28 May 2010

As the Rays of Sunshine Come Your Way


Look around you and know that you are blessed.  If you think of your cup of life as being half full and not half empty, then you will realise that the Father has already given you all you really need.


Most people have cups which appear to be overflowing with all the material needs that they can enjoy.  What cannot always be seen is the bareness of their spiritual lives.


The Father in Heaven gives all the basic necessities for life and the choice as to whether a soul builds the spiritual needs by searching and knocking on that door of enquiry, which is always opened to those with serious intent.


How often have you heard it said, "Knock and it will be opened unto you"?  How often have you knocked and not waited for the door to be opened and the spiritual guidance to be given unto you?


In this 21st century man and woman kind have become too impatient to await the outcome of the guidance which is there for them all.  To many it is an instant society, which promises instant answers and reactions.


So many are brought up to believe that all they have to do is to add water and what they most want will materialise out of the packet.


That may be true for some in a materialistic environment, but the spiritual development of the soul has to be taken one step at a time.  Never can this be rushed, because it is important that each and every bit of knowledge and understanding that is laid one upon the other is secure and safe.


 Each lesson, each experience, must be flawlessly learned if all is to rely on that combination which they have experienced.


If a man builds his house on foundations of sand his property is quickly erected.  However when storms and difficulties come, it is the house founded upon the rock which will survive the test and remain intact afterwards.


Impatience is not a crime or a sin, but it leads to an insecure framework of knowledge and understanding.  Each and every new piece must be studied before it can be safely placed next to its neighbours in the puzzle of life itself.


What the Father has given is free and pure.  What man does with it is his choice alone.  Many ignore it and think that they are secure and can manage and alone in this material world, but there are others who know that this is not so.


The first step of illumination is to recognise the source from which it comes.  Our Father's enlightenment rarely comes in large packages so that the one who opens them has all the answers that they need.


The rays of sunshine that are coming our way to take us out of the ignorance of darkness come through the Spirit at our Father's bidding.  If we are wise we nurture within ourselves each ray of understanding that comes to us.


Each and every piece is true and wise and comes in love and each one is compatible with all others that come from the same Source.


We may not be able at first to put them together and see the wider picture, but in time as we have enough pieces, so we shall see more.  Treat each gem of understanding that you receive as a blesséd miracle of a Father's love for you.


Understand fully each piece of spiritual knowledge that you receive, so that when the time comes you are able to build securely on these facts so that your life and livelihood cannot be swept away by the storms of life, which will always come to test your mettle and your intentions.


As 'God' blesses you with consciousness and an inquiring mind, I ask you to put aside the pursuit of earthly acquisitions and make room for the spiritual treasures that you will need to build your temple securely for all time.  Amen.



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