05 December 2011

Make a Difference and Let it Spread around the World

There is no other way to find salvation than through the Spirit, which comes directly from the Father of All Creation.  By following Spiritual Law all can achieve their place in the loving light of an enlightened way of living.

To be at peace is to know what one needs and not to hanker after what one wants.  We do not come down here to this earth plane to find a life of comfort and ease, but to help one another and to illustrate that we are a part of Creation and not just individuals on a crusade for ourselves.

Look around the world and see the misery in which so many people exist.  There is famine and oppression and yet there is enough food and water for all if all people pulled together to make that happen, but too many seem to want it all for themselves and never have enough to be satisfied.

Prayers and thoughts of comfort are heard and are responded to, but actions are more positive and through your deeds you are recognised both here and in the life to come.  That is how you earn your place in the next world.

You will go not where you are sent, but to where you have decided by your actions that you are fit to be.  You will not be with others who are better or worse in achievement, but with your own kind.

Here you will have to live with your life of helping others or not and by that you will be helped or not yourself.  The main difference between being here and there is that you have the opportunity now to make a more comfortable existence for yourself by demonstrating and understanding the feelings of and for others.

Later, in the next dimension, it will be harder to achieve as all are at the same levels of understanding and worth, where as here on earth there are so many in need, who are so much worse of than yourself, that you can afford some time and feelings to give and so receive yourself.

This is not to be achieved by selfishness, but through really understanding what others feel and go through, so that you by helping can know that you didn’t walk by on the other side, looking away and refusing not only your help, but your own salvation.

Our Father Creator made it all very simple.  If you follow Spiritual Law you will achieve and if you make it complicated by prevaricating and self-seeking you will loose your opportunities to progress into better souls.

The whole point of this life is to help others and be apart of the greater good.  It has been said that no man is an island and this is true.  We cannot successfully exist without each other and this is never more true than today.

All around the world there is dissent and disharmony as the oppressors use their power to crush the ordinary citizens of their country or even their families.  Man’s aggression needs to be channelled into the achievement for all and not just themselves.

Wars around the world are not fought for ideological reasons, but for greed.  The results are for power over others through the acquisition of material wants, such as oil and gas or land to expand on.

Once man has destroyed his own world there will be nothing to save, but it is not too late now to trade in peace and share the understanding of other races and to learn from them and not, through narrowed mindedness and often out dated belief systems, to fan hatred and fear.

If all individuals could come together in understanding and tolerance to share what they had through common necessity, this world would start to recover and the positive energies of love and harmony would bring universal friendship to a land crying out in pain and distress.

Let each and every person do that bit more to bring about personal understanding and responsibility, so that it can spread from person to person, family to family and nation to nation.

I say to you all, “Do not forget why we are here and to know that life continues after and that we must make a positive difference to bring about changes for the betterment of all Mankind.  Amen”.

28 November 2011

This is Not the End of the World, but a New Beginning

Go between the devil and the deep blue sea and you will find that there is a way to live in harmony and peace.  The centre ground is almost always the way to be and all of us need to be reassured that we are taking the right and proper path.

Even in my days all those years ago, I needed to be in contact with my ‘Father in Heaven’ to accept his will and do what he wanted for his plan and not to contemplate what I thought that I needed for myself.

Is it so different today?  So many people seem to know in their own mindsets what they consider to be right and go out for what they want and do not get by with simply what they need.

How many souls on this earth plane ask for the guidance from the Spirit to see them on the correct pathway in life and how many seemed not to care, because anything, to so many people, concerning the ‘God’ word or prayer reeks of religion?

Religion is Man’s interpretation of the facts.  Is it possible that what Mankind had set up is greater than what ‘God’ has set up?  Isn’t this all about a personal relationship between you and your Maker?

Surely each and every soul is not so utterly naïve as to think that when they pass on into the ‘next world’ they can rely on the religion of their choice to stand by them and see them through the first stages of the new life?

I can assure you that as far as this is concerned it is a one to one situation, when you have to stand up for your self and explain your conduct in this life.  Nobody else knows what you were thinking or why you behaved and reacted in the way that you did.

All your thoughts and actions are seen and recorded and you will face them as you try to move on after passing and all your dues will be paid before you can reach that place that you have reserved for yourself.

In the way of things it can be no other way.  You will go where you deserve by your actions and the results will be according to the Spiritual Law, which we must all obey or suffer for it.

What you sow so shall you reap.  Have you not heard that I said this many times and it has also been repeated after my time here on the earth plane of existence?  How is it then that most people act as though they have never heard it and they seem to believe that they will get away with their errors of behaviour to others?

There is help if you seek it and that door will be opened to you if you ask in the right and proper manner.  For all those who want to become better and have a useful life to lead, so that they make a difference by their being here, will succeed.

