What you put off to do today you will have to do tomorrow, so why do you not start now and not leave yourself with a build up of accumulating matters left undone? You can never leave matters unaddressed, so start now to enjoy the freedom of being up to date.
So many people pass from this world believing that all their troubles are over and that they will be free of their responsibilities, but I can assure you that this is not so. Unfinished business has to be brought out in the open and addressed.
Nothing is hid! Nothing can be swept under the carpet and everything is open for others to see you as you truly are, so do not think that because you can get away with bad behaviour here on this earth plane that you are not found out and made accountable in the next phase of existence.
Life is continuous. Has nobody told you? Do you really think that the Creator in his love for you sent you here to experience the negativity and material aspects of earthly life just so that you could die and be used as dust in a cemetery of stones and inscriptions?
You were brought here in good faith to see how you coped with earthly life and to allow you to learn from the experiences that have been presented to you. Nothing can be hidden. You carry your own agenda and record of achievement with you and you will need to address and make amends for your errors.
We all make mistakes and nobody is more aware of that than I, as I have been watching and helping those who recognise my existence and the words of guidance that I brought to you during my lifetime and I am still alive and helping those who call upon me.
I cannot force my way of living on those who are too deaf to hear, but there are many ways that your conscience speaks to you when you listen in the quietness of your state of consciousness.
Many souls meditate daily and some sit in enlightening circles with likeminded souls and all go through a state of altered consciousness when they sleep, so there are opportunities for thoughts to be placed in the minds of those who will listen.
Knock and it shall be opened to you. Seek and you will find. If you ask for guidance and answers to your problems with the right intentions you will be answered. There is nowhere to sweep your pitiful little problems under the carpet and expect them to go away.
By facing facts and knowing the right way to live in harmony with others and taking personal responsibility for yourself and your actions, your reactions will work out in your favour as you obey the Laws of Spirit, which is what our Creator gave us as the way we can travel this road of life and become prepared for the next part of the journey.
We cannot do this by leaving our decisions for others to address or by being inconsiderate to those around us, who expect us to do what is right and not to shrug our shoulders and walk away.
Believe me when I say truly that all who have passed into the next stages of existence have to address their lives in the light of goodness and love and to see how greed and selfishness can creep in to those whose egos are bigger than their compassion.
Set yourself the opportunities to remove the baggage of mistakes and errors before it is too late to avoid the reparations that need to be accomplished to balance the books and remember that although you are loved, this does not change the way that you must succeed on your journey back the way that you came.
We all need guidance and advice, but it is only ourselves that can take the decisions that make the scales balance in our favour by the kindness and charity of a life without reproach, but strong enough to give a helping hand without expecting something for it.
Be ready for your transition from here to the next stage of existence, because my friends you never know when you may be called and I hope and pray that your life will be balanced in your favour so that good things await you in the light of our Father's love. Amen.