04 October 2010

The Changes that you have Been Waiting for are Near at Hand


To those of you who are waiting for changes in your lives to occur, I have come today to say to you that you will not have long to wait.  There are massive changes of global energy all around and the bigger changes will affect the smaller ones.


Too many souls have been waiting impatiently of late for their lives to get going.  I can tell you now that this is about to happen and, for all who have felt bogged down in the negativity of this earth plane, you are about to feel uplifted.


Changes that are meant to happen are constrained by a number of factors.  To begin with it is necessary for a person to be ready and to make the first move in the right direction.  You have been given free will and if you don't start to act we cannot intervene.


If you start with the right intentions and wish for nothing that would harm or cause another's pathway to be adversely affected, then you will find that those thoughts which you sent out will be answered.


All prayers are answered according to the best that there is for that soul and that is not always in the way that you expected or required.  Our Creator laid down the way that things have to be in accordance with his love and wisdom, so that all may profit from good deeds and actions.


The right intentions will be of great benefit to the soul whose thoughts vibrate out into the Universe, so that those unseen but known spirits, who serve our Creator and carry out his will, can act in accordance with the Laws of the Universal Force, who many call 'God'.


They are able, as Guardian Angels if you will, to be on hand and to guide your lives as smoothly as you allow with your thoughts of loving intentions to others around you.  The first move is yours and must always be so.


To ask for what you need rather than what you want also makes a mighty difference to what you receive.  If you wish to have more than you earn by honest toil from those whose need is greater than yours, then you must be disappointed.


In order to carry out your tasks appointed for the good of those who deserve your love and comfort, you will be rewarded in the ways that are best for both yourself and them.  No one will gain ascension over another and all will be fair and deliberate according to their worth to humanity itself.


So now we need to look above and beyond your individual needs and those of your family and friends and address the greater good, which can only be seen and appreciated from a higher attitude attained.


The 'Godhead' knows and plans for the emergence of helpful and progressive direction for the whole of humanity.  No individual is more important than the whole.  Our small part in this existence is so that the greater good can be served and so we are expected to give and act in such a way that will bring about the progression of Mankind and allow all to benefit and not just a greedy few.


Lofty decisions have been made at the highest level, so that the Material Man can no longer be allowed to score over his spiritual and loving neighbour.  Universal energies are in place to lift the vibrations of this plane to allow the goodness to rise at the expense of the negative, which until now has been allowed to rule.


Those who have lived for power, aggrandisement and earthly wealth at the expense of others will be taken down if they will not change their ways.  You will observe the change in leadership around the world and you will see many 'mighty men' fall, because they will not change.


So be advised that the sluggish acceptance of the status quo to eliminate change has been swept away and will be replaced by far reaching attempts to change the mindset of those men and women who persist in worshiping Mammon before the Master of the Universe.


I ask that you concentrate your minds on good things and ask to be shown ways to encourage change for the better and I will oversee your needs and requirements, as the Creator directs for your benefit and upliftment and the choice for change is granted to the people, so that goodness may increase at the expense of material greed after earthly treasure.  Amen.


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