11 October 2010

By Your Best Intentions You Are Known

The new changes which are coming about will affect everybody's lives and will cause some re-thinking to be done at all levels.  Nobody can escape these changes as they are brought about by the 'Godhead' energies and have been put in place to avoid the catastrophe, which is facing this planet.

No longer can Mankind ignore his relentless and selfish erosion and plunder of the resources of this planet in order to make himself bigger and more grandiose in his own eyes.  Those who watch him can see that there is no glory in it.

There are two main types of life on this planet.  There are the seen human-bodied form of existence, which come for a time and learn the energies and vibrations through emotions and experiences and there are the unseen spirit-formed guides and helpers, whose task it is to simply suggest and guide those who will listen and profit from their words.

Those who view profit in an earthly context are the seen beings of humanity, who take for themselves regardless of the cost to others.  These are the darker souls or takers, who through their own ego and desires prey on the weaker souls, who with love in their hearts are givers and providers of sustenance for the takers.

Each and every soul on this earth plane had to decide how they want to live out their years before they pass on and leave their earthly body, but take with them on their journey of life their mind and memory of all that they have ever done and come in contact with.

After passing they will be meet and confronted by a loving soul of light, who will in compassion and extreme understanding ask them if they are ready to pass on and what have they achieved in their life time on this planet that is worthy of showing.

They will be naked before him and there is no pretence or argument, but simply the facts that they themselves carry.  In order to move on they have to achieve and all come to earthly life with a mission to be carried out for the benefit of others.

Those who have lived for themselves though selfishness and aggrandisement will not be able to move forward until these negative issues have been addressed and proper retribution put in place to make up for their omissions.

The goodness of the future existence is held in the mind and memory of that soul, who in order to progress must balance out their negativity with positive energies by deeds to help others along the way and go unrewarded through unconditional love and generosity.

The soul develops an energy that is acceptable to other souls of like mindedness and in love and light these souls enjoy the love and strength of 'God's' wisdom and presence, while those darker souls of self righteousness will also congregate together in the darkness of ignorance as they must linger there to repair their own omissions.

You go where you deserve to go and by your actions you are known to your fellows, where nothing is or can be hid, so that you make for yourselves the future from your own mindset and actions towards others.

Time is limitless along the road of life and so it can be undertaken through the hard experiences of greed and avarice for a short term earthly comfort zone and a long term darkness of finding the truth and reality through the discomforts that you have earned or you can start now and live in understanding that your own heaven is within you and follow the light that beckons.

This is the easiest road, because our Father has removed the pain of self infliction by the loving light of enlightenment.  You are here to give your love to others who need your help and assurance to find their way and to accumulate your own wisdom through the acquisition of knowledge.

To those who follow the teachings of the Lord I say to you that you do not walk alone as there are many unseen souls who guide your path and each and every footstep is watched and applauded.

What is important is that you fan the flames of faith and trust in your own conscience, so that you know you are doing the very best at each step and that wisdom builds from your knowledge as you apply yourself to each and every task that confronts you with the right intentions to tackle it the right and best way, as you are seen and approved of by your best intentions.  Amen.

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