
It is not what we want in life that really matters, but what it is that Our Father wants of us. We all are given opportunities to serve others and if we are too busy pushing ourselves forward we are in grave danger of missing our purpose.
If you remember at what is called the Last Supper I demonstrated this by washing the feet of my disciples. No one is too high and mighty to miss the chance of serving his brother, his sister or his neighbour.
We all have a need to develop ourselves by giving and helping others, so that we can be in our turn given to and helped. Life is not that proverbial bed of roses, because we would learn nothing and not develop ourselves to any meaningful degree.
Whenever there is a situation in the life of any of us, however mighty or however lowly, there are strewn in our pathway opportunities to learn through adversity. These issues may manifest themselves through the giving and receiving of love, health issues, financial difficulties or in whatever way we can develop ourselves.
The greater good is always the winner when these issues are addressed successfully, as when the rich man suffers health issues and becomes aware of support which is needed for other sufferers and so donations may be made.
Those who cannot find themselves loved because of their behaviour or attitude may be accepted in service to those who have been abused and are in need of understanding and support.
There are always chances to improve a lifetime on this earth and that is why we choose to come and work for the benefit of others who are less fortunate than ourselves. If we have grasped the opportunity to be of service then what need have we of fame and accolades?
We will not need to be a celebrity except that others may see how to give and give themselves, but so often the lure of the red carpet is for selfish reasons and self aggrandisement and all the while energies are being wasted in the pushing forward of self for the sake of self.
If your acts of good will are not seen it does not make them not worth the doing. Our Father sees all that we do and it is his life that we lead and so we need an answer to the question when we are asked, “What did you do with your life?”
What Mankind sees is of little reward. Rewards are not material and of this World, but will be given in Heaven according to your worth, so take with you the legacy of a life well lived – not in the fast lane but in the love of human kindness. Amen.
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