07 January 2013

It Is Not the End of The World but the New Beginning That is Promised

The world is experiencing the greatest change in its uneven history of violence and peace.  By far the most common is the aggressive and bloody actions brought about by the behaviour of the few, which always results in the slaughter of the many.

Let me make myself quite plain.  These are never ‘God’s Wars’.  The Infinite Intelligence does not go in for the slaughter of his creations and neither does ‘He’ condone the taking of life.

It is Mankind who makes war and, like children in any family, there are moments of aggression, where one sparks against another over some trifle or other.  These are short-lived and the status quo is almost always retained.

When that soul grows up and realises the wonders of modern weaponry, he is so often tempted to behave badly and intolerantly with his fellow man, but now there are few to hold back the tide of aggression.

During recent centuries aggression has spread through continents and Mankind has failed to learn from two World Wars the pain and the demolition of families, towns and even nations.  Instead he has operated another system of greed and avarice through institutions and government.

Man has now reached the limits of his evil and selfish ways.  There is a new energy abroad to calm the aggression and intolerance against his fellows and this will result in the removal of misunderstanding, so that each may live side by side and through trade and enlightenment, so the mending of broken bridges can at last take place.

I was once asked, “Who is my neighbour?”  This question needs to be addressed and the answer understood today.  It is high time that the labels of race and prejudice were addressed and tolerance brought to bear throughout all nations and groups of thinking people.

Nobody gains from aggression and destruction always becomes the result.  My ‘Father’s Kingdom’ is all but full of souls of all races and creeds, who have arrived early due to the intolerance between people.

Now there comes the great opportunity for the Highest Energies sent from above to calm and console, so that this world of unruly people can come together and build bridges between what are essentially similar stances, if love is to be the key to Mankind’s future.

For those who fail to heed the signs, it will be forced upon them by their removal from the scene, so that all who remain can work together and no longer walk by on the other side.  The time has come.  The times of the old ways has run out and must be acknowledged to be so.

Those who have lived within the Laws that I taught will be spiritually aware of what I am saying to you now.  It is no longer a question of excuses.  Either you live through me to the ‘Father’ or else you cover yourself by the Darkness of Ignorance and ignore ‘His’ presence.

For far too long men, women and children have taken the easy road and allowed others to teach them according to their products to line themselves and their walls of so called worship with the gold and silver of the poor.

The rich are absolved from paying for anything but their sins, which no man can forgive except is done to him.  Absolution and the promises of Heaven are a joke and cannot be understood or taught by those who have not been there.

Watch for the signs now being shown to you and do not scorn the Higher Intelligence lest you are removed from the equation.  The meek shall inherit the earth and the arrogant and the ungodly shall be taken away.

Let your minds into the quietness of your own souls and allow the energies beyond Mankind to influence your rebirth before it is too late.  It is not the end of the world that is coming, it is the new beginning and the understanding of the Highest is at hand at last.

I say, “Amen to that.”

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