17 December 2012

Just Because It Can Be Done Is No Reason for Doing It

Just because it can be done is no reason for doing it.  In other words, if you can get away without anybody seeing you do it, is that any reason to behave badly?

Far too many people expect to get let off when they are caught doing something that is wrong, against the Law of Man or Spiritual Law.

How often to you hear people say, “I did nothing wrong!”  That is another way of saying that I shouldn’t be punished for what I did and I should be allowed to get away with it.

Too many people honestly believe that they can get away with being anti-social or selfish in exercising their greedy ways, because, “Others do it and don’t get punished, so it must be alright for me to do it.”

Unfortunately now that so many have turned their backs on the Higher Intelligence, they see no reason to behave in a goodly and humane manner.  When one feels no compassion for another, just because you don’t know them, the hardness of the heart heralds a barrier of ignorance around ones emotions.

If the Samaritan had walked by on the other side like the others, the man that was robbed and beaten would have died unnoticed and uncared for.  Should you find yourself in that situation, would you not feel neglected and unloved?

Too many people today only see the needs of themselves and those who are immediately around them.  They are hoodwinked into believing that their opinions are enough and shouldn’t be questioned.

To be uncompassionate about another’s needs is to be spiritually bankrupt.  Take a look at the harshness of Mankind throughout the world and see the poverty in which people are forced to live, both materially and spiritually.

Far too much is due to corruption and power seekers, so which comes first, the need for corruption and pilfering in little ways or the seeking of power over others, so that large scale corruption can be extracted and if exposed they simply say, “I am innocent of any wrongdoing!”

All the time that politicians and the socially elite are seen to get away with it, what sort of moral upbringing does this give the young?  Why should they work hard for what they need and want, when they can get it by devious means?

I have news for you!  You can never get away with it, because everything is seen and noted in Spiritual Law.  If you fail to pay your dues in this life, you will have to deal with them when you pass into the next dimension.

All that you do in this life is waiting for you to acknowledge and you will go to the place that you have earned for yourself and make amends there through the pain caused by your actions until you have learned from your folly.

I came to teach all people of all races that life continues after so called ‘death’ and that the Father holds us all accountable for what we have done and what we have left undone.  There are no excuses and nothing can be denied, as all is seen and recorded.

All causes have effects and we are all responsible for the waves that we make.  We are all linked together and we all need each other to live in love and harmony as we will all find out – if not here, then in the next kingdom of light or darkness.

The choice is yours.  Do you live in compassion for your fellow man or live for yourself and close your eyes and ears to others calling out for help and understanding?

One thing is certain and that is that what you sow, so you shall reap and if you sow misery and live in a loveless way, you will earn yourself the chance to experience what you have dished out and to see what it is like to be wanting and holding out your hand, as they walk by on the other side.

Then, if you are eventually helped by a stranger you will ask them, “Why did you do this for me?”

They will say, “Because you are a human being, so why wouldn’t I help you?”

27 August 2012

In the Eyes of all who’s Opinions Matter in a Noble and Greater World

To be alive in these exciting times of change is to be a part of history.  Generations will look back at this era of life on earth and will be excited, as they understand the changes that occurred right now.

At last the tide has been turned and the injustice, hatred and fear are turning into an establishment of new beginnings.  Mind-sets have to be changed and those who are unable to accept the right and decent ways of living, according to Universal and Spiritual Laws, will be removed and those who have done their very best for humanity and tried to live in love and peace will receive the enlightenment that they deserve.

It is high time that the corrupt institutions were brought down, so that new foundations can be laid and a new and structured curriculum can be established and the needs of the people are dealt with for the betterment of all concerned.

For far too long the man in the street has been ridden over roughshod by those who have only their own interests at heart and had hardened themselves against those they could abuse for their own ends.  Greed and corruption throughout most of the countries throughout this world have become the norm and self-interest has been allowed to run riot in the face of the people’s needs.

