31 May 2010

Find Happiness and Peace of Mind


The changes that are coming will be fundamental in nature to each and every one of us.  It was no longer possible to continue in the old ways.


In order to move forward we have to be prepared to change our mindsets and go forward with the new opportunities that are on offer to us without fear.


Fear of the unknown shows a lack of confidence in ourselves and a complete lack of trust in there being a Higher Power using the force of love to oversee our day to day needs.


We are not sufficient to be able to confidently and correctly guide our lives with the souls around us, in the maze of energies that are there, without making errors and without understanding the interaction that we have with those souls about us.


What we do affects the paths of the others and if we are too blinkered pursuing our own goals, then we are mostly unaware of how we alter the energies between us and our family and neighbours.


We need the breadth of vision of a Higher Source of Intelligence that loves us all equally and therefore has no prejudice in the way that favours and opportunities are shown to us.


When the mechanism of life brings before us difficulties and hardships, which are not of our own making, we need guidance to overcome them and to profit in the knowledge that we have succeeded against all the odds.


If we believe that our own ego is all powerful and can overcome all that is in front of us, then we are heading for a fall, which will in time show us that we are not able to survive alone.


We are, in our lives, given many opportunities to learn our strengths and weaknesses, but so often our strengths are to understand our weaknesses, so that we can progress towards higher goals of achievement, but always in love and harmony to others all around us.


If we do not recognise this, then we show an arrogance fuelled by an inflated ego and it is only a matter of time before its bubble bursts and we are reduced to rebuilding our understandings back up from a lower level.


The lessons of life have to be learned and where mistakes and errors have been made and allowed to continue unchecked, then what remains has to be torn down, so that new foundations can be built to allow the rebuilding without flaws to start again.


All around you, you are to witness the pulling down of the old corruptions and the cleansing of the stables, so that new structures can be built up to serve the people of this world.


No longer can Mankind steer the course for self aggrandisement to fuel his own ego system and greed.  All people have rights under the laws of humanity and those who ignore them must fall in order to receive the opportunities to learn and rise again.


Give unto 'God' what is 'God's' and give unto man what are his basic needs, so that all can benefit and live a life in harmony and not in fear.


Our Father made all children to be equal.  It is only man who tries to make some more equal than others.


Go in peace and treat each other as you would have yourself treated, then Our Father will smile on you and by living within 'His' guidelines, so you will be worthy to be raised up.


Remember that man cannot live by bread alone.  He needs to feed his spirit within in order to truly understand happiness and peace of mind.  Amen.



29 May 2010

What you Need to Do


It has become increasingly obvious that so many souls are unaware of what they need to do in order to progress along the paths of production and peace in both material and spiritual forms.


Too many feel stuck in their lives and are ruled by fear, so they make no changes in case matters get worse instead of better.


It matters not in which part the world you live or who is in government to 'rule' you.  What is most important to you as an individual is that you take responsibility for your own life.


There is no profit to you in allowing others to dictate what is best for you and how you should live and in what conditions.  You are always in charge of your own direction and destiny.


No one can walk another's path.  They may influence that person and they may be able to give guidance, but whatever steps that person takes comes directly from within themselves.


Many suffer needlessly, as they refuse to make any attempt to move away from where they are.  They are stuck within the confines of their own mindset.


In the natural world, where animals are facing conditions that do not suit them and allow their natural way of life to continue, they migrate away to pastures new.


There are continuing stories of people who uproot themselves in ordered to move from where they live into another country, into another way of life, sometimes many thousands of miles across the globe, make a new start and find success and happiness away from the hardships that held them before.


Each and every soul has the right to freedom, to go and make their own decisions according to the Laws of Man and the Laws of God.


No doubt many of you will have heard of me saying before, "Give unto God what is God's and give unto Man what is Man's".


If you are law abiding and hurt no man or woman or child by your actions and live according to our Father's commandments you cannot go astray.


It is a well known saying that you cannot use ignorance as an excuse for breaking the law.  This applies to the Laws of Man and to the Laws of God.


What this means is that you should think before you act and be aware of the repercussions of your own actions.  What affect will what you do have on those around you?


