Today marks a great movement forward in the life of Mankind as so many of the troubles that have been created are now being resolved. Energies and strength are being sent by the Father to combat the negativity created by so many.
The power of each individual has been weaken by oppression and greed so that the ‘smaller’ people have lived in fear, but now strength and positive thinking is becoming more common place as people of all nations are standing up for their rights and the needs of their families and friends.
To be a part of this movement is to feel and understand the power of God, who is seen and understood in so many different ways, but is all consuming in the light of his recognition in the eyes of his wayward children.
We are all wayward in his eyes because we cannot and do not live together in harmony and peace sharing what we have with each other for the greater good. There is no right way of religious truth as all is individually given and received. All souls are at one with their God and there is no map to show the way, only the conscience of the individual.
Many paths are out there and many follow those paths hoping to be accepted collectively by the dictates of the cause that man has interpreted, but no man is an island of truth and all islands of knowledge are only a part of the whole.
Truth must merge together and peoples of this world must accept that no one has it all correct, so that tolerance is necessary to allow the merging of ideas so that what sits right with the individual is the way that soul needs to progress to find his own understanding of the ‘Godhead’.
We are all created equal in a Universe of Love by a Creative Force that we call God, because we cannot see the wider implications of the truth and wisdom that it takes to keep all things in balance and harmony.
Our individual lives are each a facet of a vast living endeavour, which allows us the freedom of expression during this short lifetime upon this planet Earth. What we do with this precious time will influence our individual futures and our progress towards a greater good of unity together.
We all have the power of thought, which influences our actions and when combined with other thoughts of likeness can influence events for the better or worse of the greater good. Those who combine their thoughts or pray together do produce great changes that can be seen and felt.
Healing and love sent many distances do make a difference and those who are in need can and are helped by thoughts of others who ask for freedom, wellbeing and truth to enlighten their lives.
Do not be afraid to allow your thoughts to be heard and felt, but remember that what you think is a two-edged blessing as positive or negative and what you send out will be returned to you in like and larger fashion.
Think before you ask, so that you can receive what is best for you and for others. Think positively and allow the guidance of your conscience and not your greed to advise you what to ask for. The Universal Energies do return answers and help, but only through what is best for you, your soul and your development.
If you think unwisely you will receive unwanted recompense for your trouble. See examples of others who seem to be ‘unlucky’ but are in fact receiving what they have sown and remember not to judge less your too are judged.
This world is a beautiful place and has been entrusted to Mankind to look after it and keep it so. Have you done your bit to make your little piece of heaven reflective to the greater good and enhanced the lives of your fellow man, woman and child for the better?
Many have, but there are many who need to look within themselves and to see who and what they are before they are asked to account for their lives and to put right the feelings and trusts which they may have used incorrectly.
Be ready always to put right what you have left undone and to advance towards the light of understanding and truth. Amen.
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