14 February 2014

It used to be a Wonderful World!

What a world we are living in now!  Climate change had caught up with us on the one hand and the hostility of man against man has disgraced the beauty and love that he was born with.  Women and children go in fear of their lives and many do die.

Wherever one looks at this time there is very little to smile about, because Mankind has lost the plot and lives in a day to day world giving no thought to the happenings which will result from his follies.

He burns fossil fuels without constrain and wonders why he is warned of impending doom from scientists, who care about the world and about humanity which inhabits it.  The ice melts, the sea level rises, the weather patterns become extreme and the volcanos erupt.

There are wars in so many countries and there are people fuelling these wars and peace talks can find no common ground.  Only the purveyors of arms have a field day, because they make money and they don’t care if people die.

Wild life is being hunted to extinction, so that a few misguided and selfish people can have ornaments and medicines that contain no elixir but sell for a higher price.  When there are no more of those species left, what will they do then?  So stop now before that happens.

Soon there will be no significant wild life left and soon there will be no undamaged soil from pollution and green matter will be so damaged by flood and wind that it will become scorched by winter snow storms or by high summer temperatures and drought.

This is no scaremongering, but a survival message as it is already happening and Governments and industries are taking no notice and the world is destroyed before their very eyes.  What legacy is that to leave to one’s children and their children or perhaps there won’t be any after that…

This planet was once beautiful and a place to live in peace and with happy children growing up to learn the natural world was a gift from the Universal Intelligence, who some called ‘God’, but really didn’t know!

I came and called him ‘Our Father’, which he certainly is without any disputing, because he gave us life and love.  Most have now turned their backs on the light of his love and he is mistakenly abused and forgotten.

Soon, as the world becomes more like a despoiled rubbish tip, covering the surface with pollution and squalor, the people will begin to ask, “Why has all this happened?”  They will start to look at their own selfish behaviour and greed that was set by Mankind itself for them to follow and they did unwisely not question the cost.

Until the pain becomes unbearable and the damage is so severe, the people of today do not turn to their Creator and acknowledge his existence by begging for help.  Nothing is given until it comes from the very heart and soul of an earthy person.

For too long, religious bodies have sought to control the destinies of the humble people of this world.  They have and still do fight wars against their completion, be it another sect or another mainstream faith with a big shout.

Nobody needs to be told by another what to believe or that these clerics can forgive their sins – no mortal man can.  Within each and every one of us we have been given our own direct line to Our Creator – it is called our conscience.

We always know when we have done wrong.  Even if we turn away from the truth because, by using that direct line, our thoughts and our deeds are carried to the Greater Intelligence and we can never get away with what we have done.

We are responsible for our own thoughts and actions and our conscience is a two-way communication between us and On High, so we can use it for good or for ill.  If we choose the latter, we turn ourselves into the darkness of ignorance as so many have and the way back is harder and as we must atone for our mistakes and make amends by ourselves alone and not through another.

Listen to the sense that is within us all and behave in a civilised manner to your fellow man, woman and especially the children.  They are suffering most at this time, as so many have lost their childhoods and their innocence by the misdemeanours through either the guns or the cloth.

Take time out to think about your life and your world, because nobody can do it for you.  You alone are responsible for your actions and you will soon find when you leave this earth plane, if not before, that you have nowhere to hide.

In the Spirit World, where we all go from here, but at different levels according to our accomplishments, we are naked to the truth of our ambitions and our achievements.  We were sent here to love and help each other.  Where did it go so wrong?

It is not too late to live together as one great family of human souls, but first one must remember to love each other and dispel the hate and fear that individuals spawn over others to get their way and to fulfil their greed, which at times appears to be insatiable.

Stand up for yourself knowing that you are loved in Spirit and can and will be helped if you truly listen to the conscience that you were given and act in love and harmony with each other and then together we can all go forward and start to save this world before it is too late and humanity kills itself and is no more.

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