Take your personal responsibilities seriously and decide for yourself and those you love, what is best for you with the intentions of not hurting another soul in any way.


Take a grip of the reins and start to shape your destiny according to the laws that are there to guide you.  You are never alone.


Listen to that voice within and ask for guidance with the right intentions and through our Father put away your fear and take that first step so that opportunities can come to you.


Do not be afraid to make changes.  Without changes there is no progression and no improvement, because it is only your fear, caused by the darker vibrations, that holds you back.


Grasp your destiny and through your personal responsibility and desire for the greater good, so you will be rewarded and a brighter and more sustainable future will be yours.


As Paul said, "Go forth and take courage."  Amen.

28 May 2010

As the Rays of Sunshine Come Your Way


Look around you and know that you are blessed.  If you think of your cup of life as being half full and not half empty, then you will realise that the Father has already given you all you really need.


Most people have cups which appear to be overflowing with all the material needs that they can enjoy.  What cannot always be seen is the bareness of their spiritual lives.


The Father in Heaven gives all the basic necessities for life and the choice as to whether a soul builds the spiritual needs by searching and knocking on that door of enquiry, which is always opened to those with serious intent.


How often have you heard it said, "Knock and it will be opened unto you"?  How often have you knocked and not waited for the door to be opened and the spiritual guidance to be given unto you?


In this 21st century man and woman kind have become too impatient to await the outcome of the guidance which is there for them all.  To many it is an instant society, which promises instant answers and reactions.


So many are brought up to believe that all they have to do is to add water and what they most want will materialise out of the packet.


That may be true for some in a materialistic environment, but the spiritual development of the soul has to be taken one step at a time.  Never can this be rushed, because it is important that each and every bit of knowledge and understanding that is laid one upon the other is secure and safe.


 Each lesson, each experience, must be flawlessly learned if all is to rely on that combination which they have experienced.


If a man builds his house on foundations of sand his property is quickly erected.  However when storms and difficulties come, it is the house founded upon the rock which will survive the test and remain intact afterwards.


Impatience is not a crime or a sin, but it leads to an insecure framework of knowledge and understanding.  Each and every new piece must be studied before it can be safely placed next to its neighbours in the puzzle of life itself.


What the Father has given is free and pure.  What man does with it is his choice alone.  Many ignore it and think that they are secure and can manage and alone in this material world, but there are others who know that this is not so.


The first step of illumination is to recognise the source from which it comes.  Our Father's enlightenment rarely comes in large packages so that the one who opens them has all the answers that they need.


The rays of sunshine that are coming our way to take us out of the ignorance of darkness come through the Spirit at our Father's bidding.  If we are wise we nurture within ourselves each ray of understanding that comes to us.


Each and every piece is true and wise and comes in love and each one is compatible with all others that come from the same Source.


We may not be able at first to put them together and see the wider picture, but in time as we have enough pieces, so we shall see more.  Treat each gem of understanding that you receive as a blesséd miracle of a Father's love for you.


Understand fully each piece of spiritual knowledge that you receive, so that when the time comes you are able to build securely on these facts so that your life and livelihood cannot be swept away by the storms of life, which will always come to test your mettle and your intentions.


As 'God' blesses you with consciousness and an inquiring mind, I ask you to put aside the pursuit of earthly acquisitions and make room for the spiritual treasures that you will need to build your temple securely for all time.  Amen.



25 May 2010

Be Worthy of Your Hire and Walk that Extra Mile


We must always shoulder our responsibilities when the bitter cup comes and cannot be taken away from our lips.


We are here to take personal responsibility in our lives in such a way that we are given opportunities to improve within and to help those about us, who are not as fortunate as we are.


We all come from the Father and it is in the way of things that in order to perfect the essence of our 'soul', we must all take advantage of our chances to learn, in mind and through our feelings, so that we can understand more readily what others feel too.


If we harden ourselves, so that the needs and feelings of others do not touch our hearts, then we are in danger of walking by on the other side.


We have to remember however that each and every soul who walks this earth plane must take their own responsibility for what they do and how they react.


