03 July 2019

We Are All Equal in the Eyes of the Creator

          It is an interesting exercise to view the efforts of Mankind to set up powerhouses of religion for their followers and to compare them with the words and teachings of the Highest Intelligence, who many call God.

          Religions are for the most part manmade and man dominated.  They cling to certain texts from old documents called Scriptures and pick out the parts that suit their philosophy.  They claim to be in touch with God but suit themselves.

          Their biggest claim is that they are so high and mighty that they converse with God and we, they tell us who are not part of that conversation, wouldn’t understand it.  They must lead and we, like sheep, must follow.

          Beyond this globe of our present existence, there are no religions, only truth.  What goes on here on this earth plane, is a power struggle to control the largest number of earthly souls and to get them to pay for the upkeep of the organisation.

          Perhaps you remember the money changers outside the Temple in Jerusalem, who changed the offerings of the poor who came to celebrate the Festival of Passover but were unclean and their offerings had to converted into clean currency, so that it could be accepted.

          These money changers changed the standard Greek and Roman money for Jewish and Tyrian shekels at a conversion rate that could only be described as extortionate.  They paid the Temple elders highly for their pitch and chose the rates amongst themselves.

          The offerings of animals that were brought to be slaughtered were used to feed the Temple staff, who were on to a good thing.  The losers were those who brought their best from their little farms as a gift to God, not to feed money changers and Temple staff.

          Today, religions and religious cults are an easy way of making a good living and prospering off the gullible and unwary.  They are given promises that cannot be kept and the followers pay for their presumed salvation through their innocence.

          Our spirit within us craves for the love and guidance of the Great Spirit, who is our Creator and who gave us life.  Each day we should give thanks for what we have and not languish in not recognising what he does for us.

          So many people ask God for things and, when they do not recognise that he has given them, they say that he does not hear them and doesn’t answer their prayers.  All prayers are heard and are answered in the right way.

          We are not here to be given problems to solve that make us into better beings and expect God to take them away when we fail to measure up to them.  We need to pray for his divine help in showing us how to overcome them.

          We all face difficult tasks in our lives and many are of our own making when we don’t always come up to the standards of Spiritual Law.  We are in human form, so this does happen more often than we perhaps realise.

          So often people ask, “Why does God do this?”  “Why does he allow this to happen?”  Perhaps we should be asking why humanity so often fails and causes so much distress to the innocent and humble.

          It is about time that people realised that God has a perfect plan for us all to participate in and to learn from.  We are known individually to the Great Creator and He allows us to experience many things that initially cause us suffering and pain, but in the long run make us better souls to understand and help others to cope.

          We need to conduct a conversation with Him and to learn within our own self what He wants for us to achieve in our life on this earth plain.  God is not without; He is within us all.  We were made in His image, which means that we are made from a little bit of Him.

          We all need to make this contact and to persevere.  Miracles do happen, but not when they are not needed and there is a better and more lasting way.  We need to become in tune with our Creator.

          It is not for God to become in tune with us.  He is already perfect.  We must draw closer to him as individuals and learn what makes His perfection as we try to learn and emulate it.

Religions tend to lay down their own laws and expect us to follow without question.  If we don’t, they tend to punish.  Our Father teaches us with unconditional love through the spirit that is in unison with all goodness and holiness.

All souls created are in need of finding their own path in life and not have it dictated to by others.  Nobody can walk another’s pathway.  This they must do for themselves.  They can be helped and guided but they alone can achieve that path correctly.

Let us learn where we are at fault and address our failures.  We will feel better for having done so, as the spiritual love always rewards us when we get it right and that warmth flows freely within us.

We do not need to go to congregations and big buildings to find what we need.  We don’t even need to kneel down.  All we need is to ask for the help of the Almighty from our hearts when that is necessary.

Ignoring our problems won’t let them go away.  We need to address them directly to the source within us all and ask for help.  Then we will no longer be afraid.  We are all worthy in the eyes of our Father, no matter what we have done.

The Great Spirit will show us the way to go with unconditional love and healing.  I say Amen to that.