08 October 2010

You Never Know What is Round the Corner


This is a time of waiting and wondering as you await your next move into pastures new and your hopes are realised that your dreams can and do come true.  What has to happen is that all you wish for yourself is earned in service to others.


If you ask for yourself alone, it will almost certainly not come about as you wish it to, because life is about service and giving and playing a part in making other people's lives easier rather than your own.


This may sound a little old fashion to so many who were brought up on the principle of looking after number one, but that is not the way that it has been handed down from On High through centuries of development.


The history of Mankind is one of lightness in the hearts of the givers and darkness in the hearts of the takers.  What good does it do if a man shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?


What you never know is when you will pass from this life into the next dimension and will be asked what you have done with your life and is this world a better place, because you came and spent a few years here?


You are simply passing through my friend and you are on a journey from your conception into life through our Father's creation and are travelling through time as an experience of learning how best to live for the greater good and in his love.


If you are a taker and you want for yourself alone, so you will be disappointed when you move forward into the next stage of development, which is beyond this earth plane and is an area of assessment, where you must prove that you have become worthy of the next step.


Until you are ready, through the active pursuit of loving vibrations, to move on with others who have already earned their place in the next land of loving existence with our Father and his Laws of Living for the greater good of all, then you will not be acceptable to be there.


Everything has to be earned in the right manner and only you can take the responsibility for your life and its progress from here to eternity.  Many can advise you and make suggestions to you, but you alone can do it and do it you must.


Personal responsibility is the name of the game here and which way you chose to cast your nets to make your catch will decide whether you are in the troubled waters of self gain or the quiet and gentle waters of being at one with the fellows around you, be they man, woman or child.


Within each and every soul is a conscience, which if listened to will guide you well and through it you will know whether you walk by on the other side of the road or whether you step off your own path and help another, who is in need.


Each time you help another you earn the right to be helped yourself, but if you are barren of loving acts you can hardly expect those dreams to come to you that you want for yourself.  What point is there in being full of earthly wealth and self righteousness if your own soul is lost?


The only way of recovery is a very hard road to follow when the time comes and you are stripped bare of all you held dear and asked what have you got to show that you are worthy of going on into the heavenly state, where love and goodness rule over all?


Take time out now my friend and look at your life and your objectives, so that you may see where you are going and can recognise whether that is the way that has been taught through the ages of Mankind's development and compatible with your conscience or whether it is a continuation of your ego, which is crucifying your soul and blackening your chances of joining those who have already made the grade and moved on to a better understanding of what life is truly all about.


I pray that you will consider your worth and give in love and acquire knowledge for the road ahead that will cause you to travel through eternity seeking the many mansions on the way to our Father's Kingdom.  Amen.


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