17 April 2014

Lead the Way by Your Example So That Others may Follow You

             Eastertime is a season of the year when we all celebrate the new life that is given from On High to the northern hemisphere of this planet.  The southern hemisphere has already had its season of harvesting and settled down for the winter months ahead.

          Either way it should be a time of celebration to thank our Creator for what we have received or to give thanks for what we feel we have earned by our goodness to each other throughout the past year.  In reality it is a very different picture, where Mankind is exercising power over humanity at the expense of the weaker and poorer populations.

Man is set on a course of power grabbing for himself and is dismissive of the needs of his fellow man in the street or down the country lane of life.  Until Man learns that every created being has a right to the basic necessities of life, whether that is in the deserts or the congested centres of city life, there will be no peace in the world.

          I came two thousand years ago to bring a message from our Creator to ALL men, women and children on how to live together in harmony and peace.  There was a Church founded in my name, but not on the principles that I taught.

          What matters is not the external grabbing of worldly wealth, so that the ones at the top of the pile can have luxuries every day of their lives, but what is in their hearts and minds to help all others who are in need.

          Politicians, Church leaders and bankers have all the opportunities to help the people most and yet it is left to the charities and medical relief systems to hold up the fallen as best they can, leaving the wealthy and the powerful to simply look after themselves by acquiring more.

          The time is coming and has almost arrived in some areas, where the justice of Spiritual and Earthly Laws are exposing the wickedness that many have secreted behind closed doors in the hurry to acquire wealth and prosperity for themselves.

            It is no longer acceptable to be a member of their little clubs and societies of favour to get around the misdemeanours that have been perpetrated by so many on the populace of this world.  It is time that the Higher Intelligence left his calling card and it is their job to respond or be taken out.

          Until the mind-sets of all individuals are examined and set on a course of wellbeing, there can be no more excesses against the manipulation of the common peoples’ lives.  They are not common in abilities, but in receiving an unfair deal from those, who instead of dealing in love and compassion send out fear and hatred to a disjointed world.

          It is not uncommon to see this picture wherever you are living and the communications of the 21st century make it easy enough to read of the atrocities, which are being committed all over the world.  I didn’t give up my life to the Romans and the Jewish leaders in order for hurt and failure to be a pattern across the divide between this world and the next.

          Those souls, who understand the nature of my calling, will understand that it was all about love between our Father’s creations and harmony in sharing the wonders of the world and not applying a book of rules to further the ends of the greedy.

          My sacrifice was a clear example that life is everlasting and therefore nobody can escape the payment of their follies in this world or the next.  Life on this earth is but a very short time in the measurement of eternity, which our Father has granted us with his unconditional love.

          It may take a lifetime here on earth to realise that to change the mind-set from the wrongs of greed and avarice to the loving harmony of Spiritual Law is the only way that a soul can progress towards that Kingdom of Heaven of which I spoke.

          Realisation of the truth must enter into that mind-set sooner or later and to start here on this earth plane by living with the needs of one’s fellow man, rather than in squeezing out what he has got for one’s own benefit is an important lesson to understand.

          All errors and mistakes are learning curves, which must be learned fully and executed by remorse and total understanding, before that soul can move on to the Summerland of the world above.

          What I told you all is that you reap what you sow!  There is no doubting of this fact and to accommodate your errors against each other, there is an eternity to discover the truth before a soul can enjoy the fruits of his or her labours.

          It is by these fruits that you are known and by your achievements you will be recognised by those who have gone before you and made life a sweeter rather than a bitterer experience for all those that they met along the way.

          If you are not prepared to change, then so be it!  You will be taken to the Darkness of Ignorance, where you belong until you have earned the right to the unconditional love of the Father.

          It is in your hearts and minds that you must be counted and shown to shine by your deeds and actions alone.  The Church and all religious bodies have no understanding of this as they are only after power over your actions.

          Ask yourself this, “Do I really care for others or am I alone in the glitter and falsehoods of earthly life?”  When you stand naked before the judgement of heavenly love, you will be unable to hide anything you have ever done or thought.

          The future happiness of you and yours around you, depends on you seeing love and leaving hatred and fear in the darkness, as you glow in the light of goodness, so that your good deeds are a role model and a leading light to all who know you.  Amen to that.

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