29 May 2010

What you Need to Do


It has become increasingly obvious that so many souls are unaware of what they need to do in order to progress along the paths of production and peace in both material and spiritual forms.


Too many feel stuck in their lives and are ruled by fear, so they make no changes in case matters get worse instead of better.


It matters not in which part the world you live or who is in government to 'rule' you.  What is most important to you as an individual is that you take responsibility for your own life.


There is no profit to you in allowing others to dictate what is best for you and how you should live and in what conditions.  You are always in charge of your own direction and destiny.


No one can walk another's path.  They may influence that person and they may be able to give guidance, but whatever steps that person takes comes directly from within themselves.


Many suffer needlessly, as they refuse to make any attempt to move away from where they are.  They are stuck within the confines of their own mindset.


In the natural world, where animals are facing conditions that do not suit them and allow their natural way of life to continue, they migrate away to pastures new.


There are continuing stories of people who uproot themselves in ordered to move from where they live into another country, into another way of life, sometimes many thousands of miles across the globe, make a new start and find success and happiness away from the hardships that held them before.


Each and every soul has the right to freedom, to go and make their own decisions according to the Laws of Man and the Laws of God.


No doubt many of you will have heard of me saying before, "Give unto God what is God's and give unto Man what is Man's".


If you are law abiding and hurt no man or woman or child by your actions and live according to our Father's commandments you cannot go astray.


It is a well known saying that you cannot use ignorance as an excuse for breaking the law.  This applies to the Laws of Man and to the Laws of God.


What this means is that you should think before you act and be aware of the repercussions of your own actions.  What affect will what you do have on those around you?


Take your personal responsibilities seriously and decide for yourself and those you love, what is best for you with the intentions of not hurting another soul in any way.


Take a grip of the reins and start to shape your destiny according to the laws that are there to guide you.  You are never alone.


Listen to that voice within and ask for guidance with the right intentions and through our Father put away your fear and take that first step so that opportunities can come to you.


Do not be afraid to make changes.  Without changes there is no progression and no improvement, because it is only your fear, caused by the darker vibrations, that holds you back.


Grasp your destiny and through your personal responsibility and desire for the greater good, so you will be rewarded and a brighter and more sustainable future will be yours.


As Paul said, "Go forth and take courage."  Amen.

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