Nobody is deserted.  Even those who have fallen at many of the opportunities to conquer their deficiencies will be helped if they ask and listen to the replies and go into the quietness within themselves and honestly mean what they ask for.

Let there never be a time when you say, “Yes, I will, but not just now because I am not ready.”  By putting off today what you will need to do tomorrow, you are effectively saying that you never will, because when tomorrow comes, it will still be today and you will put it off again.

None of us know when we shall be called through the veil that separates this life from the next.  Last minutes changes of mind do not work or carry much favour, because all your mistakes are still there, left unaccounted for and intensions are not enough.

This world is going through very many changes, whether you accept that it affects you personally or not.  I say to you that each and every person will be affected and will have to change their ways and share what they have and consider others beside themselves.

Take a good long look at what is happening around this world and set yourselves up with the Spirit to lead you into the safety of humility, harmony and a love of others.  Calm your ego and your bravado.

One thing is certain.  This is not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new spiritual age and you can be a part of it or not – the choice is yours and so are the consequences.  Amen.

08 November 2011

Allow in the Openness of Truth and Honesty

Today the world is seemingly upside down, but it is really a time when chickens are coming home to roost.  For centuries Mankind has belittled the Intelligent Force, who I came to teach all peoples to honour and live by his Laws of Spiritual Life and Being.

Where has love and compassion for another human being gone?  Why has material gain flourished over spiritual development?  Man has lost his way and his values have been demeaned and will continue to fall until he realises his mistake and returns to a ‘godly’ way of life.

For centuries nations have risen up against nations and many others have turned away so as not to see the plight of their neighbour.  Who is their neighbour?  Do you remember the Parable of the Samaritan?

It is not only the nations that now walk by on the other side, but men and women all around the world fail to stop and give a helping hand unless they can see something in it for themselves.

Look at the financial/political world and see the forecasted crash happening all around the world.  There is no East and there is no West.  It is all the material world and I say, “A curse on all your houses!”

While some areas of the world throw away more food than they eat other areas are consumed by famine and disease, while the drug companies make their millions and people die every day of the lack of care and attention.

Until you all start to listen to the words I spoke directly and indirectly and let the Voice of the Spirit be heard in your hearts, you are doomed to fall further into the Darkness of Ignorance and will continue to fall until you stop and change your mindsets away from the self and look towards others.

It is not you that is important on your own, but as a member of a society that cares for all the sick, the hungry and the elderly.  There is more than enough to go round if you share what you have and stop hoarding your ill-gotten gains that are worthless in the next dimension of life.

All life is eternal.  It just depends on where you wish to spend it.  There is the loving light of our ‘Father Creator’, which beckons us to him, but the further we turn away the longer and the more painful is the journey back.

You cannot hide away forever.  Forever is a long time and even the most hardened minds will wish eventually to draw nearer to the loving light of goodness and away from the hardened road of self interest, lost in the darkness of their own ignorance.

The good are chastised in this world for being soft and are vulnerable, because it is harder to live for others against the tide of the material life that Man has created out of greed and avarice.

The nations of the world are falling now because of the greed and power lust of politicians and they are now running scared for themselves, not for their people that they have so abused.

Until the mindsets change and the people stand up for themselves no solutions will be forthcoming.  Each and every person must look to the ‘heavens’ of their own belief system and find their way to salvation that will be offered and the way to change their ways in the interest of all.

Remember to see the whole picture.  The truth is there from all angles and until you see from every facet of life you cannot form a judgement other than your own point of view and interest.

No longer have you the luxury of walking by on the other side.  The time has come to be counted and all that you do and think is known.  You cannot hide or shirk the responsibilities on offer to you.

Go into the silence of your own minds with a renewed honesty and face your future and the future of your neighbours around this globe, because how that future is to be is in your own hands and you cannot leave it to another to mend.

Each and every soul must play their part to release a new worthiness, so that the Spirit can ‘smile’ down on you all as you embrace the needs of what has to be done to remove the corruption and self advancement and to allow in the openness of truth and honesty.  Amen.

04 November 2011

Ask God What You Can Do For Him and Not What He Can Do For You

Go about your usual business and keep your faith in the Lord.  Remember that I said that if you believe in me I will tell the Father.  This is true and will sustain you through the mayhem that is to come.

To go about in this material world relying on the material to carry you through is a fool’s errand.  It really doesn’t matter how much gold and jewels you have if you are hungry.  You cannot drink Dollars or Euros as some are about to find out.

There is but one true pathway through life on earth and that is through the Spirit.  You cannot take the material with you when you leave, but you do take your spirit, so which is the more important to cultivate, do you think?

I was once asked how to get eternal life by a rich man, perhaps he would be a banker today.  I told him to sell all that he had and give it to the poor and follow me.  He looked askance and walked away puzzled and perplexed.

