23 October 2010

Never Hide Your Lights Where They Can't be Seen


Look around you and try and see what is happening as the cause and effect of so much living on credit has brought about a boom and bust situation, whereby the coffers were suddenly emptied and instead of addressing the problem mighty sums were borrowed.


Now, as the bankers were saved from their own mistakes, the rest of the country has to pay the bill.  There is no way to go back and change the mistakes that were made.  Everybody has to dig deep into their pockets and tighten their belt.


New opportunities will come about if everybody pulls together and where work was freely available and opportunities were missed, there now comes the chance to communities of pulling together and to help each other through these difficult times.


Central government is only the holder of the purse strings to spend what you give them in taxes.  They should not be held responsible for each and every need that an individual has and can address for themselves.


We all hold a personal responsibility to do our best for ourselves, our family and our neighbours.  Sitting on our backsides and expecting somebody else to do it for us is not the way forward.


If we all pull together and share what we can, then together much progress will be made.  There needs to be a pride again in what we can achieve for ourselves and that does not mean the accumulation of earthly wealth, which is but an energy like other things are.


To allow wealth to be stored away and corrupted when it can be used to help others and to produce progress towards a better way of life and living for those who are in need of a helping hand is better than leaving it to waste away.


Not everything is based in the mammon of money.  To give your time to a neighbour who needs a hand or an ear is better than sitting in front of the television.  Learn to see opportunities to help those who require a little bit of your resources.


Each and every soul has something to give and our Father blessed us with gifts that we need to share with others.  The world is crying out for hands on healers to give of the healing rays from our Father and so many simply sit on their hands and do nothing.


Others give healing with their counselling and their words are enough to calm and change the minds of those who are facing so many different challenges, such as bereavement, divorce or moving away to another life.


Fear is the greatest enemy today and those who can give comfort and reassurance are indeed workers of our Father.  Test the advice given and see that it comes from a good heart and is not being forced by ulterior motives.


Honest help and advice is God given and comes from the very many souls who do believe and know that he is in their lives, but chose to keep it to themselves.  That is their right, but to hide their gifts for helping others and do nothing is abusing the generosity of Creation, where these gifts were given.


Look to your left and look to your right and give of your time and wisdom to those who require your attention to strengthen their resolve and go the right way forwards in these difficult times for all and sundry.


Do not hide away, but help with understanding and unconditional love and your rewards will be to see another soul at peace and moving more easily because of your help and also you will receive unexpected bonuses from On High, which you must accept and give thanks for.


I pray that you will receive when you are in need, as those who you have helped will give you the love and thanks that you deserve and the hosts above will cheer and smile on you, so that your path is smoother as a result.  Amen.



19 October 2010

Time for Cutting and a Time for Change


Now that the cuts are starting to be seen and felt, so the necessity for soft easy living will be unavailable.  Each and every soul in the land and abroad will have to cut their coat according to their cloth.  There will be no exceptions.


Those who are under greater pressure will be those who are still expecting a freebie way of life and who cannot or will not put their own minds to supporting themselves as much as they can.


It is a strange irony that in this country where there has been so much wealth created that there are so many who expect a living without lifting a finger.  This has to stop and be recognised as the painful truth is there for all to see.  It is no longer affordable.


Where there are jobless and people come from abroad to take these jobs, there is a question to be asked.  "What is the mindset of those who are not prepared to support themselves and their family by doing work that is available to support them?"


The time has now arrived whereby all who are able bodied are required to work for the community and to put their best foot forward for the greater good and not to hold out their hands solely for themselves.


Wealth is within the mind.  Heaven is a quiet conscience.  Peace is the state of mind that you have done all that you could and not walked by on the other side and ignored those who were in need.


Far too many people are looking after number one at the expense of the greater good of their family, their neighbours and their community.  Young people are being brought up to take what they want in an instantly satisfied society.


Where are the lessons learned through all those years of sacrifice and labour through two World Wars and the rebuilding of that Promised Land?  A land fit for heroes it was said and there was so much of everything that so many sat on their laurels and reaped their own rewards.


The bubble of the material world had burst my friends and it is time to look at yourselves and see what had happened to your spirituality, which has been suppressed by too much material lazing about and glorifying at the expense of your own salvation.


