03 July 2012

Do What Feels Right To You Within and Not What You Think Others Will See Without

Now that the world is changing, there is an opportunity to make things better.  It is never possible to make radical changes with the old structure still in place.  Where there is a rotten system, it has to be torn out root and branch and a new one planted after careful consideration.

          As the world grows and the population expands, there are pressures put upon the wild life and the natural features, such as forests and fertile areas of food production as well as water resources and the needs for energy.

          The fish stocks in the oceans are a case in point, because as they are now fished by factory ships, which take everything in their path, there are no chances of the fish replenishing themselves in time and the local fishermen in their small boats have little chance of feeding their families.

          The grain areas of the world are being poisoned by the use of chemicals and fertilizers allowing short term gains, but over time burning out the humus from the soil and causing over production as the rotations of old are not always viewed as economic until the fields fail altogether.

          In poorer parts of the world, where forestation had renewed the oxygen by the foliage altering the carbon dioxide, so we could breathe, is largely being cut down for money to be made out of timber, while leaving the rest as unsalable rubbish or it is burnt to allow short term cash crops, before the soil is washed away by the heavy rains.

          When mankind has finished taking his short term gains and satisfied his greed in whatever way he sees himself becoming rich at the expense of the rest of society, there will become a world that is unable to sustain the ever increasing populations of men, women and children.

          The pressure is already building on the wildlife and the list of extinction of species grows ever longer.  Soon they may be just a memory to some as a picture in a book or online to others.

          When there is no more grain and no more fish, how will you explain to the children of the future the miracle of the seven small loaves and two small fishes that fed a multitude of people all those years ago.

          If you abuse what you have the Greater Intelligence may experience a thought that Mankind failed to appreciate the years of plenty and, when he was warned about the lean years to come, he made little attempt to save what there was and he is simply reaping what he sowed, which of course is Spiritual Law.

          Isn’t it about time that the people of this world stopped leaving it to others and started to take some responsibility for themselves?  When the shelves of the supermarkets start to become empty, how many people will be able to survive with what they have?

Will they eat their last potato, because they don’t know how to grow one in their gardens or will they simply expect a miracle to save them from what we have all brought upon themselves?

My friends, life is different in the real world, as miracles have to be earned by goodness and sending out the right sort of spiritual thoughts to the very people who can make a difference.

Those who are worthy will be saved and those who are not worthy will be cast down and the biblical retribution of the past, that was brought about by Spiritual and Universal Law, will ring in the ears of those who scoffed it.

If you need help before it all turns rotten, don’t run to your local church, mosque or synagogue, because they only deal with the symptoms and not the cause within each and every one of us.

Wake up and face your fears and then something can be done.  Test the Spirit within and also test the advice without and see how much they want for it.  True spiritual gain comes from within each and every one of us, so seek the right direction if you are unsure of the way, but I say to you, “Do what feels right to you within and not what you think others will see without.”

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