The world is in a precarious position
and is teetering on the edge of destruction by its own hand. Few people tell the truth and it is almost
impossible for the people to know who to believe and trust in and very often it
is their own politicians and leaders.
There are outbreaks of violence
throughout all lands and no one is safe within their own countries anymore and,
even in the so called civilised nations of the western world, there are
atrocities regularly witnessed within families and friends.
The religious bickering and
misrepresentation of the sacred texts are misused to bring about simply what
groups want to accomplish for themselves at the expense of the women and
children, who should be in their charge and protection.
Human Rights Organisations have had to
be set up around this world to highlight the atrocities that go on both behind
closed doors and also out in the open on a bigger scale, as people commit
heinous crimes to get what they want and leave humanity bereft and empty.
The numbers of people, who believe in a
Higher Intelligence, are dwindling, as they fail to see any more the Hand of
God, bringing instant retribution on those who behave badly and the religious
houses continue to blemish his name by their own selfish and degrading actions.
I came to teach a right way of living and a right code of behaviour, but
alas many, then as now, turn away from the spiritual conscience within
themselves, where is housed the truth of all reality into living a good and
honest life.
No more is it taught to the children,
that honesty and good deeds are an essential part of finding peace within one’s
own lives, so that the mind and body can realise their potential and, by
helping others along the road of life, harmony and peace is born and nurtured.
How can love be a driving force in the
way to share and live, when there are so few examples of it at work on a global
basis? Today it is fear and greed that
are creating a lawless world, where anything goes providing one isn’t caught
and so many believe that they can and will get away with their crimes against
humanity itself, whether it is in a small way or on a massive scale.
There are proofs appearing all over the
world, especially at this time that people cannot get away with it, as many
are exposed and punished even after decades in which they thought that they
were invincible.
The tragedy is that people are not
learning from the examples of others being brought to book and are still
enlarging their egos by their petty successes and then going on to gamble with
their lives as well as other peoples, in order to make massive excesses of
wealth and power by whatever means becomes available.
Nothing gained on earth can be taken
from the physical into the spirit life, but it is certain that each and every
person has a record of their lives that will be fully opened and explored when
they depart this world for the next, because to enter into the Kingdom of
Heaven, which I preached about, requires that a soul has earned its place by
living in the right way of love, peace and sharing with its fellow man.
Take all that you want from this time on
earth if you want to, but nothing is free and yours forever, as you will need
to atone along that long dark road of ignorance until you glimpse the light of
the love, which you destroyed on your journey through your selfish actions on
the men, women and children that you encountered.
Those who have taken a sharing and
humble path along the roadway of life, know that to have enough is a blessing
and that too much is a liability, which must be shared out even-handedly with
all, so that need, as in poverty and distress, becomes a thing of the past.
There is enough for all and to see the
wealth piled up in the shrines of religion to please ‘God’ fails every time,
because Our Creator made us in love at every stage and the pain that Mankind
enforces on the many to assuage the appetites of the few is an abomination in
his sight.
‘God’ does not require trinkets of
glitter and colour. He requires that we
feed and dress and educate our children of this world to be loving citizens,
who will see that all are fed and nurtured by their example and that the
hoarding of global wealth is punished and the distribution of necessities of
justice, peace and harmony are abundant, so that all souls can live together in
his sight and produce loving vibrations in gratitude for all the gifts that he
gives around the world to all who believe and understand his Universal Laws.
The darkness of ignorance must be swept
away, so that the love and light of good behaviour to each other becomes the
norm and those who will not change their mind-sets accordingly will have be
taken out of the equation.
It is no longer possible to allow the
destruction of all that this planet holds which is good, because of the
material dis-ease is driving a wedge between those who have in abundance and
those whose needs are ignored.
Take the time to look within yourselves
in all honesty and begin that slow turning around of your knowing mind that
tells the difference between what is right and what is wrong and apply it in
your daily life, so that the spring of eternal life is not muddied by your
laziness to address the goodness within you and the flow of knowledge and good
deeds can forever shine forth through your actions for all to see. Amen.
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