What is the use of worrying when you have not got the facts to face? Modern life is full of fear of the 'what if?' Physical damage is done to the mind, body and soul, if only you would realise that this damage can be irreversible in this earthly lifetime.
An early departure from this place of existence is not an option as you cause yourself to suffer needlessly. Our Father in 'Heaven' looks after all his creations in the way which is best for them and living on a bed of roses would cause you to learn nothing of any importance and to return empty handed to the next dimension.
Souls put themselves in torment by clinging on to relationships and material considerations long after they have served their useful purposes. They fall heavily into the mire of despond by fearing for themselves without the faith and trust that they will be looked after.
It may not be in the way that soul wanted it to work out for them, but it will be in the best way for them to move on with their lives and learn from their past mistakes. These errors of judgment are points of learning and they say only a fool makes the same mistake twice, but many of you make the same misguided gamble time and time again in the interests of their meal ticket to security.
After a while they realise that they have fallen into the same baited trap that was set for them and that they are unable or unwilling to climb out of it. With hindsight they see their error, but with a little more foresight they would have realised what was to come.
Within you are the answers that you need to know. It is simply that most people prefer the gamble of excitement and the joy of living 'dangerously' and cannot see that it will ever change and will always be that bed of roses.
Nothing is constant and everything moves on. From the day that you were conceived and born to an earthly life you faced constant change, otherwise you would never have been born and grown up to what you are now, so why do you clamour of the 'comfort' of the status quo?
All decisions in ones life need to be taken calmly and sensibly while listening to the advice within your own conscience, which will always serve you well if you want to live a 'good' life according to the Laws of our Father.
In the Creation of you, as well as all souls past and to come, a little piece of the Creator was placed within and acts as your scales of justice, so that you know the difference between right and wrong.
Listen to your 'gut feeling' some say and they are right, because you were made in 'God's Image', which is your real self within you that you carry with you through this life and into the next, because you are eternal and can never be destroyed no matter what you do.
You may fall from the Light and into the Darkness of Ignorance if you choose to turn your back on the Enlightenment of the Spirit, which serves as the radio beacon from the Highest, where the 'Godhead' carries out the directions from the Source of all Knowledge and Wisdom.
No one is forgotten ever. You are cherished and loved and will feel that warmth and joy and love one day when you pass into the Realms of Spirit on your journey back to be at one with the Universal Force of Existence.
Do not be afraid of the future. It is in your own hands, because if you trust your conscience and do what is right then you will be rewarded with the next step on your journey and you will emerge better equipped to carry on this life of yours.
Allow yourself to be guided into the good things that are achievable for you and put aside the things that you think you want but will do you no service. I pray that you will find truth in your heart and mind and that this will lead you to the love and achievement which you so deserve. Amen.
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