14 October 2010

We Are All Moving On Together


Until the Peoples of this World start to realise that we are all interlinked and that our dependency is interrelated, there can be no progress and this World will continue on its downfall pathway and become an obscurity.


Already negativity is weighing down this globe and already the Spirit Realms have indeed put matters in place to hold it up from sinking away, but until the mindset of Mankind turns away from material greed as its number one option and starts to recognise the 'Godhead' of Creation, there will be little progress made.


Mankind is ignorant enough and egotistic enough to believe that the Creator made this plane of existence solely for him as a playground for his own pleasures and not as a workplace for learning and helping each other.


It is, in a sense, a University of Life where much can be taught and gained through the knowledge brought about by studying a good existence and applying it, so that the greater good may benefit.


Alas, so many fail to even accept that a 'Creative Hand' brought order to the heavens and laid down a rule book of existence by which all must adhere in this life or take ignorance and failure to achieve anything into the next world, where it is harder to attune to the better ways of existence until reparation had been shown fully and completely for the past errors committed.


The 'Creative Force' gave a choice to his creations and therefore they can behave well or badly, but the time comes when confronted by the nakedness of achievement that the account has to be balanced in full.


All souls on this earth plane of existence must pull together for the greater gain and selfishness and greed are negative subjects that cannot be encouraged, as they bring corruption and eventually despair, as those souls fall further away from the love of the Creator and finally will fall into the darkness of complete and utter ignorance unless they turn to the light of 'God's great love and light.


It is totally unnecessary to go to the 'Houses of God' around the countryside to find the necessary instruction to move on in the right direction.  There is little there that can be considered to be spiritual, as those leaders cannot control it and condemn it as bedevilled.


However, the true path to the Light of Understanding lies within each and every one of us and was placed there since our beginning and is a conscience that explains, if we care to listen, the rights and wrongs of every situation.


Nothing is hid and nobody can get away with anything, as all is revealed as one stands naked before the Lord and is asked to show what they have achieved for the benefit of others without personal gain.


The truth is that only an honest heart can truly open itself up to examination without fear, because within that heart is unconditional love, which fills each and every cranny and there are others happy to testify how great the service of that honest servant of the Lord was.


So now you can, I hope, begin to see that by being a wastrel and only looking to your own insufficient needs and allowing the needs of others to pass you by and not incommode you on your busy way, you fill your hearts with the darker energies that must be addressed in the light of goodness or not at all.


If each and every person looked upon each and every other person as his neighbour and saw to his needs, then the whole community could work together to bring about those necessary changes.


For far too long have the takers taken and the givers have been silent to the consequences that would surely come about, as the weak started to perish and the strong gained more and more power until it was too late to call out, "Stop!"


Now the cause and effect has decreed that all must fall now and each is guilty to some extent by failing to take responsibility, but until those who understand this start to stand up for a better deal, then it is impossible to change direction and the heaviness of it all will cause further falling.


Let in the light to your minds and set commonsense free, so that all can move on together to put right what has been so wrong and brought about the crashing and wailing of overindulgence down to poverty of soul and mind.


It cannot continue thus, so I ask you to take some time in the silence of your mind to listen to just what you can truly do to make a difference, so that we can all move on together and find heaven on earth within our mindsets of freedom and love.  Amen.



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