30 April 2019

Climate Change or Doomsday

          Take a good look at the way that the earth plane is developing and make up your minds about what you feel that you want to do about it.  We all have free will and that includes matters of Universal proportions.

          It is frankly undeniable that the temperature is rising steadily causing the ice to melt and the sea levels to rise.  Carbon emissions from the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, petrol and gas, are on the increase and this cannot be coincidental.

          The lines of demarcation are clear that those who have an interest in making money out of these products, directly or indirectly, favour no change and wish to be left to continue the pollution to burn away the ozone protection of this planet.

          Protests are becoming more common these days, but do they have any overall effect on our politicians or the leaders of industry to reverse the trend?  It seems that the people in power have only a short vision of the future.

          It is so often the younger generation that tend to care the most and this is not surprising when one realises that they will face the greater disruption to the natural rhythms of this planet.

          The temperature is steadily increasing and the sea is steadily rising.  The trees that reverse the trend by converting the carbon dioxide back to oxygen are being felled at an astonishing rate and their burning adds to the problem.

          There is no doubt that a rising world population will have less land to live on and less food to eat, as the sea becomes polluted by Mankind’s waste and the plastic found in it, ends up in the stomachs of the species who live there.

          There is no doubt that the time is starting to run out and sensible people, who love this beautiful planet, are listened to and then ignored.  It is the scientists and the naturalists who hold the facts, but does anybody want to hear them and change the trend?

          One would be forgiven for thinking that those closest to the Creator of this world and the Universe outside, would be receiving messages from the Spirit World, Heaven or the life beyond to encourage Mankind to stop and think and use their free will for the Greater Good.

          Where are the religious leaders, who hold power over their flocks and congregations?  Are they speaking out to the industrial giants and producers of oil and coal to moderate their use of these harmful products and clean up this world?

          It seems that if you have enough money, you can be allowed to continue your rattle of death and bring pain and misery to those who are too weak to stand up for common sense.  I would ask you to consider the Tobacco Industry and the American Gun Lobby as examples.

          If we take this as an act of free will, we will see that we are being used by the takers of this world at the expense of the givers and the smoke screen of lies and greed is forever blocking common sense, as those who make their living dealing in death flourish.

          Where in all this darkness are those who purport to pedal goodness and spiritual love?  Their careers are still in the past explaining the old texts from religious scriptures, when they should be acting and teaching the needs of the 21st Century.

          Life is being made to resemble a Hollywood block buster of Good versus Evil, only here there is no magic ending, as there won’t be that miracle big enough to overcome the free will of our own making and choosing.

          It is possible, but only if Mankind start to grow in a meaningful way, by putting aside the material pleasures of this world and admitting the smoke screen put out by the violators of a balanced world, where all can gain.

          The people who care, must put aside the products that endanger their future.  Everybody who can have a say must speak and save this planet for all time.  It is no use leaving it to others, as we are all responsible for our actions.

          It should be known that we take our own responsibilities when we pass, but we are also responsible in those groups that we belong to, such as family, the workplace, our nations, religious inclination and Mankind as a whole.

          We need to be aware, least we neglect our obligations.  Our Heavenly Father is fully aware of our shortcoming and our ignorance.  He loves us despite them and will never let us fall away entirely, but we will have to become reconciled with our omissions and put them right as far as we are able.

          As we remain spirit in a human form, we are no less responsible for our actions.  Let your actions speak truth and let your words remember others.  None of us are alone and we cannot survive without each other.

          We must all do what we can to save this beautiful world and not allow it to crumble into dust, because we were too busy enjoying the material life to keep our eye on the ball, which is the future of this globe on which we and all earthly life have a right to be.

          Know that your thoughts and actions are fully known in the World of Spirit or Heaven if you prefer.  The Higher Intelligence gives everyone the opportunity, so I ask if you are strong enough to take it and I say Amen to that.

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