But now no longer, because the proverbial worm has turned as greater energies from a Divine Source have descended and encouraged change.  Many examples can be seen around the world in the daily news, as regimes are humbled and corruption is exposed from the past, often all but forgotten, as the perpetrators rested on their laurels in what they thought was safety.

Winds of Divine change had been let loose to flow into the byways of international politics and business, so that no longer could the bad boys and bullies escape the responsibilities and they found that what they had sown was now to be reaped.

Often have I given these words of warning to the unwary all those years ago and I saw to it that they echoed through preacher’s minds of all good souls, who understood that sacrifice that I came to make, so that all could see the truth of the ways of Our Father, who sent me.

I taught the simple truths to those who would listen and those who turned away I knew that they would learn the hard way as their deeds caught up with them.  I said that the meek would inherit the earth and that meant that when the time came the ego driven men and women, who put their own selves before the needs of others, would be cast down.

Now the time is almost here when you will all understand my words in the stark reality of the true meanings and demonstrations of what can no longer be mistook.  The choices that you have made will stand the test of time for the righteous and decent souls of this world will be saved and raised up, while those who have failed to accept the words and actions of good and honest behaviour will be cast down and their road back will be a long one.

Everything that Our Father Creator asks of us is that we act and think for the right reasons and that is for our neighbour and the greater good of all humanity.  We were never sent here alone to struggle, but were accompanied by each other to help support us when times became hard, as we would support them as they needed us in their turn.

The Spirit within us and our conscience guides us well, if only we would listen and act accordingly.  It is only when we take that first step towards a mighty goal that we start to realise the strength that is given to us to overcome our fears and prejudges.  We are never alone and we always helped if we ask and acknowledge what we know is true.

So now there are moments when each and every one of us sees opportunities to act and help for the Greater Good and, if we step up to the plate and are counted, we will succeed and be blessed.  Look around the world and see those who are doing just that.

Their sacrifices will be long remembered when their actions escalate into greater works, as men and women join together and create revolution against all the odds and bring about platforms for a better life to be built on, as the handicapped and the abused find someone is fighting for them and that their hopeless state of being is no more as fearful as it was.

All those who have lost everything in my name will never be without and will be led into the fields of greater achievement, so that this world became a better place because they came down and lived here for the benefit of others working in unconditional love and expecting or seeking no reward, except what they did was right and just in the eyes of all who’s opinions matter in a noble and greater world.

Amen to that.

14 July 2012

Do What You Know You Need To Do and Do It Now Before It Is Too Late

To go away and leave your jobs unfinished is to be incomplete within yourself.  This does apply all through one’s life and it is a barometer to your own wellbeing.  Are you a finisher or do you lose interest and walk away, never seeing the job through?

How would you feel if the gasman or the electrician left your home unfinished and simply walked away.  You would find another and not pay the first and you would be correct and justified!

So just think how it is if you put aside your responsibilities, no matter what they are.  Do you walk away and never apologise if you have behaved badly?  Do you go away on holiday and leave your in-tray for someone else to clear up the mess?

When you leave this mortal coil on this earth plane of existence, are your cupboards clean and tidy?  Are your affairs in order?  Do you have any regrets about what you have left undone or have you a clear conscience and can simply leave when you are called away?

I say to you now, “Do what you have to do and do not leave undone what you should have done.  There is no joy in finding that you still have to do these things and only you can do them.”

When you go on holiday you do not come back as a changed person.  You are intrinsically the same and have the same responsibilities.  Your work-list is still the same and you come back to carry on, not to start anew.

So it is when you leave this plane of existence.  You are no longer other than yourself, with the same responsibilities and catalogue of misdeeds and errors that we all carry with us until we have made reparation for them.

Don’t think for one moment that when you pass away from this physical body you arrive in a state angelic goodness and harmony and all your ‘so-called sins’ are forgiven you.  That would indeed be wishful thinking.

They will be, once you have been forgiven by the ones you trespassed against, so say you are sorry now and mean it and you will not have to carry that burden any longer.  If you do not do this and you fail to work for the greater good, then you will be found wanting.

