To live life as it comes along is never easy. It is just a way of going with the flow and seeing what comes out of it.
“If I keep my head down nothing can harm me!” Or can it? Isn’t life about recognising opportunities to make decisions that shape our lives in such a way that we can take personal responsibilities for our actions?
That way we are in control as much as we can ever be and we can see how our lives are being guided and led by the important requirements of our daily existence.
We all have wants and hopes that our dreams will come true, but if we do nothing to enhance those thoughts, how can anything ever happen to make those dreams come true?
There is an old saying that, “Even the longest journey starts with a single step” and this is of course true. It is extremely important for us all who believe in the Spirit and the Higher Power.
Our Father gave us free will. We can live our lives however we like, but always we will have to atone for any harm that we do to others. Some chose to go into the wilderness and commune with nature and learn personally without distractions however the Spirit moves them.
Others chose to pursue power and wealth, to conquer others and to have power over them believing presumably that they will never have to atone for the cruelty and corruption.
The days of these monsters is coming to an end as the people who they have oppressed, for their own aggrandisement and appeased their own appetite for self, stand up together and make a difference to their lives and the lives of others.
No one shows greater love than when they lay down their lives for their friends. I should know, because I laid down my life so that you could see and witness the bountiful nature of our Father’s love.
He gave us some time on this earthly plane of experience to witness and live through the various stages of Man’s emotions and driving forces of desire. Many do not understand why they are here and what it is that they have come to do.
So many take the offers that come their way and float through their time here in a dream of uncertainty. What will you have to say when you are asked what you did with your time here and what difference did you make to the suffering of your fellow man?
Those in states of oppression, whether in the family home or in their nations existence, all have a right to stand up and to say what is not right and what needs to be accomplished to further the lives of people.
We are all given opportunities to make differences and to cross over the road to help our fellow man, so don’t walk by on the other side muttering that it is no affair of yours. It is every person’s affair what happens to their neighbours wherever they may be.
In this world of massive and speedy communications our neighbour is there next to us, wherever they may reside or live out their time here. Many are in great need of understanding and support, so do not turn away thinking it is none of your business.
Any contact that you ever have, however small, is recorded for you to consider again in the light of love and harmony, as to whether you sowed love and help or discord and fear.
You can never escape your responsibilities, however hard you may try to here in this short life, because your live goes on and on and what you leave undone only awaits you to act again until you get it right and learn that you are not an isolated being, but a member of the human race with responsibilities for it.
We all have to face our own fears before we can help others to do so, so take that first step on a new part of your journey and you will be helped and guided. Look around at all those who are helping their fellow man and know that they have made this choice and stepped up to the plate and made their play as you also can.
I say, “Amen to that.” That you will not be found wanting when you are called, as called you most certainly will be and are being, so put away your fear and live in love and share it with all those around you in honesty and purpose always. Amen.
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