There is no other way to find salvation than through the Spirit, which comes directly from the Father of All Creation. By following Spiritual Law all can achieve their place in the loving light of an enlightened way of living.
To be at peace is to know what one needs and not to hanker after what one wants. We do not come down here to this earth plane to find a life of comfort and ease, but to help one another and to illustrate that we are a part of Creation and not just individuals on a crusade for ourselves.
Look around the world and see the misery in which so many people exist. There is famine and oppression and yet there is enough food and water for all if all people pulled together to make that happen, but too many seem to want it all for themselves and never have enough to be satisfied.
Prayers and thoughts of comfort are heard and are responded to, but actions are more positive and through your deeds you are recognised both here and in the life to come. That is how you earn your place in the next world.
You will go not where you are sent, but to where you have decided by your actions that you are fit to be. You will not be with others who are better or worse in achievement, but with your own kind.
Here you will have to live with your life of helping others or not and by that you will be helped or not yourself. The main difference between being here and there is that you have the opportunity now to make a more comfortable existence for yourself by demonstrating and understanding the feelings of and for others.
Later, in the next dimension, it will be harder to achieve as all are at the same levels of understanding and worth, where as here on earth there are so many in need, who are so much worse of than yourself, that you can afford some time and feelings to give and so receive yourself.
This is not to be achieved by selfishness, but through really understanding what others feel and go through, so that you by helping can know that you didn’t walk by on the other side, looking away and refusing not only your help, but your own salvation.
Our Father Creator made it all very simple. If you follow Spiritual Law you will achieve and if you make it complicated by prevaricating and self-seeking you will loose your opportunities to progress into better souls.
The whole point of this life is to help others and be apart of the greater good. It has been said that no man is an island and this is true. We cannot successfully exist without each other and this is never more true than today.
All around the world there is dissent and disharmony as the oppressors use their power to crush the ordinary citizens of their country or even their families. Man’s aggression needs to be channelled into the achievement for all and not just themselves.
Wars around the world are not fought for ideological reasons, but for greed. The results are for power over others through the acquisition of material wants, such as oil and gas or land to expand on.
Once man has destroyed his own world there will be nothing to save, but it is not too late now to trade in peace and share the understanding of other races and to learn from them and not, through narrowed mindedness and often out dated belief systems, to fan hatred and fear.
If all individuals could come together in understanding and tolerance to share what they had through common necessity, this world would start to recover and the positive energies of love and harmony would bring universal friendship to a land crying out in pain and distress.
Let each and every person do that bit more to bring about personal understanding and responsibility, so that it can spread from person to person, family to family and nation to nation.
I say to you all, “Do not forget why we are here and to know that life continues after and that we must make a positive difference to bring about changes for the betterment of all Mankind. Amen”.