What he couldn’t understand was how he could survive in a world without wealth to hold himself up in the eyes of those around him.  Isn’t it true that you judge your new neighbours by the car that they drive rather than the love in their hearts and the strength of their smile?

It is going to be very important very soon for so many people to be able to recognise the spirit within another and not their apparel and trappings outside.  Enough is enough and all that you earn will be repaid to you when you are in need.

I am not talking about a super welfare state, but the number of honourable things and kindnesses that you have done for another without seeking personal reward.  The good guys are not always the ones that you see, but the humble unsung heroes, who simply give of their time and love to those who need it when the occasion arises.

None of them wears a badge or boasts about how much they give to charity.  The real spiritual person of light simply does what they can when they can and walks away along their pathway of life.

The whole world is changing, because of the selfishness and greed of so many souls, who profit for themselves at the expense of others.  Now the tables are about to be turned.  The meek shall inherit the earth.  Did you ever really understand what that meant?

It is not the brash and boastful, the outwardly affluent society with the mostest, but the real people who simply go about their business in a quiet and honourable way to give of themselves for the greater good and seek no brass plaque to show what they have done.

I know what they have done, even when they themselves have probably forgotten, and I shall ensure that the Father of all Creation knows when that time comes that the reckoning is made in the life review of the spirit when it comes home at last.

Spiritual Law is the reality of all life and being.  What you do for others comes around to you and what you fail to do when you have the opportunity is reflected on your CV.  Nothing is forgotten and everything is remembered, so there is nowhere to hide and no excuses are accepted.

An honest soul has nothing to fear as they are loved and enlightened from the Godhead, but the devious have an attitude problem, because they appear to believe that it is okay to do anything as long as you are not caught.

Would those people who plunder and steal with others, who loot in the riots, do so if they knew that they would be caught and punished by the law of the land?  Why should people behave this way knowing that they are seen by the Spirit and will have to confront their actions themselves?

The answer friends, is simple and sadly true.  They have already turned their back on their Creator and the next world and it is not to be found in the Churches, the Synagogues or the Mosques, but in the heart within.

There is no redemption that any man on this earth can give, but only through the truth and the reality of being that is within our own minds.  Be kind to each other and help to save your little part of the world as the bigger part is in jeopardy and will fall.

Know that you are loved for yourself and what you do and share the light of understanding in tolerance and peace, so that all people may live together in harmony and look to the wonder of all creation, in which you are living, despite the ravages of destruction which are brought about by Mankind and not by God.  Amen.

31 August 2011

We all have a Destiny as well as a Destination

Are you feeling a change in the energies around you?  Those of you who are sensitive to the spiritual vibrations have been feeling heavy and listless.  You have been feeling bruised and battered.

These symptoms have been caused by the Universal energies and ask others if they have not felt this to be true.  All have experienced this mighty durge, each and every one of you, as mighty forces have been at work.

Now at long last the energies are changing and the familiar warmth and positive thoughts are coming back again.  They have never truly gone away, but the strength of the negativity and harshness that has been generated had tended to overshadow the lighter and more vibrant energies around this world.

Strength has been given and the positive light of a mighty understanding is given and so it is time now to make that move, when before it was not possible or advisable.  We have to feel right about when we act and what we do.

We have all been given a strength within, which goes by many different names – a gut feeling, my higher self or just a knowing.  Whatever the label it is given, it is the conscience of love and understanding that links each and every one of us with the Father, our Creator and giver of all life.

Through his great presence within us, we are able to do and achieve mighty things.  Ask and it shall be given to you.  Seek and you will find.  Listen in the quietness to your strength and hear the guidance, which is there for all who are prepared to follow that lead.

How do you think that so many of the world’s great people, who seem so weak but are driven by love, are directed to achieve so much in the face of many mountains?  With the Spirit there are achievements that are both possible and impossible.

The rules that apply to the physical world are not always so rigid in the World of Spirit and so the possible becomes understood and earthly and the impossible becomes achieved by spiritual means.

The important thing here is to believe that these things can happen and that miracles, if asked for in the right way, can and do occur.  Look around the world and see miracles happen every day, as things that were though impossible become reality, as people who pray for deliverance are given the strength to stand up and make a difference.

As people of a common cause are strengthened in their resolve and allow the spirit within to dictate policy in truth and love, miracles occur, but where closed minds fetter change, so nothing can be done.

All people must open their minds and souls to the belief that they are not alone and that help is always there if asked for in the right way and with the respect that it is for the greater good of man, woman and child and not simply for the self or ego of an individual.

We are all linked together through the love of our Creator and the Higher Beings of Light.  There is no death, but a simple moving on out of the physical and into the next realm of existence.

Nobody is lost, as life is eternal and according to the way that we have lived our lives on this earth plane, so we determine the next port of call and the conditions which we have chosen by our actions for ourselves.

