19 October 2010

Time for Cutting and a Time for Change


Now that the cuts are starting to be seen and felt, so the necessity for soft easy living will be unavailable.  Each and every soul in the land and abroad will have to cut their coat according to their cloth.  There will be no exceptions.


Those who are under greater pressure will be those who are still expecting a freebie way of life and who cannot or will not put their own minds to supporting themselves as much as they can.


It is a strange irony that in this country where there has been so much wealth created that there are so many who expect a living without lifting a finger.  This has to stop and be recognised as the painful truth is there for all to see.  It is no longer affordable.


Where there are jobless and people come from abroad to take these jobs, there is a question to be asked.  "What is the mindset of those who are not prepared to support themselves and their family by doing work that is available to support them?"


The time has now arrived whereby all who are able bodied are required to work for the community and to put their best foot forward for the greater good and not to hold out their hands solely for themselves.


Wealth is within the mind.  Heaven is a quiet conscience.  Peace is the state of mind that you have done all that you could and not walked by on the other side and ignored those who were in need.


Far too many people are looking after number one at the expense of the greater good of their family, their neighbours and their community.  Young people are being brought up to take what they want in an instantly satisfied society.


Where are the lessons learned through all those years of sacrifice and labour through two World Wars and the rebuilding of that Promised Land?  A land fit for heroes it was said and there was so much of everything that so many sat on their laurels and reaped their own rewards.


The bubble of the material world had burst my friends and it is time to look at yourselves and see what had happened to your spirituality, which has been suppressed by too much material lazing about and glorifying at the expense of your own salvation.


All born to this plane of existence came to help and to learn and to accept themselves to be indebted to their Creator, who gave them life and love.  Where has anything goodly or godly been in your lives?


Does the next dimension frighten you, because you haven't bothered to find out the truth of where you will go or what will be asked of you?  It is wake up time and the call is being given loud and clear.


Look to your deficits and pool your resources, so that all may become a force to be reckoned with and by all pulling together and calling for enlightenment and understanding from within, so that your conscience can guide you where other material considerations led you astray.


It has to be said that now is the time that has to be understood.  As in the olden days voices were sent to guide and lead the peoples of the World.  Look around you and recognise goodness and replace the greed with what you need and not what you want.


Give a helping hand to those who are toiling and not seeking self aggrandisement and luxury for themselves, but are working to make this a better place as the cuts and changes run deep.


I did not come to bring an easy way to the Kingdom of God.  I came so that by example and true teachings, Man would see the folly of greed and avarice and live in peace, helping one another in love and appreciation that we cannot survive alone.


Take some time now to find the quietness and listen to your conscience and be guided by the Spirit as to what you should do and how you should do it.  Your mind is your life centre and that is all you take with you to the next world, so leave your trinkets and trifles and make headway that can be considered to be progress towards the betterment of the World and its peoples.


Then when you are asked, "What have you done with your life" there will be a clear and positive answer and those who you have helped will justify your existence and the time spent through the great change of thinking, which has to come about for us all to survive.


God bless you and look to his Creative Force and Laws of Life, because you know it does make sense.  Amen.


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