No one has the right to expect these decisions to be taken out of their hands.  This is simply is not the way.  If they persist in denying their own progression by refusing to lift a finger to help themselves, then they will stagnate and shortly perish.


No one who makes the effort, for the right and proper reasons, will be denied by the Father.  He loves us all and wants us all to learn how we can become better in our spiritual understanding and our own existence.


For far too long many have had it easy and what have they learned.  The answer is nothing, because they stand with their hands held out like a beggar, who refuses to even try and make a life for him/her self.


There is no easy way, but always through grave difficulties comes salvation and the progress made enlightens the mind and increases the determination to achieve what is possible by that one soul and also for others to benefit.


To refuse help to become better when it is offered is to deny oneself a purpose for living.  We all have a responsibility to do what we can to provide for ourselves and our families.


No handouts to able bodied people can ever satisfy the need within and only fans of the flames of laziness and greed.


Why should others work for those who will not work for themselves?


There are enough souls upon this earth plane, who through no fault of their own have to do without, because Mankind shows a material path of greed and the mighty take from the weak.


This can no longer be afforded and reparation is coming, so that the mighty that will not change their mindsets, and live for others, will fall until they find that they can change within themselves.


Then, and only then, can they rise again and take their place in a society which is worthy of living in and each and every part contributes to the benefits of the whole.


No longer will the Father tolerate the errors which have been made and so much that has been built will be brought down, so that a fairer and better society can emerge and live true to the Laws that our Father gave us.


If you do not start to put your own house in order now, you will rue the day.  Watch and wait if you will, but you will see the unthinkable collapse, so that the good can be mighty again and the people will be able to speak out and not live in the fear of the past.


Please think carefully about the words I have given you, because there will be no second chance and those who disbelieve me will find themselves falling until they understand the rights of what I speak.


God blesses you all as I do, but you must make yourself worthy of your hire and learn to walk that extra mile.  Amen.



16 May 2010

See now the Opportunies that are Coming your Way


Our Father in Heaven is fully aware of the difficulties that you have had to suffer, some of these were due to your own decisions and others were forced upon you.


In order to grow and learn you cannot stand still.  Progression is the name of the game here.  This is why you came to this earth plane of existence, so that you could learn and move on by developing the soul within.


If you turn away from the opportunities that the Father is giving you, then you remain in the same state as before.  It is not necessary for you to continue to live in the same state as you did yesterday.


All that the Father asks from you is that you make the first effort yourself, so that help can be brought to you to achieve an ongoing state of enlightenment and progression.


In this way your load becomes lighter and your heart becomes happier, because you are moving forward in the grace and protection that can only come from surrendering your actions to the guidance from above.


Spiritual Law dictates that as you sow, so shall you reap.  If you make no effort to help yourself, then how can the seeds that the Father has planted, germinate and grow into a strong harvest?


The seeds of these opportunities that are sown are for your benefit.  Your part in the arrangement is that you water and tend these beautiful opportunities that come into your life.


If you do this and go forward without fear, knowing that you are loved and will be provided for, then from these simple seeds will emerge a rich harvest.


Your life is not to be alone and suffering.  That is like living in a desert when all around you there is the water for which you thirst.


If you are afraid to go out on your own and find the opportunities that await you, you will never achieve the potential that is within.  Everything of importance to your very being was given to you by the Father long before you came into this body of earthly proportions.


You came to this earth plane as spirit and your development is as spirit.  Your bodily requirements are secondary to that of your spirit and when you leave your body to ascend towards the Father, you leave behind your body and ascend only in spirit.


When you have learned the Ways of the Spirit, then your earthly comforts are automatically addressed.  When you take up the opportunities that the Father has offered you, so you will benefit according to your kind and your earthly comforts will be provided also.


Remember that your Father loves you and wants to see you happy and enjoying your visit to this earth plane.  If you sent your children away on a holiday, would you not provide them with their comforts and pleasures providing that they behave themselves according to the ways that you had told them?


So it is with the Father that if we live by the Spirit in love and harmony together and take of the opportunities of life as they are shown to us, then we will be rewarded and we will know that peace of mind, which can only come by living our lives for his glory and the progression of our spirit.


