Now is not the time to be faint hearted as the world has to change and you with it. It has been a long time in developing to its present level of materialism and the spirit of the people has been diluted by the promises of forgiveness from the confessional.
No man can be forgiven their sins by any other means than by those he or she sinned against. To be forgiven is not a let off. What you have done, you have done and must be accounted for and made good by your actions alone.
Be ready when the time comes to put aside any pretence of it not being your fault, but the fault of everything else, as it was perhaps fate that inspired you to those actions for which you are now seeking forgiveness or being let off the hook by blaming another.
So rife is this practice on this earth plane of experience that so many believe that they can get away with, well if not murder just about anything else. We are all responsible for our actions and the Laws of Cause and Effect apply to each and every one of us.
I say to you as an individual, “Why do you think that you are different to everybody else?” I say to you as a member of the human race, “Why do you think that your thoughts are to be excluded from everybody else’s when that balance is made?”
Each and every soul has to take personal responsibility for their private agenda and their compliance in the overall way that life is. No single person can afford to stand back and suggest that “This does not apply to me?”
When it is time for the good things that Mankind receives to be handed out like the fresh air, the pure waters of enlightenment and the daily requirements of each and every soul who ever lived, do you really want to be exempted from that?
Our Father made this World a better place by giving each and every soul who comes down to it the same starting point and the same opportunities, whatever you might be tempted to think.
It is far harder for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Haven’t you heard that said many times and it should be repeated in your mind every time you wish for more than you deserve.
Think honestly about yourself and the weight of burden that you carry, because of all the things that you want here and now without any thoughts of the Kingdom to come. Will you be left outside the gates, because you have not done enough with your life to be able to be let in?
Like attracts like, so often you have been told this. If you are not fit to dwell with others inside the gates then you will not be allowed in until you have learned how to behave in that company of those who have.
Many souls find that when they are faced with the reality of moving on to the next stage of experience, they become afraid of what they have done and what they have left undone. It is a common failing of the human race to want everything today without any care for tomorrow.
A wise man or woman accumulates the knowledge that is available to all who come and seeks the best ways of living their lives by looking at themselves through the eyes of others and not through their own multicoloured spectacles.
See yourself as you really are and when you realise this, ask for help by determining for yourself a path of redemption that every soul must follow sooner or later and remember that the longer you leave it the more catching up there is to do.
I am the way, the truth and the light and whosoever sees themselves through my eyes will surely find themselves in the Kingdom of Heaven, where I am already waiting to welcome you to the place that you have achieved for yourself and not on the backs of others.
No one can do it for you. No one can make your decisions any easier. You can be guided by the words of those who are true and have proved themselves and been examined throughout the Universal Force of All Creation.
Many have attempted to do this and many have failed, but in truth I tell you that the road to our Father is open to all who truly wish to walk it and with me by your side I can promise you that if your heart is true and pure you will find the way.
Now is the time. Amen.
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