17 December 2012

Just Because It Can Be Done Is No Reason for Doing It

Just because it can be done is no reason for doing it.  In other words, if you can get away without anybody seeing you do it, is that any reason to behave badly?

Far too many people expect to get let off when they are caught doing something that is wrong, against the Law of Man or Spiritual Law.

How often to you hear people say, “I did nothing wrong!”  That is another way of saying that I shouldn’t be punished for what I did and I should be allowed to get away with it.

Too many people honestly believe that they can get away with being anti-social or selfish in exercising their greedy ways, because, “Others do it and don’t get punished, so it must be alright for me to do it.”

Unfortunately now that so many have turned their backs on the Higher Intelligence, they see no reason to behave in a goodly and humane manner.  When one feels no compassion for another, just because you don’t know them, the hardness of the heart heralds a barrier of ignorance around ones emotions.

If the Samaritan had walked by on the other side like the others, the man that was robbed and beaten would have died unnoticed and uncared for.  Should you find yourself in that situation, would you not feel neglected and unloved?

Too many people today only see the needs of themselves and those who are immediately around them.  They are hoodwinked into believing that their opinions are enough and shouldn’t be questioned.

To be uncompassionate about another’s needs is to be spiritually bankrupt.  Take a look at the harshness of Mankind throughout the world and see the poverty in which people are forced to live, both materially and spiritually.

Far too much is due to corruption and power seekers, so which comes first, the need for corruption and pilfering in little ways or the seeking of power over others, so that large scale corruption can be extracted and if exposed they simply say, “I am innocent of any wrongdoing!”

All the time that politicians and the socially elite are seen to get away with it, what sort of moral upbringing does this give the young?  Why should they work hard for what they need and want, when they can get it by devious means?

I have news for you!  You can never get away with it, because everything is seen and noted in Spiritual Law.  If you fail to pay your dues in this life, you will have to deal with them when you pass into the next dimension.

All that you do in this life is waiting for you to acknowledge and you will go to the place that you have earned for yourself and make amends there through the pain caused by your actions until you have learned from your folly.

I came to teach all people of all races that life continues after so called ‘death’ and that the Father holds us all accountable for what we have done and what we have left undone.  There are no excuses and nothing can be denied, as all is seen and recorded.

All causes have effects and we are all responsible for the waves that we make.  We are all linked together and we all need each other to live in love and harmony as we will all find out – if not here, then in the next kingdom of light or darkness.

The choice is yours.  Do you live in compassion for your fellow man or live for yourself and close your eyes and ears to others calling out for help and understanding?

One thing is certain and that is that what you sow, so you shall reap and if you sow misery and live in a loveless way, you will earn yourself the chance to experience what you have dished out and to see what it is like to be wanting and holding out your hand, as they walk by on the other side.

Then, if you are eventually helped by a stranger you will ask them, “Why did you do this for me?”

They will say, “Because you are a human being, so why wouldn’t I help you?”

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