I therefore invite you, my friends, to look out and accept what opportunities are coming in your way.  Work for the greater good of Mankind and see your own status and wellbeing growing in equal proportions.


There is only one way to live and that is in preparation for the times to come, leaving behind us the errors and mistakes of the past.  Ahead are your dreams and their fulfilment and if you ask with the right intentions, so you'll be rewarded.


Smile and be happy, for tomorrow you can fulfil your dreams if you let your spirit be ahead of your material desires.  Go in peace and know that you'll never walk alone.


Listen to the voice of reason and calm, which will guide every one of you, if you will stop and listen and understand the sense of what you are being told.


Our Father blesses you, as I do, and remember that I said that you can do greater works than I.  Amen.



14 May 2010

Think about What you Ask for and the Consequences

Today's way of looking at things is too influenced by the need of the mindset to have and to hold all that is considered desirable, regardless of the requirements of that person or the responsibilities that go with it.

Too many people are not prepared to earn what they feel they want and expect it to be given on a plate without having to even say, "Thank you" in many cases.

Children are brought up to expect and, if they make enough fuss, then they are given what they want by their parents, or minders, to shut them up and to achieve a quiet life.

This is not how Spiritual Law works and all benefits given by the Father have to be earned and to be required with the right intentions.

The biggest gift that all souls receive from the Father is life through consciousness and, in order to become an individual soul, many experiences have to be gone through and many hardships encountered.

It has been said, "If life was a bed of roses, what would you learn?"

The answer my friends is, "NOTHING" and that may be a bitter pill to swallow for many of you out there in the material world screaming and shouting for more, more, more without the intentions to earn it, or even see if what you require for free is for the greater good or for your own selfishness and greed.

Times are changing and sacrifices are going to have to be asked for and it is no good sitting back on your haunches expecting other people to make them for you.

Each and every person is going to have to grow up and stand up and contribute what they can for those who need it and not to look for anything in return.

This is the Spiritual Way that I have taught before, because you come into this World with nothing and you leave it with nothing, except what you have given to others in the course of your life, which is counted by the Father and schedules your destination after you leave this earth plane.

Remember my friends that it is far harder to do things with the right intentions after you leave here and to put right what you have failed to do, because in the next world you are exposed in nakedness of what you achieved for all to see.

Nobody is kept in the shadows, but is exposed to the Heavenly light, which exposes all successes and failures each and every person is responsible for.

So remember what you ask for is heard and weighed, so that you get from the Father what you deserve and not what you crave for without good intentions and by seeing the need for others and the effect that it will most certainly have on them.

All people are in need and all people are entitled to ask from above what they feel is necessary for them to continue to live in love and harmony with their neighbours and those around them.

If you send out your thoughts for the benefit of others with a warm and loving heart, so that your intentions are to bring happiness and progression to a society, wherever that society may be and in whatever way they need most in order to survive those slings and fortunes that life has put in their way, then you will be rewarded.

For those who prefer to live for themselves at the expense of others and keep unto themselves a cold and selfish heart, then those people will fall and will not be able to turn and recover until they have melted their hearts and can give our Father's love to others without wishing for any reward for themselves.

To all of you I say now, "Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you, give and you will receive from your Father in Heaven, who loves you well and knows what is in your heart."


10 May 2010

Sacrifices for the Greater Good


As many of you will know, although some will not say that they believe, I made my sacrifice for the greater good all those many years ago, so that you would all know without any doubts that life was everlasting.


It was at that time my way of giving all that I had to my fellow man, so that new paths could be sought out and walked in safety and without fear.


This time on this earth plane of existence is but fleeting and nevertheless it is hard for so many, who choose to avail themselves of the opportunity to come into an earthly body and to try their very best to make a difference by being here, not just for themselves, but more importantly for all others.


To be in a position to make a major sacrifice for ones fellow beings and to give all that you have for them, is to be at one with the Father.


No person, no spirit of the Father's creation, can do more with their time here on this earth, but to walk in love and harmony knowing that peace of mind, which can only come by being in the Grace of the Father.


