22 January 2017

We Are All One Family Together

          As the world settles down after the threats to its safety over the Christmas and New Year, we must all carry hope in our hearts and in our prayers to our Almighty Creator.

The hate and negative vibrations must be replaced by the love between all peoples, where we share what we have in common and work to heal our differences.  The competitive spirit, one against another, can be destructive to the Greater Good.

We are all in need, otherwise we would have nothing to strive for, but we need to understand that we progress faster and more securely when we progress with the right intentions.

Spiritual Law is very clear that one cannot benefit on the back of another, to take because one can is not a moral or a goodly thing to do.  To give because one can is a different kettle of fish!

I taught Mankind to love his neighbour and I was asked, “Who is my neighbour?”  I told him the parable of what is today called the Good Samaritan about a man, who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho.

You will remember that he was attacked by robbers and left to die and those who considered themselves to be godly, walked by on the other side.  However a complete stranger from a different land came and had compassion on him.

He looked after him and took him to the local inn and paid all his expenses, so that he could recover and promised the innkeeper more if needed when he returned.  Then I asked my questioner, “Who then is your neighbour?”

We all need to look outside the box and recognise those in need outside the circle of our immediate family and friends.  Have we forgotten or no longer care that we were all made in the image of our Creator?

We are all one family of the human race and we all have different needs, but the same goals of peace and love within our circle of family and friends.  We all need to look outside these parameters and recognise ourselves as part of the greater family of humanity.

There is too often a growing motivation of, “Why should I help?  What is in it for me? If I cannot gain from this situation them I will walk by on the other side and leave it to another.”

Are we all too busy and selfish today to stop and help another with whatever they need regardless of their nationality, colour or financial standing?  The riches of this world are in the hands of just a very few people, many of whom are only interested in making more!

What will they say when they arrive into the next life, as to what they did with their lives on earth.  Making great wealth is only worthy of what you do with it and how many make money for those who need it?

We all have our standards and reasons for having this lifetime to learn and reflect on the need for existence and how best to spend our time here.  What better way is there than to serve each other?

At what is known as the Last Supper, when I knew that I was to leave my friends and disciples, I showed them a lesson to carry with them all the days of their lives.  I showed them how to serve one another as equals.

It takes no ego to humble oneself for those who you love and it is here that your journey of service to others should start and be expanded, as you live and as you progress with your spiritual lives together.

As I washed the dust of the journey from the feet of my disciples in that little room, I was filled with the joy of service to them, just as we are all rewarded for selfless acts that we carry out for others in need.

We are all equal in the eyes of God they say and this is true according to our love and humility that we show to each other.  As all parents know, we love our children even when they make mistakes and behave badly.

Some stay at home and work together with each member of the family and some go off into the world and enjoy their inheritance.  If they behave badly they will waste it away before they have learned the value of it and indeed may then come home, empty handed.

The Great Intelligence above our own, who many call God, will not punish that child, but welcome him, because he has seen the error of his ways and will be able to change his wasting ways for the better.

He will have been in the greatest pain and despair before he returned to his father asking for his love, compassion and understanding.  What would you do, welcome him home again or send him empty away?

We all need to use our minds to think out and understand the needs of others and the reaction that occurs by the way we act ourselves.  If we wish to be loved then we must love our neighbours and see to their needs as well as our own.

When we pass from this world and are asked what we did with our lives here on this earth plane of existence, do we point to the piles of money that we left behind or are we able to see all those that we helped along the way?

We all need help at times ourselves, so how can we expect us to receive it, if we are not worthy enough through the charity that we give out to our fellow man, woman and child? I say Amen to that.

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