Those who work for the greater good of others will be blessed with a rewarding place to rest and enjoy, before moving on to higher places of enlightenment and love, while those who have lead selfish and egoistic earthly lives will find out that they have much to do before they can rest in the light of love.

I urge you all to reflect upon your lives and how you motivate yourselves to think and be.  God gave us the ability to create new thoughts and these thoughts, whether spoken or not, are what goes out from each and every one of us throughout the Universe to bring about the lightness of love and progression or the heavy negativity of the darkness of ignorance.

We all need to be aware of the strength of our responsibilities and use our feelings for the greater good and not react in negative ways that return our own fears and prejudges, but bring us the rewards of spiritual love and blessings for the ways that we chose to understand others.

The harshness of the energy clouds around us of late have been smothering and bruising for so many, but now they are turning and being enriched with courage and love, so each and every person has now the opportunity to be uplifted by their own thoughts and positive attitudes, so that they can feel better and achieve what is there in front of them to do.

Be positive and allow your courage and your strength to be enriched by this new tide of achievement and progress and make yourself be counted among those who live for the greater good by helping those who are weak and need to start believing that they too can make it with a little help from their friends.

We all have friends, both here on this earth plane and those who have already passed and wish to help in love and bring hope and achievement where they can.  Listen and be guided to your proper place of progress and take with you all those who are ready and up to the task.

I bid you God speed on your journey and as Paul said, “Take Courage.”  We all have a destiny as well as a destination.  God bless you all.  Amen.

15 August 2011

Speed the Changes and Let in the Light

To be ready for change before change is thrust upon you is to have faith in the Lord that he is guiding your footsteps through this pathway of earthly existence.  For too long now Mankind has been sleeping his way through life and ignoring the Laws of the Universe.

Now the time has come when mighty matters have caught up with him and change is thrust upon him and all who flagrantly ignore the greater good and the Higher Intelligence.  It will all come about however much he protests.

It is impotent to believe that Man is in charge of his own destiny and that he can go through life in any way that suits his ego and his desires.  There comes a time when enough is enough and that time has arrived.

It was accepted to a limited extent that after so called death the individual could pay the piper for their misdeeds and make amends to those that they had hurt or ignored in life, but now the tide has turned by Mankind’s wilful misdeeds and selfish greed leaving so many scarred and disabled.

In order to rebuild, the site must be cleared and new foundations laid down, so that a better structure could emerge and lessons having been learned the right way, based on Spiritual Law, would be incorporated into the ways of Men.

For far too long there have been two laws working in contrast and often opposition to each other instead of in unison.  Our Father gave us the laws of Moses to be a basis for all future laws of the land, but alas, despite repeated warnings throughout history, the darkness of ignorance cloaked the hidden desires of the greedy few and many were misled.

Now, through fear and a lacking of strength of heart, the old ways have erupted into a world of oppression and dictatorships through the power hungry and the get-rich-quick culture, but leaving many poorer and without the basic needs of existence.

Nobody is exempt, as all have feathered their own nests to a degree and allowed the status quo.  No longer can this be tolerated.  People without fairness in life will rise up against those who oppress them for their own selfish needs and wants.

This is not a local problem in the Middle East, but a global catastrophe, where banking and political systems have run hand in hand without listening to the people, who put them where they are in a position of trust so often abused.

Institutions will fall and global trading will be changed to a fair and equitable state of being and those who sit outside these guidelines will be isolated until they listen and then practise the ways of the greater good and the Laws of Universal Being.

Watch if you do not believe that this can happen and see that corrupt regimes will fall in the west as well as the east.  Global forces have been unleashed, so that energies come and strengthen the people and weaken the oppressors and the greedy beyond their own control.

Until the men, women and children shoulder their responsibilities and enact a way of heaven on earth as has been preached through the ages, not by churches and religions, but by prophets and seers through all time.

This is not to be taken lightly and dismissed.  The signs are all around the world for those who wish to see and, until the minds of Mankind turn back to the light and understanding that enlighten the way to our Father’s Kingdom, they will be impeded in their journey.

For too long the weak and soulful have been trodden down, but now the energies are turning to bring about so much change and there are men and women in place to pave the way, so see to the goodness in people and let enlightenment shine through to those who are worthy of receiving it.

We were all created equal in God’s eyes, but Man has tipped the scales by his wrong teachings and examples, making it harder for those who struggle to care for others.  Let your lights shine out now and welcome the changes, which will be speedier if they are encouraged and will take longer if they are blocked and impeded.

God’s will be done over Man’s disobedience and, the longer it takes to change, the harder it will be for everybody concerned.  The good and the honest are recognised and will prevail.  Amen.

31 July 2011

To Give is to Receive

If you give to another without expecting anything in return then you will be rewarded by Spiritual Law.  Therefore I say to you that to give is to be able to understand that the spiritual basis of life is generosity.

It is, in simple terms, that to give without expectations is in itself an act of love and love of ones fellow human beings is the most important kind of love after the love for the Creator, who is our Father and who gave us life.

