20 February 2015

Must Try Harder and Do Better

When we look around the world and see the continued plight of man’s inhumanity to man, it is not too difficult to hear the voices of the unenlightened ask why ‘God’ allows it all to happen.

If Our Father Creator intervened every time a person got it wrong there would be no freewill and no lessons learned.  The main objective to this life on this earth plane is to learn and feel the responsibilities that we all have for each other.

Abusing the ones who are weaker than us is no way to advance a loving and harmonious attitude and it is one that we will regret when we are faced with our actions and have to make amends through positive thought for our so often selfish ways of living for our own pleasure regardless of the pain we sow.

Far too many have turned their backs on the Higher Intelligence believing that they can be their own person without any help of divine instruction or intervention.  It is quite laughable how many excuses are trotted out to explain why they think that when you die you are dead and that is all there is to it.

What a complete waste of existence it would be if there was no hereafter or further existence to follow and all one had to do was to live to one’s own satisfaction and not care for anybody else at all.

It seems that there is no contact with past souls and no guidance ever given through the conscience of the mind.  It is as though their history is a closed book from a spiritual point of view and that all the prophets who ever came and all the soothsayers and wise women were living and existing in a different level of life beyond their knowledge and understanding.

Such is the way of the world to so many and they presumably have never had a psychic experience themselves and frown on others who believe, nay know, that they have.  It is a much commoner experience than many people believe for those who live by the Spirit and feel the love and guidance know that we are not alone and couldn’t live right if we were.

Left entirely to his own devices Mankind would certainly become extinct in double quick time.  Religious Houses and powerful lobbies seek to control the mind-sets of their so called flock in order to have power over them for their own good and little care or right teaching is given to the followers.

Too much of this life on earth is about ‘what is in it for me’ and ‘if I break the rules can I get away with it?’  You can only get away with it some of the time before it all catches up with you and that is because you are exposed to the Higher Intelligence, who believes in transparency and open living for the wellbeing of others.

Much goes on behind closed doors in this physical part of the world and nothing is to be exposed as the miscreants protect their own backs, but it always finds a way of leaking out and justice can so often be found, even if it takes a while to become apparent.

Nothing escapes the Higher Intelligence and all has to be paid for before a soul can move on.  There are no carpets in the Spirit World that can be used to sweep ones mistakes and errors underneath it, because everything is transparent and open.

Until men, women and children start to take responsibility for their actions and even start to think of the consequences before they act, how can there be love instead of hate between neighbours and family members alike?

I always taught that you reap what you sow and this is the most fundamental rule of law throughout all existence.  This is the foundation of all justice.  You cannot reap a better harvest than the quality of the seeds that you sowed.  If you use good seed and tend your crops, your achievements will be exactly what you deserve for what you invested.

All our rewards come from On High according to our desserts and what we have earned so shall we reap.  Spiritual Law is very simple.  It is man and woman who make it complicated.

Innocence of childhood should be the bedrock from which young souls learn happiness and love, as they should evolve into growing up slowly and tested by the explorations and caring for their environment to develop strength and optimism within the humanity of all peoples far and near.

Today they are thrust into the violence and abusive greed of bad notions almost from the very start.  They are not protected by the family members or a society of friends, as too often they find themselves acting alone and being made to conform with outside interests of others and not for the Great Good either.

It is time now that all thinking and caring people should look around at what Mankind is creating and decide if it is for the better or the worse of future generations.  One cannot live in the past, but must look to the future to see what we are creating now in the present as our legacy to be passed on.

One thing is for sure.  What we sow we will reap and so will others around us if they are content to allow the easy way out and not secure the very best for their family and their friends.

When they leave this world, they will be shown their follies and their mistakes and the harm that they did, because they didn’t care or believe enough in their own destiny and the repercussions of their thoughts and actions.

As the school reports so often said, “Must try harder and do better” and I say, “Amen to that”.

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