All born to this plane of existence came to help and to learn and to accept themselves to be indebted to their Creator, who gave them life and love.  Where has anything goodly or godly been in your lives?


Does the next dimension frighten you, because you haven't bothered to find out the truth of where you will go or what will be asked of you?  It is wake up time and the call is being given loud and clear.


Look to your deficits and pool your resources, so that all may become a force to be reckoned with and by all pulling together and calling for enlightenment and understanding from within, so that your conscience can guide you where other material considerations led you astray.


It has to be said that now is the time that has to be understood.  As in the olden days voices were sent to guide and lead the peoples of the World.  Look around you and recognise goodness and replace the greed with what you need and not what you want.


Give a helping hand to those who are toiling and not seeking self aggrandisement and luxury for themselves, but are working to make this a better place as the cuts and changes run deep.


I did not come to bring an easy way to the Kingdom of God.  I came so that by example and true teachings, Man would see the folly of greed and avarice and live in peace, helping one another in love and appreciation that we cannot survive alone.


Take some time now to find the quietness and listen to your conscience and be guided by the Spirit as to what you should do and how you should do it.  Your mind is your life centre and that is all you take with you to the next world, so leave your trinkets and trifles and make headway that can be considered to be progress towards the betterment of the World and its peoples.


Then when you are asked, "What have you done with your life" there will be a clear and positive answer and those who you have helped will justify your existence and the time spent through the great change of thinking, which has to come about for us all to survive.


God bless you and look to his Creative Force and Laws of Life, because you know it does make sense.  Amen.


14 October 2010

We Are All Moving On Together


Until the Peoples of this World start to realise that we are all interlinked and that our dependency is interrelated, there can be no progress and this World will continue on its downfall pathway and become an obscurity.


Already negativity is weighing down this globe and already the Spirit Realms have indeed put matters in place to hold it up from sinking away, but until the mindset of Mankind turns away from material greed as its number one option and starts to recognise the 'Godhead' of Creation, there will be little progress made.


Mankind is ignorant enough and egotistic enough to believe that the Creator made this plane of existence solely for him as a playground for his own pleasures and not as a workplace for learning and helping each other.


It is, in a sense, a University of Life where much can be taught and gained through the knowledge brought about by studying a good existence and applying it, so that the greater good may benefit.


Alas, so many fail to even accept that a 'Creative Hand' brought order to the heavens and laid down a rule book of existence by which all must adhere in this life or take ignorance and failure to achieve anything into the next world, where it is harder to attune to the better ways of existence until reparation had been shown fully and completely for the past errors committed.


The 'Creative Force' gave a choice to his creations and therefore they can behave well or badly, but the time comes when confronted by the nakedness of achievement that the account has to be balanced in full.


All souls on this earth plane of existence must pull together for the greater gain and selfishness and greed are negative subjects that cannot be encouraged, as they bring corruption and eventually despair, as those souls fall further away from the love of the Creator and finally will fall into the darkness of complete and utter ignorance unless they turn to the light of 'God's great love and light.


It is totally unnecessary to go to the 'Houses of God' around the countryside to find the necessary instruction to move on in the right direction.  There is little there that can be considered to be spiritual, as those leaders cannot control it and condemn it as bedevilled.


However, the true path to the Light of Understanding lies within each and every one of us and was placed there since our beginning and is a conscience that explains, if we care to listen, the rights and wrongs of every situation.


Nothing is hid and nobody can get away with anything, as all is revealed as one stands naked before the Lord and is asked to show what they have achieved for the benefit of others without personal gain.


The truth is that only an honest heart can truly open itself up to examination without fear, because within that heart is unconditional love, which fills each and every cranny and there are others happy to testify how great the service of that honest servant of the Lord was.


So now you can, I hope, begin to see that by being a wastrel and only looking to your own insufficient needs and allowing the needs of others to pass you by and not incommode you on your busy way, you fill your hearts with the darker energies that must be addressed in the light of goodness or not at all.


If each and every person looked upon each and every other person as his neighbour and saw to his needs, then the whole community could work together to bring about those necessary changes.