To feel that calmness and certainty of action is a fulfilment greater than any other and I am asking you all now to look around you and see where your destiny, your objective in coming here, is now calling you to fulfil its bidding.


Everywhere around this globe of human existence in many different forms and many different levels of privilege, there are requirements that are asked of each and every soul.  Not all have it with in them to make a sacrificial effort as many are too impoverished in body and soul.


It is to these souls that you can make a difference by giving what you have and affording a love in giving, which will warm to giver within and give satisfaction and hope to the receiver.


I do not implore you to make your sacrifice in the grand manner or to change your course so that your responsibilities are left by the wayside, but I do ask that you show consideration to others who are in need and as this country asks you for your help, understanding and cooperation, you will consider what you can do for those who are worse off than you are.


Compassion and understanding lead to hope and achievement as those who receive from you when you give what you can in truth and with love will smile upon you and when such a time occurs that you are in need, our heavenly Father will be able to ensure that you are given that helping hand.


No one is safe from want.  All the money in the World does not bring total security of love and health.  To be loved and cared for is a right that is expected by some, but they have to earn it for themselves by the way they live and act towards others.


So I am asking you to look into your hearts and to find there that compassion which the Father put there and the conscience which tells you what is right and what is not, because there you will find what you need to do to expand your being and to be able and willing to give to the greater good.


When you are there you will find me waiting with a smile and a steady hand to ensure that you achieve what you set out to do along that road of good intensions.


The Father and I and all those who love you will bless you for what you do, so do not be found wanting and give what you can, when you can and feel the Grace within as you are warmed with the blessings of success.






04 May 2010

Be Ready for the Changes to Come

During these dark days ahead when you feel that you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, remember that you are not alone and that many walk with you and take what pressure off you as they can.

It is all about to happen and you will feel, as everybody else does, that you have been duped and let down.

There are dark days ahead for everybody just now and that cannot be changed, as the World slips into a period of remorse that it can do nothing about.

For far too long 'We' have been telling you all that it cannot go on as it is, but few of you have listen to the consequences of your actions.

You all wanted to take more out of the jar than you had earned and that meant that you were taking out somebody else's.

Each and every soul has to learn that they cannot have what they haven't earned and everything must be shared out with those who do not have enough.

This may sound to you like a contradiction in terms here, but it is not so.

Every person has a right to have what they need – fresh water and food and shelter – and this goes for every soul and every being all around this earth plane of existence.

Nobody is entitled to take more than they need if they haven't earned the right to have it and to simply take it because you can, is not acceptable to the Father or 'His' children here on Earth.

The Father gave enough for every one to have enough and by working for the Greater Good each and every soul could not only survive but live in peace and harmony.

This has not been the case and, through great greed, disasters have occurred to the material world and to the world of life through the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms of the Earth.

Now is the time when the day of reckoning is coming.  Yes, my friends it is pay back time and all will have to pay.  Those who cannot afford it will have to stand up and work for the Greater Good.

The old and the young, the ill and the sick, the good and the gracious will be looked after if they ask for help from the Father with a loving heart with the right and noble intensions.  They will be answered and will survive.

Those who are filled with self and ego of themselves, who refuse to listen and are deaf to the words of 'God' will lose and fall.  This process has already started to happened, so watch and wait and look into your own hearts to see who you are and what you love most.

The people who are kind and loving and help those they can, will find that they are themselves helped, so that the gentleness of loving vibrations within them will buoy them up as those with heavy vibrations of self aggrandisement and greed will start to fall.

Watch and wait, but not for long because all must choose now to turn to the Father and be guided in love or to turn away and sink into the Darkness of Ignorance and await their time of enlightenment before they can rise again.

I urge you to consider right now and through the love of those who have already passed on from this plane of existence, but who choose now to work in your favour if only you will listen to them.

You can retreat from your mistakes and stand up in the light and play that vital part to lift the vibrations of this planet by lifting your own to join all those who will believe and trust in a Higher Power who loves them well.

May you become enlightened and may you progress to the place prepared for you in my Father's house, where there are many mansions and one is awaiting you until you are ready to move in.

God blesses us all and we must learn that through our own behaviour we are made into who we are and that no other can do it for us.
