If you give to another without expecting anything in return then you will be rewarded by Spiritual Law. Therefore I say to you that to give is to be able to understand that the spiritual basis of life is generosity.
It is, in simple terms, that to give without expectations is in itself an act of love and love of ones fellow human beings is the most important kind of love after the love for the Creator, who is our Father and who gave us life.
By this means we are following his example and the teachings of all the prophets who were sent to spread Spiritual Law without exception. Many had to face those who had turned their backs on the words that God had sent in Biblical times to those who dishonoured him and set up idols and worshiped other gods.
Today, in some quarters, nothing has changed except that instead of Baal there is material wealth at the expense of others. Until Mankind can rid himself of the notion that Man must take what he wants to be successful and not to rely on the goodness of the Universal Intelligence to supply what is needed naturally, then there is little hope that love can rule over fear and self interest.
With the gifts of intelligence and knowledge Mankind has made himself strong in the ability to do things for himself in his way, but that is not true. Man has stood on the Moon, but has failed to grasp how to prepare ahead of the tsunami or prevent the spread of cancer cells or famines of catastrophic proportions.
Mankind has now to face waves of energy that will sweep across this little but beautiful world to such a degree that the old ways will be levelled to the ground and new nations will rise to work and trade in harmony or to be ignored and left to their own devices.
Countries must find the common cause of living in love and harmony and putting the important things first by leaving behind the spiral of spending without resources and facing ever-mounting economies based on furthering profits rather than providing care for the elderly and a code of standards for the young to adopt and so flourish.
Politics are no longer a way of earning a living but a method of providing the best possible for all the people under God’s heavenly skies, where no one will go without unless they choose it for themselves, because the opportunities to progress and live a life with enough is to share with each other the bounty of the things that matter.
These things are the free and important things like the sunshine and the rain, like clean air to breathe and a pollution-free world without the poisons of material excess through greed for more, simply for the sake of having more.
Today too much power is in the hands of the few, who luxuriate in their earthly wealth and who give no thought to tomorrow except to become even wealthier and more powerful at the expense of the rest of the peoples of the world.
It is common place to be tolerant to countries that disrespect human rights so that trade can be created on the backs of misery. Poor countries with a small literacy rate are sold cell ‘phones yet the education of the children is virtually nothing and the women are treated worse that the dogs.
As long as the materially wealthy peoples can sit on their consciences then nothing will change, but there is rising a hunger for freedom and a thirst for the greater good and all must acknowledge the changes, so that a balance can be created as the wise men, those who have spiritual foundations based on truth, can build a new society on this earth.
Many want to do it, but don’t know where or how to start. The teachers are coming and the pupils are being made ready as the knowledgeable ones will speak the words from the Higher Intelligence and they will be heard and the mindsets will shift as the dawning comes again that the ways of Men have mislead the people by smothering the Laws of the Universe and denouncing the healing and the love from the Higher Consciousness.
I charge you to be ready to make these changes and to allow truth into your minds, so that your wealth will grow in places where neither moths nor rust can corrupt it and a life is seen as it should be by sharing love and breaking bread between all people, so that heaven is forged on this earth that all men and women might walk so that their children can be free and laughter and joy can be experienced again.
Work for goodness and put behind you the past and let the present be your Nemesis, so that the future can take care of itself guided by the loving grace of the Universal Intelligence, which loves all that has been created and will welcome home those who live and work in love for all to be great within themselves.
Amen to that.
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