By this means we are following his example and the teachings of all the prophets who were sent to spread Spiritual Law without exception.  Many had to face those who had turned their backs on the words that God had sent in Biblical times to those who dishonoured him and set up idols and worshiped other gods.

Today, in some quarters, nothing has changed except that instead of Baal there is material wealth at the expense of others.  Until Mankind can rid himself of the notion that Man must take what he wants to be successful and not to rely on the goodness of the Universal Intelligence to supply what is needed naturally, then there is little hope that love can rule over fear and self interest.

With the gifts of intelligence and knowledge Mankind has made himself strong in the ability to do things for himself in his way, but that is not true.  Man has stood on the Moon, but has failed to grasp how to prepare ahead of the tsunami or prevent the spread of cancer cells or famines of catastrophic proportions.

Mankind has now to face waves of energy that will sweep across this little but beautiful world to such a degree that the old ways will be levelled to the ground and new nations will rise to work and trade in harmony or to be ignored and left to their own devices.

Countries must find the common cause of living in love and harmony and putting the important things first by leaving behind the spiral of spending without resources and facing ever-mounting economies based on furthering profits rather than providing care for the elderly and a code of standards for the young to adopt and so flourish.

Politics are no longer a way of earning a living but a method of providing the best possible for all the people under God’s heavenly skies, where no one will go without unless they choose it for themselves, because the opportunities to progress and live a life with enough is to share with each other the bounty of the things that matter.

These things are the free and important things like the sunshine and the rain, like clean air to breathe and a pollution-free world without the poisons of material excess through greed for more, simply for the sake of having more.

Today too much power is in the hands of the few, who luxuriate in their earthly wealth and who give no thought to tomorrow except to become even wealthier and more powerful at the expense of the rest of the peoples of the world.

It is common place to be tolerant to countries that disrespect human rights so that trade can be created on the backs of misery.  Poor countries with a small literacy rate are sold cell ‘phones yet the education of the children is virtually nothing and the women are treated worse that the dogs.

As long as the materially wealthy peoples can sit on their consciences then nothing will change, but there is rising a hunger for freedom and a thirst for the greater good and all must acknowledge the changes, so that a balance can be created as the wise men, those who have spiritual foundations based on truth, can build a new society on this earth.

Many want to do it, but don’t know where or how to start.  The teachers are coming and the pupils are being made ready as the knowledgeable ones will speak the words from the Higher Intelligence and they will be heard and the mindsets will shift as the dawning comes again that the ways of Men have mislead the people by smothering the Laws of the Universe and denouncing the healing and the love from the Higher Consciousness.

I charge you to be ready to make these changes and to allow truth into your minds, so that your wealth will grow in places where neither moths nor rust can corrupt it and a life is seen as it should be by sharing love and breaking bread between all people, so that heaven is forged on this earth that all men and women might walk so that their children can be free and laughter and joy can be experienced again.

Work for goodness and put behind you the past and let the present be your Nemesis, so that the future can take care of itself guided by the loving grace of the Universal Intelligence, which loves all that has been created and will welcome home those who live and work in love for all to be great within themselves.
Amen to that.

28 July 2011

Let the Past go and Renew your Future Grace

Now comes a time of reassessing what has gone before and creating a new framework based on what was good of the past accomplishments.  Nothing stays still and always one must move on.

To hold on to the past hurts and failures is to hold back the new opportunities, which are always there before you and should be seized with enthusiasm to make a better fist of it than was achieved before.

Look back on the past as a training ground of experience and knowledge and then this is available to you with each and every new enterprise that you take on, so that you are better equipped to succeed as never before.

By addressing life as a constantly changing myriad of chances to better oneself one is able to develop a sense of advancement along every step of the way if one grasps the nettle of progress and achievement.

Nothing goes backwards in this life as all is forward looking.  What progress is made depends on how you put each foot forward every day and how you point yourself at the aims of reaching the target.

By pulling back on the drawstring to get energy for the flight, so with the right direction your arrow wings its way towards the target.  How carefully you have prepared yourself and your equipment or knowledge will depend on where the target is hit or with lacklustre could miss it all together.

Too many souls are advancing themselves in a cloud of disappointment and blaming themselves or others for where they are now.  The good news is that no one is left out in the cold light of dawning without opportunities to take up the mantle and improve their lot in life.

It may take some effort to make that first step.  Remember the energy required by the bowstring to propel the arrow?  That is your first step towards achievement and as the arrow is guided by your actions, so the Spirit World of past masters also work to guide you to success.

If you listen to your common sense or conscience you will know what is the right thing to do and the proof, as they say, will be in the eating.  It is a good analogy, because it is in the preparation of the food that creates the gastronomic masterpiece.