Then you will have to start working hard all over again to justify yourself before yourself and those who can see through you for simply who and what you really are, so I say to you now, “Do these simple things before it is too late and you are shamed in front of all others, who have passed into the Spirit World before you.”

So much I have said about the Kingdom of Heaven being within you all and so few have understood that what you sow, so you reap and therefore your Kingdom of Heaven is of your own making.

Let the light of goodness shine into your hearts and minds and let your deeds be counted, so that everyone can see them and you can be pleased that you have lived as you have and made your presence worthwhile and done good for all, who you have encompassed without expecting material reward.

So many people in this world of ours are only motivated by what is in it for them.  They are the sad people and you know who they are.  They are the ones who are frightened to lose what they have, so they keep it locked up in their misery ways and begrudge helping another in need unless they can profit from it.

They will have the material comforts in life, brought about from the backs of others, but they cannot take them with them and they do not count as worthwhile in the next analysis, when you are asked what you have done for Mankind and the benefit of the human race.

It is all very well to have riches and that is not a crime if they were honestly arrived at, but what the question here is, “What have you done with them to make the lives of others easier to bear the ups and downs of this life of toil and hard graft?”

Justification cannot be made for sitting idly on your pile of wealth and dedicating your life to making it grow for your own aggrandisement and ignoring the hands held out in hope by those deserving causes.

Leave behind the money grabbers and the hangers-on and bring your mind into focus to use what you have for the benefit of those who are less well-off that you are and see your rewards grow both here on this earth plane and in the next plane of existence.

There you will then arrive with riches to show for your earthly existence, instead of arriving as a pauper having left behind your earthly wealth and find that your spiritual account is bankrupt and you have nothing to show for all this time on Earth.

Give what you can and you will be well rewarded, but do it now and leave nothing undone or else you will be bankrupt and all those good intentions will have evaporated into nothing and you will only have your apologises for company.  Amen.

03 July 2012

Do What Feels Right To You Within and Not What You Think Others Will See Without

Now that the world is changing, there is an opportunity to make things better.  It is never possible to make radical changes with the old structure still in place.  Where there is a rotten system, it has to be torn out root and branch and a new one planted after careful consideration.

          As the world grows and the population expands, there are pressures put upon the wild life and the natural features, such as forests and fertile areas of food production as well as water resources and the needs for energy.

          The fish stocks in the oceans are a case in point, because as they are now fished by factory ships, which take everything in their path, there are no chances of the fish replenishing themselves in time and the local fishermen in their small boats have little chance of feeding their families.

          The grain areas of the world are being poisoned by the use of chemicals and fertilizers allowing short term gains, but over time burning out the humus from the soil and causing over production as the rotations of old are not always viewed as economic until the fields fail altogether.

          In poorer parts of the world, where forestation had renewed the oxygen by the foliage altering the carbon dioxide, so we could breathe, is largely being cut down for money to be made out of timber, while leaving the rest as unsalable rubbish or it is burnt to allow short term cash crops, before the soil is washed away by the heavy rains.

          When mankind has finished taking his short term gains and satisfied his greed in whatever way he sees himself becoming rich at the expense of the rest of society, there will become a world that is unable to sustain the ever increasing populations of men, women and children.

          The pressure is already building on the wildlife and the list of extinction of species grows ever longer.  Soon they may be just a memory to some as a picture in a book or online to others.

          When there is no more grain and no more fish, how will you explain to the children of the future the miracle of the seven small loaves and two small fishes that fed a multitude of people all those years ago.

          If you abuse what you have the Greater Intelligence may experience a thought that Mankind failed to appreciate the years of plenty and, when he was warned about the lean years to come, he made little attempt to save what there was and he is simply reaping what he sowed, which of course is Spiritual Law.

          Isn’t it about time that the people of this world stopped leaving it to others and started to take some responsibility for themselves?  When the shelves of the supermarkets start to become empty, how many people will be able to survive with what they have?

Will they eat their last potato, because they don’t know how to grow one in their gardens or will they simply expect a miracle to save them from what we have all brought upon themselves?