For far too long have the takers taken and the givers have been silent to the consequences that would surely come about, as the weak started to perish and the strong gained more and more power until it was too late to call out, "Stop!"


Now the cause and effect has decreed that all must fall now and each is guilty to some extent by failing to take responsibility, but until those who understand this start to stand up for a better deal, then it is impossible to change direction and the heaviness of it all will cause further falling.


Let in the light to your minds and set commonsense free, so that all can move on together to put right what has been so wrong and brought about the crashing and wailing of overindulgence down to poverty of soul and mind.


It cannot continue thus, so I ask you to take some time in the silence of your mind to listen to just what you can truly do to make a difference, so that we can all move on together and find heaven on earth within our mindsets of freedom and love.  Amen.



11 October 2010

By Your Best Intentions You Are Known

The new changes which are coming about will affect everybody's lives and will cause some re-thinking to be done at all levels.  Nobody can escape these changes as they are brought about by the 'Godhead' energies and have been put in place to avoid the catastrophe, which is facing this planet.

No longer can Mankind ignore his relentless and selfish erosion and plunder of the resources of this planet in order to make himself bigger and more grandiose in his own eyes.  Those who watch him can see that there is no glory in it.

There are two main types of life on this planet.  There are the seen human-bodied form of existence, which come for a time and learn the energies and vibrations through emotions and experiences and there are the unseen spirit-formed guides and helpers, whose task it is to simply suggest and guide those who will listen and profit from their words.

Those who view profit in an earthly context are the seen beings of humanity, who take for themselves regardless of the cost to others.  These are the darker souls or takers, who through their own ego and desires prey on the weaker souls, who with love in their hearts are givers and providers of sustenance for the takers.

Each and every soul on this earth plane had to decide how they want to live out their years before they pass on and leave their earthly body, but take with them on their journey of life their mind and memory of all that they have ever done and come in contact with.

After passing they will be meet and confronted by a loving soul of light, who will in compassion and extreme understanding ask them if they are ready to pass on and what have they achieved in their life time on this planet that is worthy of showing.

They will be naked before him and there is no pretence or argument, but simply the facts that they themselves carry.  In order to move on they have to achieve and all come to earthly life with a mission to be carried out for the benefit of others.

Those who have lived for themselves though selfishness and aggrandisement will not be able to move forward until these negative issues have been addressed and proper retribution put in place to make up for their omissions.

The goodness of the future existence is held in the mind and memory of that soul, who in order to progress must balance out their negativity with positive energies by deeds to help others along the way and go unrewarded through unconditional love and generosity.

The soul develops an energy that is acceptable to other souls of like mindedness and in love and light these souls enjoy the love and strength of 'God's' wisdom and presence, while those darker souls of self righteousness will also congregate together in the darkness of ignorance as they must linger there to repair their own omissions.

You go where you deserve to go and by your actions you are known to your fellows, where nothing is or can be hid, so that you make for yourselves the future from your own mindset and actions towards others.

Time is limitless along the road of life and so it can be undertaken through the hard experiences of greed and avarice for a short term earthly comfort zone and a long term darkness of finding the truth and reality through the discomforts that you have earned or you can start now and live in understanding that your own heaven is within you and follow the light that beckons.

This is the easiest road, because our Father has removed the pain of self infliction by the loving light of enlightenment.  You are here to give your love to others who need your help and assurance to find their way and to accumulate your own wisdom through the acquisition of knowledge.

To those who follow the teachings of the Lord I say to you that you do not walk alone as there are many unseen souls who guide your path and each and every footstep is watched and applauded.

What is important is that you fan the flames of faith and trust in your own conscience, so that you know you are doing the very best at each step and that wisdom builds from your knowledge as you apply yourself to each and every task that confronts you with the right intentions to tackle it the right and best way, as you are seen and approved of by your best intentions.  Amen.

08 October 2010

You Never Know What is Round the Corner


This is a time of waiting and wondering as you await your next move into pastures new and your hopes are realised that your dreams can and do come true.  What has to happen is that all you wish for yourself is earned in service to others.


If you ask for yourself alone, it will almost certainly not come about as you wish it to, because life is about service and giving and playing a part in making other people's lives easier rather than your own.