Nobody can just stand by and expect it all to happen for them without lifting a finger.  There is no easy fix and the attempts by some to achieve a ‘high’ through alcohol or drugs, is a recipe for disaster.

One little dabble cannot hurt, but like the dripping of water on the rock of your behavioural soul, it wares away the stamina of resistance and substitutes a requirement that has to be fulfilled as the cost to your balance increases.

There are no short cuts to knowledge gained by experience and if you think that you can walk on water and get away with it remember Peter, who thought he could follow my example and when he realised what he was doing sank into the waves.

Is there someone who loves you standing by that you trust enough to pull you up from pending disaster?  Remember that you must make the first move and that no one can walk the path of another.

There is always help and strength there for you, but you must take personal responsibility and be your own rock, so that however far you fall, by not stretching out that hand for true help and guidance, in the end it is your will that makes you succeed and makes the platform for that spiritual help to come.

Go forward now and take the decisions that you have been dreading and then feel the warmth and strength given as you leave behind the festering sores of the past and are cleansed by these actions to walk in the freedom of our Father’s love.

I pray for you that you will obtain the courage to make the first step on a newer and more dependable path, because you do really know it makes sense.  Amen.

21 July 2011

Advance towards the Light of Understanding and Truth

Today marks a great movement forward in the life of Mankind as so many of the troubles that have been created are now being resolved.  Energies and strength are being sent by the Father to combat the negativity created by so many.

The power of each individual has been weaken by oppression and greed so that the ‘smaller’ people have lived in fear, but now strength and positive thinking is becoming more common place as people of all nations are standing up for their rights and the needs of their families and friends.

To be a part of this movement is to feel and understand the power of God, who is seen and understood in so many different ways, but is all consuming in the light of his recognition in the eyes of his wayward children.

We are all wayward in his eyes because we cannot and do not live together in harmony and peace sharing what we have with each other for the greater good.  There is no right way of religious truth as all is individually given and received.  All souls are at one with their God and there is no map to show the way, only the conscience of the individual.

Many paths are out there and many follow those paths hoping to be accepted collectively by the dictates of the cause that man has interpreted, but no man is an island of truth and all islands of knowledge are only a part of the whole.

Truth must merge together and peoples of this world must accept that no one has it all correct, so that tolerance is necessary to allow the merging of ideas so that what sits right with the individual is the way that soul needs to progress to find his own understanding of the ‘Godhead’.

We are all created equal in a Universe of Love by a Creative Force that we call God, because we cannot see the wider implications of the truth and wisdom that it takes to keep all things in balance and harmony.

Our individual lives are each a facet of a vast living endeavour, which allows us the freedom of expression during this short lifetime upon this planet Earth.  What we do with this precious time will influence our individual futures and our progress towards a greater good of unity together.

We all have the power of thought, which influences our actions and when combined with other thoughts of likeness can influence events for the better or worse of the greater good.  Those who combine their thoughts or pray together do produce great changes that can be seen and felt.

Healing and love sent many distances do make a difference and those who are in need can and are helped by thoughts of others who ask for freedom, wellbeing and truth to enlighten their lives.

Do not be afraid to allow your thoughts to be heard and felt, but remember that what you think is a two-edged blessing as positive or negative and what you send out will be returned to you in like and larger fashion.

Think before you ask, so that you can receive what is best for you and for others.  Think positively and allow the guidance of your conscience and not your greed to advise you what to ask for.  The Universal Energies do return answers and help, but only through what is best for you, your soul and your development.

If you think unwisely you will receive unwanted recompense for your trouble.  See examples of others who seem to be ‘unlucky’ but are in fact receiving what they have sown and remember not to judge less your too are judged.

This world is a beautiful place and has been entrusted to Mankind to look after it and keep it so.  Have you done your bit to make your little piece of heaven reflective to the greater good and enhanced the lives of your fellow man, woman and child for the better?

Many have, but there are many who need to look within themselves and to see who and what they are before they are asked to account for their lives and to put right the feelings and trusts which they may have used incorrectly.

Be ready always to put right what you have left undone and to advance towards the light of understanding and truth.  Amen.

13 July 2011

Choose Your Future with Care – It is Your Choice Alone

To be in a state of grace is to experience the love and ecstasy of the Father radiating through you body and soul.  It is a reflection of your actions and your attitude to life that you are worthy of this experience.

The rays of love and wisdom vibrate from our Father continuously, but by our behaviour so we exclude what is always there for us to feel and be encouraged by.  To experience this shows that we are on the right path towards our ultimate goal – to be at one with our creator.

The more we turn away, whether by design or ignorance, the further we distance ourselves from that consciousness within each and every one of us that tells us what is right and what is wrong.  If we go against our conscience we err.

So to be at one with the love and wisdom of the Father we need to address our lives by living in the right and proper way through the wants and needs of others and not by judging them and then ignoring their needs.

