Now take courage and put to rights all those things that you have left undone, because now is the time to act! There are many movements in your favour and at last there is a global energy ushering in the new way of earthly living and preparing the way of the Lord.
A new regime of man’s expectance will arise and there will be support for the so called common man, who has been so downtrodden by events of the heavy handed and selfish dictators in both home and country.
Businesses are to be reborn in a new way, where the customers and the purchases of material matters will be considered as the importance of success and not simply the continual pursuit of profit for its own sake.
The meek will inherit the earth, but personal responsibility must be a part and a way of life. No longer can you hide your light under the table, but it is now the time to be seen for what you are and to behave as a child of the light and not an entity of the darkness.
To be a good person is not enough. By saying that I am good because I do no harm to others is only a part of the story. It is necessary that you actively do good to others and are seen as a helper of those who are less well off than yourself, either financially or by education and knowledge.
Make a concerted effort my friends to no longer leave it to others to help in your family, in your community or in your nation. See what it is that you can do for your community and not simply just what it can do for you.
There are many things that are required and will never happen unless somebody steps up to the plate and takes action in these matters. The days of state payouts and welfare by the tax payer are gone. Your community needs you to take a part in its progression towards a better way of life for every single member of it.
Look to the abuse of the old and the young, those who are not equipped to look after themselves in these matters and the abusers simply believe that they can get away with their loutish and immoral behaviour.
This only appears to be the case as nothing escapes the Father and the Universal Intelligence. While trying to guide earthly matters, there awaits a confronting of those wrongdoers, at the appropriate time, when the greater good is served and not simply the darkness of ignorance smothering the light of achievement and goodness.
Take heart and see daily the good things which are being achieved as the lid is taken off so many cans of worms. This cannot be done without sacrifice and many have to stand up and be counted with pain and hardship for the greater good to be served.
See this as a place and time of adjustment, when a new order will be put in place if Mankind has the courage of its individual members to do their bit and not to shy away from their joint responsibilities.
How true it is that no man is an island, because we are all joined together in a common pursuit to survive and prosper, but this can only be achieved by us all working together for each other and only taking what we need and doing without what we want until it is easily attainable and necessary.
Look around yourself and see what you need and what you can spare and do not replace what is still in good working order just because you want a shiny new one to show off to neighbours of how well you are doing.
These glinting and glittering things are seldom gold, as the price is so often at the expense of heavenly wealth, which is all that is worth building up for yourselves, where moths and rusts do not corrupt and your worth is waiting for you to come and claim the abundance that you have created during your lifetime.
Or have you? The choice is yours and yours alone. Amen.
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