Look around you and try and see what is happening as the cause and effect of so much living on credit has brought about a boom and bust situation, whereby the coffers were suddenly emptied and instead of addressing the problem mighty sums were borrowed.
Now, as the bankers were saved from their own mistakes, the rest of the country has to pay the bill. There is no way to go back and change the mistakes that were made. Everybody has to dig deep into their pockets and tighten their belt.
New opportunities will come about if everybody pulls together and where work was freely available and opportunities were missed, there now comes the chance to communities of pulling together and to help each other through these difficult times.
Central government is only the holder of the purse strings to spend what you give them in taxes. They should not be held responsible for each and every need that an individual has and can address for themselves.
We all hold a personal responsibility to do our best for ourselves, our family and our neighbours. Sitting on our backsides and expecting somebody else to do it for us is not the way forward.
If we all pull together and share what we can, then together much progress will be made. There needs to be a pride again in what we can achieve for ourselves and that does not mean the accumulation of earthly wealth, which is but an energy like other things are.
To allow wealth to be stored away and corrupted when it can be used to help others and to produce progress towards a better way of life and living for those who are in need of a helping hand is better than leaving it to waste away.
Not everything is based in the mammon of money. To give your time to a neighbour who needs a hand or an ear is better than sitting in front of the television. Learn to see opportunities to help those who require a little bit of your resources.
Each and every soul has something to give and our Father blessed us with gifts that we need to share with others. The world is crying out for hands on healers to give of the healing rays from our Father and so many simply sit on their hands and do nothing.
Others give healing with their counselling and their words are enough to calm and change the minds of those who are facing so many different challenges, such as bereavement, divorce or moving away to another life.
Fear is the greatest enemy today and those who can give comfort and reassurance are indeed workers of our Father. Test the advice given and see that it comes from a good heart and is not being forced by ulterior motives.
Honest help and advice is God given and comes from the very many souls who do believe and know that he is in their lives, but chose to keep it to themselves. That is their right, but to hide their gifts for helping others and do nothing is abusing the generosity of Creation, where these gifts were given.
Look to your left and look to your right and give of your time and wisdom to those who require your attention to strengthen their resolve and go the right way forwards in these difficult times for all and sundry.
Do not hide away, but help with understanding and unconditional love and your rewards will be to see another soul at peace and moving more easily because of your help and also you will receive unexpected bonuses from On High, which you must accept and give thanks for.
I pray that you will receive when you are in need, as those who you have helped will give you the love and thanks that you deserve and the hosts above will cheer and smile on you, so that your path is smoother as a result. Amen.