27 February 2012

Listen to Your Conscience and Be Guided

Now is the time for patience, as there is so much unrest in the world at large that we must all look to ourselves and the part that we play in the whole.  We are all individual creations, who are set on a path of discovery for ourselves, our progression and the greater good of all others.

It is not possible to live in isolation as we were all created to be dependent on each other, so that we would understand more about ourselves and about each other.  Living is a two way process and cannot be accomplished in isolation.

We need patience to allow for the right time to come when we can justify looking within our own selves to try and understand what it is we are and who we are trying to be.  If our prime motivation is for ourselves, we must try and understand that this is caused by isolating ourselves for self-gain and glory in whatever form.

We all have ego and that has the prime function of driving us forwards and creating an effect on those around us.  We are often trying to establish our strength and success in the eyes of others at whatever cost to our own self-advancement.

Too much ego causes a strong message to be sent out that we are only interested in ourselves and not in the people around us.  We put our own interests before the greater good.  This is materialism and negativity at its worst and shows little regard for our purpose in life.

To accumulate ‘wealth and material success’ will avail us not at all in the way of the worlds as we move from this dimension into the next.  Whether we leave here in a golden coffin or on a funeral pyre doesn’t make us any better in the eyes of the reception that awaits us.

What we do take with us is the ‘character building’ of our inner selves.  We make our own ‘self’ by our deeds whether they are for good or ill.  They stain our very being with light vibrations of goodness or by the dark vibrations of mistaken opportunities.

When we look at the good people of the past that have perhaps inspired us to greater efforts for the greater good, who can sense that inner motivation that they all had in working selflessly for other people.  Thus they are rewarded with a ‘saintly’ aspect.

If we all work and listen to the conscience that advises us always on the rights and wrongs of our actions, then we will not overrule it by our selfishness to take only what we want out of life without putting back enough to make a difference for the better by our being here.

We all come down to this plane of activity to carry out good missions and to change the way things are for the better.  Some of us can get trapped by the glitter of material wealth and fame, so that we ignore what is truly there for us to achieve and wander away on journey of self-interest.

To be guided by ones inner thoughts of righteousness is not a vain dream, but a true reality.  By your fruits you will be known.  By your actions you will be seen and judged to have succeeded in goodness or walked by on the other side.

We all reap what we sow.  That is the Law of Cause and Effect, so when we cultivate our actions into fruitfulness all can be seen by others beyond this sphere of activity, so that we can hide nothing and our own harvest is clear to everyone.

No material wealth here is worth anything – only what you did with what you had.  Remember the woman who gave her last penny away to a needy cause?  She gave all that she had and that was everything and is more deserving than a millionaire’s cheque for a small percentage of his wealth.

Listen to your conscience and be guided to be that crutch for another, because you never know when you will be in need and will be asking for some support.  That comes to all of us and we never know when that is going to be.

I bless you all.

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