All of us err and some more publically than others, but all must pay for their mistakes either in this world or in the next dimension when these matters have to be addressed and resolved for all time.  There is no escape from that.

Our lives are eternal and just because we go through a bodily change of circumstances we do not change our ways and become suddenly different from our lives before.  We are faced with new options it is true, but like any serious earthly exercises there has to be a debriefing.

Your life and actions are displayed for you to see and feel, so that your successes and your errors are known and felt.  What you have dished out so thoughtlessly to others comes into focus and you cannot escape what you have caused.

Each and every one of us is a powerful and responsible being.  What we choose to do affects the vibrational levels of all those around us.  A smile awakes a shaft of sunlight to the recipient, while a scowl can be like a dagger in their heart.

We must all apply ourselves knowing full well that nothing is hid and the seeds that you sow will come to harvest and you will be bound by the nature of that harvest.  If you have sown good seeds in fertile ground your harvest will be bountiful.

However if you were selfish and scattered little but impoverished seeds on stony ground or land choked by weeds of the darkness of ignorance then you will have a poor harvest and will have to address your needs with very little in the bank of good deeds.

To be assured of a pleasant and worthwhile journey into the heavenly grace beyond this earthly existence, it is necessary to start to cultivate your life by working hard for the future that is there for you based on what you have prepared yourself.

No one realistically expects to be given their harvest and rewards before they have earned them.  Are you not paid for your earthly work after you have completed at least some of the tasks asked of you?

Life is full of earning a living and so it is that this living extends beyond these earthly and mortal realms.  In life with the Father you and I are all immortal and we earn that gift by being worthy of it.

To be amongst like minded souls is where you will find yourself, so consider your future and you will not be disappointed.  If you wish for a graceful existence beyond these earthly confines work hard and sow your seeds well.

If you are already in the darkness of ignorance and cannot be bothered to consider the glorious joys of life with saintly and angelic properties then remain in your ignorance and be satisfied with the company that you will certainly keep as like always attracts like by the Laws of the Universe.  Amen.

11 July 2011

Look at Yourself as Others See You

To take the world by storm is not to be taken lightly.  Many aspire to be role models, but have yet to find the means to shape themselves into a worthwhile package.

Celebrities have a great responsibility as they are holding themselves up to the masses knowing that what they do will be copied and not everything is for the greater good or the betterment of Mankind.

Before you look to a status of being in front of all the eyes of the media, remember that the media isn’t always friendly and often looks to sell its product rather than impart information, which is the main job of communication.

We all have to look at ourselves as others see us.  It is not always as pleasant as we might think.  Perhaps we are too busy pushing ourselves forward to realise just what a picture we paint for others to observe.

It is not what we want in life that really matters, but what it is that Our Father wants of us.  We all are given opportunities to serve others and if we are too busy pushing ourselves forward we are in grave danger of missing our purpose.

If you remember at what is called the Last Supper I demonstrated this by washing the feet of my disciples.  No one is too high and mighty to miss the chance of serving his brother, his sister or his neighbour.

We all have a need to develop ourselves by giving and helping others, so that we can be in our turn given to and helped.  Life is not that proverbial bed of roses, because we would learn nothing and not develop ourselves to any meaningful degree.

Whenever there is a situation in the life of any of us, however mighty or however lowly, there are strewn in our pathway opportunities to learn through adversity.  These issues may manifest themselves through the giving and receiving of love, health issues, financial difficulties or in whatever way we can develop ourselves.

The greater good is always the winner when these issues are addressed successfully, as when the rich man suffers health issues and becomes aware of support which is needed for other sufferers and so donations may be made.

Those who cannot find themselves loved because of their behaviour or attitude may be accepted in service to those who have been abused and are in need of understanding and support.

There are always chances to improve a lifetime on this earth and that is why we choose to come and work for the benefit of others who are less fortunate than ourselves.  If we have grasped the opportunity to be of service then what need have we of fame and accolades?

We will not need to be a celebrity except that others may see how to give and give themselves, but so often the lure of the red carpet is for selfish reasons and self aggrandisement and all the while energies are being wasted in the pushing forward of self for the sake of self.

If your acts of good will are not seen it does not make them not worth the doing.  Our Father sees all that we do and it is his life that we lead and so we need an answer to the question when we are asked, “What did you do with your life?”

What Mankind sees is of little reward.  Rewards are not material and of this World, but will be given in Heaven according to your worth, so take with you the legacy of a life well lived – not in the fast lane but in the love of human kindness.  Amen.

07 July 2011

Claim the Abundance that You have Created

Now take courage and put to rights all those things that you have left undone, because now is the time to act!  There are many movements in your favour and at last there is a global energy ushering in the new way of earthly living and preparing the way of the Lord.

A new regime of man’s expectance will arise and there will be support for the so called common man, who has been so downtrodden by events of the heavy handed and selfish dictators in both home and country.