This may sound a little old fashion to so many who were brought up on the principle of looking after number one, but that is not the way that it has been handed down from On High through centuries of development.


The history of Mankind is one of lightness in the hearts of the givers and darkness in the hearts of the takers.  What good does it do if a man shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?


What you never know is when you will pass from this life into the next dimension and will be asked what you have done with your life and is this world a better place, because you came and spent a few years here?


You are simply passing through my friend and you are on a journey from your conception into life through our Father's creation and are travelling through time as an experience of learning how best to live for the greater good and in his love.


If you are a taker and you want for yourself alone, so you will be disappointed when you move forward into the next stage of development, which is beyond this earth plane and is an area of assessment, where you must prove that you have become worthy of the next step.


Until you are ready, through the active pursuit of loving vibrations, to move on with others who have already earned their place in the next land of loving existence with our Father and his Laws of Living for the greater good of all, then you will not be acceptable to be there.


Everything has to be earned in the right manner and only you can take the responsibility for your life and its progress from here to eternity.  Many can advise you and make suggestions to you, but you alone can do it and do it you must.


Personal responsibility is the name of the game here and which way you chose to cast your nets to make your catch will decide whether you are in the troubled waters of self gain or the quiet and gentle waters of being at one with the fellows around you, be they man, woman or child.


Within each and every soul is a conscience, which if listened to will guide you well and through it you will know whether you walk by on the other side of the road or whether you step off your own path and help another, who is in need.


Each time you help another you earn the right to be helped yourself, but if you are barren of loving acts you can hardly expect those dreams to come to you that you want for yourself.  What point is there in being full of earthly wealth and self righteousness if your own soul is lost?


The only way of recovery is a very hard road to follow when the time comes and you are stripped bare of all you held dear and asked what have you got to show that you are worthy of going on into the heavenly state, where love and goodness rule over all?


Take time out now my friend and look at your life and your objectives, so that you may see where you are going and can recognise whether that is the way that has been taught through the ages of Mankind's development and compatible with your conscience or whether it is a continuation of your ego, which is crucifying your soul and blackening your chances of joining those who have already made the grade and moved on to a better understanding of what life is truly all about.


I pray that you will consider your worth and give in love and acquire knowledge for the road ahead that will cause you to travel through eternity seeking the many mansions on the way to our Father's Kingdom.  Amen.


04 October 2010

The Changes that you have Been Waiting for are Near at Hand


To those of you who are waiting for changes in your lives to occur, I have come today to say to you that you will not have long to wait.  There are massive changes of global energy all around and the bigger changes will affect the smaller ones.


Too many souls have been waiting impatiently of late for their lives to get going.  I can tell you now that this is about to happen and, for all who have felt bogged down in the negativity of this earth plane, you are about to feel uplifted.


Changes that are meant to happen are constrained by a number of factors.  To begin with it is necessary for a person to be ready and to make the first move in the right direction.  You have been given free will and if you don't start to act we cannot intervene.


If you start with the right intentions and wish for nothing that would harm or cause another's pathway to be adversely affected, then you will find that those thoughts which you sent out will be answered.


All prayers are answered according to the best that there is for that soul and that is not always in the way that you expected or required.  Our Creator laid down the way that things have to be in accordance with his love and wisdom, so that all may profit from good deeds and actions.


The right intentions will be of great benefit to the soul whose thoughts vibrate out into the Universe, so that those unseen but known spirits, who serve our Creator and carry out his will, can act in accordance with the Laws of the Universal Force, who many call 'God'.


They are able, as Guardian Angels if you will, to be on hand and to guide your lives as smoothly as you allow with your thoughts of loving intentions to others around you.  The first move is yours and must always be so.


To ask for what you need rather than what you want also makes a mighty difference to what you receive.  If you wish to have more than you earn by honest toil from those whose need is greater than yours, then you must be disappointed.


In order to carry out your tasks appointed for the good of those who deserve your love and comfort, you will be rewarded in the ways that are best for both yourself and them.  No one will gain ascension over another and all will be fair and deliberate according to their worth to humanity itself.