My friends, life is different in the real world, as miracles have to be earned by goodness and sending out the right sort of spiritual thoughts to the very people who can make a difference.

Those who are worthy will be saved and those who are not worthy will be cast down and the biblical retribution of the past, that was brought about by Spiritual and Universal Law, will ring in the ears of those who scoffed it.

If you need help before it all turns rotten, don’t run to your local church, mosque or synagogue, because they only deal with the symptoms and not the cause within each and every one of us.

Wake up and face your fears and then something can be done.  Test the Spirit within and also test the advice without and see how much they want for it.  True spiritual gain comes from within each and every one of us, so seek the right direction if you are unsure of the way, but I say to you, “Do what feels right to you within and not what you think others will see without.”

24 June 2012

Address Your Past Issues Before It Is Too Late And That Means Now!

Now is the time when you must all look to your laurels and put the past behind you by dealing with all the back issues of your life to date.  It is no use turning aside and saying that you have no issues at all or that they are too difficult for you to address.

Each and every one of us has matters that we have failed to address and we have hidden them away, shut them in the closet and thrown away the key, but they are still there and will be dealt with in this world or the next one.

You choose your place and your life according to how you act and how you behave.  Spiritual people, who work for the greater good before themselves, will be advised and saved, so that they can carry on with their work to help and aid those in the greatest need.

They will not be let off their mistakes or errors, but will be shown and instinctively know how to deal with them.  They will not leave their baggage locked in the cupboard and try and move away.

Those who will not deal with their conscience and close their minds to the continuous and comforting reminders that are always given from a Higher Source, or Universal Intelligence according to the way you think about Great Creative Forces, will be taken to task in a greater way than they can ever imagine.

The way you think and act determines the very way you are and the progress that you make within your own earthly lives.  Nothing is by chance, but all is by design.  The opportunities that are placed in your path are for your progression to greater experience and a greater way of helping others without personal benefits to self.

If greed is your motivation you will be brought down.  So often this has been said and so often ignored.  Look around the world today and see how the greedy are falling and the oppressors are being oppressed and this will continue until the lessons are learned and the waves of goodness are accepted on this earth plane.

No longer are the Higher Forces prepared to stand by and see Mankind behave in such an abominable way to their own kind.  Enough is enough and the planetary energies are moving in such a way that they are unstoppable.

Surely you realise that although many are getting hurt, they are paying the collective price for the misdoings of the Collective Conscience, which has been swayed by so much negativity and misrule that it had reached tipping point and must and will be stopped at almost any price to the individuals who must suffer.

It is time that the good and mighty people of conscience stand up and be counted and the Lord’s work will be done, as all those truly know who live by his laws and sayings.  Many are ready for the great changes that are to come and have been prepared through their experiences to pave the way and give guidance to the masses who are in much need of leadership.

If you are fortunate enough to read these words, don’t shrug your shoulders or turn away.  These are the stark realities which are coming upon us all and I urge you to examine your lives and see what you have made for yourself and make the necessary changes, so that you will survive with those who you love.

I didn’t come to unite families, but to divide them when their thinking was impure and dangerous.  Each and every soul has a right to make up their own mind, but then they must stand by the consequences of their choices.

Benefits are given to the deserving according to what they have earned by their own good deeds and should they require help and guidance it will be given to them, but, unlike today’s earthly credit society, it has to first be earned before it can be enjoyed.

I urge you all to take notice and to examine yourselves and the world around you before it changes and leaves you breathless in its wake.  All the signs for the future are clearly out there and cannot be mistaken.

You all have the choice.  Act wisely or fall into darkness.  Tear down the bad and rebuild it so that it is worthy.  Help your neighbours unconditionally, who are in need of a helping hand and let them understand the love that is so lacking in the mouths and hearts of the majority of today’s people.

Open your minds to the good and the righteous and don’t leave it to others to do, because you will achieve no credit and will stagnate in your own distress.  There is help there if you will seek it.

So I say to you, “Seek and you will find.  Knock and it will be opened to you, but first you must move yourself with the right intentions.  Amen to that.