Businesses are to be reborn in a new way, where the customers and the purchases of material matters will be considered as the importance of success and not simply the continual pursuit of profit for its own sake.

The meek will inherit the earth, but personal responsibility must be a part and a way of life.  No longer can you hide your light under the table, but it is now the time to be seen for what you are and to behave as a child of the light and not an entity of the darkness.

To be a good person is not enough.  By saying that I am good because I do no harm to others is only a part of the story.  It is necessary that you actively do good to others and are seen as a helper of those who are less well off than yourself, either financially or by education and knowledge.

Make a concerted effort my friends to no longer leave it to others to help in your family, in your community or in your nation.  See what it is that you can do for your community and not simply just what it can do for you.

There are many things that are required and will never happen unless somebody steps up to the plate and takes action in these matters.  The days of state payouts and welfare by the tax payer are gone.  Your community needs you to take a part in its progression towards a better way of life for every single member of it.

Look to the abuse of the old and the young, those who are not equipped to look after themselves in these matters and the abusers simply believe that they can get away with their loutish and immoral behaviour.

This only appears to be the case as nothing escapes the Father and the Universal Intelligence.  While trying to guide earthly matters, there awaits a confronting of those wrongdoers, at the appropriate time, when the greater good is served and not simply the darkness of ignorance smothering the light of achievement and goodness.

Take heart and see daily the good things which are being achieved as the lid is taken off so many cans of worms.  This cannot be done without sacrifice and many have to stand up and be counted with pain and hardship for the greater good to be served.

See this as a place and time of adjustment, when a new order will be put in place if Mankind has the courage of its individual members to do their bit and not to shy away from their joint responsibilities.

How true it is that no man is an island, because we are all joined together in a common pursuit to survive and prosper, but this can only be achieved by us all working together for each other and only taking what we need and doing without what we want until it is easily attainable and necessary.

Look around yourself and see what you need and what you can spare and do not replace what is still in good working order just because you want a shiny new one to show off to neighbours of how well you are doing.

These glinting and glittering things are seldom gold, as the price is so often at the expense of heavenly wealth, which is all that is worth building up for yourselves, where moths and rusts do not corrupt and your worth is waiting for you to come and claim the abundance that you have created during your lifetime.

Or have you?  The choice is yours and yours alone.  Amen.

01 July 2011

Your Happiness is in Your Own Hands

Today is a day of joy and laughter and if you start with this notion within, as you awake to another morning of life, you are about to fulfil your dream.

Those who cannot or will not do this will carry the waking thoughts through the next period of wakefulness and will have to abide by the standards which they themselves have set.

Each and every one of us is completely responsible for the life which they lead.  We all are brought challenges and opportunities and it is our choice and our choice alone how we deal with them.

There is simply nobody else to blame for the way we go and the way we act through our period on this earth plane of existence.  To blame others for our errors and mistakes is to hide ourselves from the truth, which is a big mistake.

Unless we understand ourselves and who and what we are, how can we adjust and improve our own position and accomplishments in life?

No one deserves a free meal ticket through life, although many ask for it and suffer the consequences of being kept in their place by the one who they allow to provide for them.  Each and every person must contribute to the whole and the greater good if they are to progress, otherwise they are wasting their time here.

Many find excuses as to how useful they really are and how others are dependant on them, but if the truth be known, when a soul is called home to higher states of grace, the others have to manage and so often they really do.

If ones ego is the guiding light of a life in a sheltered view of the whole, then outside this nothing is given to the greater cause, which is everybody else.  Self is the big mistake that so many people don’t understand.

Either people fall for the preservation of number one or else they tend to succumb to being always the one who has to work for the others and not for themselves.  The truth, as so often is the case, lies somewhere in between and so, by evaluating ones position and knowing oneself, one is in a position to make the best choice possible.

Neither a dictator nor a servant be.  Happiness and joy do not lie in either direction, because neither is free and both will live in a state of fear for themselves.

To be a giver and a receiver of unconditional love to those around you, will bring a freedom that is rewarding in itself.  To give without reward and to feel the gratitude and joy of the receiver makes its own reward and when it is our turn to receive we are aglow with an inner warmth.

Give yourself the chance every morning by putting thoughts out into the universe that make you stronger and mentally in charge of your very being.  If you sow good thoughts you will reap a good harvest, but should you be negative you will be fighting an uphill battle all day long.

Get yourself in change of your existence and be strong by taking personal responsibility for all that you do and by sending out waves of happiness, so that people feel that you are a good person to meet and share their vibrations with.

Start a ripple effect and be sad for those who cannot rise to your level of self accomplishment, but not for too long or you will drain your own resources.  Send them a positive thought and ask for them to receive enlightenment as you have.

Your happiness is in your own hands if you have the courage to direct it, so act honestly and ask positively and you will make a difference to your life and all those around you.  Amen to that.