So now we need to look above and beyond your individual needs and those of your family and friends and address the greater good, which can only be seen and appreciated from a higher attitude attained.


The 'Godhead' knows and plans for the emergence of helpful and progressive direction for the whole of humanity.  No individual is more important than the whole.  Our small part in this existence is so that the greater good can be served and so we are expected to give and act in such a way that will bring about the progression of Mankind and allow all to benefit and not just a greedy few.


Lofty decisions have been made at the highest level, so that the Material Man can no longer be allowed to score over his spiritual and loving neighbour.  Universal energies are in place to lift the vibrations of this plane to allow the goodness to rise at the expense of the negative, which until now has been allowed to rule.


Those who have lived for power, aggrandisement and earthly wealth at the expense of others will be taken down if they will not change their ways.  You will observe the change in leadership around the world and you will see many 'mighty men' fall, because they will not change.


So be advised that the sluggish acceptance of the status quo to eliminate change has been swept away and will be replaced by far reaching attempts to change the mindset of those men and women who persist in worshiping Mammon before the Master of the Universe.


I ask that you concentrate your minds on good things and ask to be shown ways to encourage change for the better and I will oversee your needs and requirements, as the Creator directs for your benefit and upliftment and the choice for change is granted to the people, so that goodness may increase at the expense of material greed after earthly treasure.  Amen.


01 October 2010

Don't Worry Yourself into an Early Grave


What is the use of worrying when you have not got the facts to face?  Modern life is full of fear of the 'what if?'  Physical damage is done to the mind, body and soul, if only you would realise that this damage can be irreversible in this earthly lifetime.


An early departure from this place of existence is not an option as you cause yourself to suffer needlessly.  Our Father in 'Heaven' looks after all his creations in the way which is best for them and living on a bed of roses would cause you to learn nothing of any importance and to return empty handed to the next dimension.


Souls put themselves in torment by clinging on to relationships and material considerations long after they have served their useful purposes.  They fall heavily into the mire of despond by fearing for themselves without the faith and trust that they will be looked after.


It may not be in the way that soul wanted it to work out for them, but it will be in the best way for them to move on with their lives and learn from their past mistakes.  These errors of judgment are points of learning and they say only a fool makes the same mistake twice, but many of you make the same misguided gamble time and time again in the interests of their meal ticket to security.


After a while they realise that they have fallen into the same baited trap that was set for them and that they are unable or unwilling to climb out of it.  With hindsight they see their error, but with a little more foresight they would have realised what was to come.


Within you are the answers that you need to know.  It is simply that most people prefer the gamble of excitement and the joy of living 'dangerously' and cannot see that it will ever change and will always be that bed of roses.


Nothing is constant and everything moves on.  From the day that you were conceived and born to an earthly life you faced constant change, otherwise you would never have been born and grown up to what you are now, so why do you clamour of the 'comfort' of the status quo?


All decisions in ones life need to be taken calmly and sensibly while listening to the advice within your own conscience, which will always serve you well if you want to live a 'good' life according to the Laws of our Father.


In the Creation of you, as well as all souls past and to come, a little piece of the Creator was placed within and acts as your scales of justice, so that you know the difference between right and wrong.


Listen to your 'gut feeling' some say and they are right, because you were made in 'God's Image', which is your real self within you that you carry with you through this life and into the next, because you are eternal and can never be destroyed no matter what you do.


You may fall from the Light and into the Darkness of Ignorance if you choose to turn your back on the Enlightenment of the Spirit, which serves as the radio beacon from the Highest, where the 'Godhead' carries out the directions from the Source of all Knowledge and Wisdom.


No one is forgotten – ever.  You are cherished and loved and will feel that warmth and joy and love one day when you pass into the Realms of Spirit on your journey back to be at one with the Universal Force of Existence.


Do not be afraid of the future.  It is in your own hands, because if you trust your conscience and do what is right then you will be rewarded with the next step on your journey and you will emerge better equipped to carry on this life of yours.


Allow yourself to be guided into the good things that are achievable for you and put aside the things that you think you want but will do you no service.  I pray that you will find truth in your heart and mind and that this will lead you to the love and achievement which you so deserve.  Amen.