23 March 2016

All the Answers to Our Problems Lie within Ourselves

          The way is clear for the energies from On High to fulfil the needs of humanity, which has spent so much time in the destruction of each other and the environment around them.  They have to learn to accept the wisdom of the Higher Intelligence to guide them into turning their mistakes and errors around.

          For far too long the people of this earth plane have used their freewill for their own ends and have not considered the effects that their actions have had on the people and the natural resources around them.

          It is important to understand that each and every one of us has the ability of creation of thought.  These usually are put into action and therefore it is what an individual gives out to the immediate vicinity around them, but equally to the very Universe itself.

          Everything is made up of energy.  According to the vibrations, so that energy will be light or heavy and also good and useful or bad and destructive.  The lighter energies are more positive and faster vibrating.  The darker and heavier energies are more sluggish and less beneficial.

          According to a person’s vibration of their thoughts and actions, so they can be recognised for who and what they are.  Those with loving vibrations of light and positive thoughts will be the givers of this world and will act for the better of the Greater Good and all Mankind and the natural forces of this world.

          However, where the vibrations are heavy and sinister in their demeanour, that person can be felt and seen as a taker for themselves at the expense of others.  They will not care to consider other people’s feelings, as long as they get what they want for themselves.

          As we all now have our existence in the 21st century, which is a continuum of science and technology, it is about time that thinking spiritual beings started to learn how the Spirit works and how they are motivated in this modern world.

          So often people, who are given hints as to the likes or dislikes of the people that they meet, are not in tune with their own abilities to feel and understand the energies around them through their own auras.

          Each and every soul has an aura, which reflects their energy qualities of themselves.  According to their physical health and spiritual progression they cannot hide from other spiritual and discerning beings their true state of being.

          Sometime it is said that it was love at first sight and this is where two souls touch compatible auras and are united as one for all time.  They will be givers and will give to each other throughout their time together.

          Their love will be unconditional and they will have happiness together no matter what life throws at them.  They are blessed in their compatibility, which cannot be created, except by the equality of their energies.

          Where these energies are not fully compatible, there are going to be eruptions according to the degree of differences.  Where there is a giver and a taker paired together, the giver will be under great pressure and however much they give it will never be enough, until eventually they will be destroyed.

          It is an incredible fact that so many souls are totally ignorant of these basic facts of life.  They enter into relationships for many different reasons and would appear to rather make a risky choice than wait until the right balanced energies come along.

          To many souls who read this and are offended by what they see as a direct attack on the way that they have chosen in the past, I would ask them to look analytically at relationships that they know and to see the wisdom of the words that I bring.

          The blind are so often unseeing, because they don’t want to see the truth and will go to many lengths to refute the obvious, simply because they think that they will be seen as foolish if they admit to their failure of choice.

          Why do so many pretend that they are happy and successful when so many are miserable and suffering behind closed doors, simply because they fear to be judged by their neighbours?

          How many are concerned by how they are seen by their fellow man and yet ignore the Father Creator, who made them in love and is always there to give help and guidance to those who ask for it in the right and proper way.

          It is no use expecting others to do that on your behalf, because only you are responsible for your actions and those who purport to hold confession for the relieving of manmade sins are themselves lying in the face of the God, who they purport to serve.

          All the answers to our problems lie within ourselves.  Common-sense is far greater than is given credit for.  It is after all the listening to our conscience which speaks clearly if we listen and if we listen honestly then we can understand what it is saying to us.

          However if we turn away, because we don’t want to hear it, then we are turning our back on the light that our Creator shines out for us and, by ignoring it, we turn and walk the other way to gratify our own wishes ahead of the needs of those around us.

          Listen to that inner voice of conscience and know that it is true, unless we prefer the darkness of ignorance, where we will hide away our sorrows for longer than it takes to face up to them and seek help from the unconditional love that is always there if we open our hearts and ask honestly for its true help.

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